Lulu alone(?!) in a forest with no witnesses - edition
last thread: Patch 7.12 notes:
Champs stats and info: Champion gg or lolalytics com
Lulu alone(?!) in a forest with no witnesses - edition
last thread: Patch 7.12 notes:
Champs stats and info: Champion gg or lolalytics com
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graves bf when
How much would you guys pay for the following PC? I'm going to upgrade to one of them new AMD CPUs so I can stream LEAGUE OF LEGENDS.
CoolerMaster MasterCase Maker 5
i7 6700K with Noctua NH-D15
GIGABYTE Z170X Gaming 3 Motherboard
32GB DDR4 G.SKILL Ripjaws V 2400 MHz RAM
EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 FTW3
EVGA 750G Fully Modular PSU
Is $1500 a good deal? It's never been used for Bitcoin mining, etc.
comfy bfs~
im hairy enough for ya babe how qt are you?
I feel like Wu Kong needs a rework. Not because he is OP, but because his play pattern is the most boring shit imaginable. E,Q, W five hundred times until the enemy is low enough to die to E, Q, R.
How the fuck do i untilt myself? Ive been losing a lot the past 4 days and i even feed in the games i win.
Im starting to lose my shit at this point...
learn nunu jungle or support
fuck off
He needs a new passive 100% and his kit can definitely be made more interesting.
If there's a Diver rework I pray he and Diana are major candidates for it
take a break, play some norms, stop thinking so much about the game, do some memeshit for the fun of it. find out what is casuing this stress and making you perform poorly.
If you take him mid and slap on Lethality, your Q does most of their health.
why do you keep doing this?
comfy bfs~
>If Vayne attacks her target 3 times they become "Hunted"
>Vayne gains significant bonus movespeed facing "hunted" targets and gains true sight of them
>Final Hour applies Hunted to the nearest enemy
Tryndamere has to be one of the worst designed champions in League of Legends.
1) His passive is stupid, if you can trade with him level 1 it's not that bad, but for champs with weak early games it's a free 35 percent crit chance. Not only is this a flat stat, it's crit chance, which means there is RNG involved.
2) His Q IS ANOTHER FLAT STAT. AND IF YOU FUCK UP, YOU CAN HEAL 25 PERCENT OF YOUR HP RIGHT BACK, and if you're low, you gain massive amounts of AD (when you press R basically)
3) His W is a decent ability, but makes no sense with his kit. You are def not supposed to sit and fight trynd, you are supposed to kite and run, but if you turn around not only are you slowed, you lose AD. Combined with his passive, if you go to trade and he crits you, you will have to run, but you can't. There goes your lane.
4) I am not sure trynd should have such a long dash when combined with his other abilties. More on this later.
5) His ult is super balanced and has a lot of counterplay and has a clear indicator and nothing should be changed and it is extremely healthy. Kappa123. Very hard to outplay considering if you run then you get slowed, if you are gonna kill him well you gotta wait 5 seconds minimum and in that time he can just E away or some jazz.
6) His E and R combo is dumb because he can E in, if hes gonna lose he pops R and autos, and then E's out.
I'm not paying more than 50% for aftermarket
If I were shopping for one, I wouldn't give you more than $800
Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums up on NA again
pass vidya
all ranks, etc welcome
join up
so basically a huge flat out nerf
it doesnt fix any of her issues, not does it add any new and unique gameplay mechanics
its so terribly retarded and bad that even riot wouldnt do this
You sound like a poorfag.
To get this shit thread deleted
On the contrary, not throwing money away on used electronics have helped me save a lot of money.
But her passive is already good??
I want Camille to evicerate me like this! :3
uhhh iGN?
that's gross
She literally does that to a loli in one of her short stories IIRC
King Grey~
Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums up on NA still
password is vidya
join uP!!
Xth for 2x4s and restful sleep
who is you and why are you doing this??
delete this faggot thread
report it until it gets nuked so we can get a real thread
>Post an overly censored lewd
>Gets deleted almost instantly and I'm hit with a 20 minute block
Mods are consistent as ever I see.
vg vs vg place bets
can someone explain to me why anyone -- let alone multiple people -- like travis gafford? i'm not even trying to hate, but dude always seemed like one of the least polished "interviewers" i've ever seen. like, basically what you'd get if you took a socially awkward basement dweller and gave him an "esports job". he's not the most obnoxious memer of the league esports bunch, but he's up there.
so, what gives? why is this guy appreciated? it can't honestly just be that every awkward, unemployed gamer identifies with / wants to be him, right?
Im just afraid of quitting the game because it took me a long time to get back in my tracks.
Get back to my dungeon, I'm not done breeding you yet.
>caring this much about the OP
you are one sad fuck user
shucks id love to bet but i don't know who thyrelief is playing, i just cant make an accurate bet with the information provided and for that reason im out
>I actually got added for this
Please add me!
IGN: ImThem
xth for breast metal waifu
Add me! I want to discuss how much of a shitter I have been less of lately.
Changing Vaynes passive so that she has to hit you to get her movespeed instead of just pressing R and running you down
whats the problem with that exactly?
what could I have done with a team like this? Everyone says to carry but theres no way you can be so good that you could carry THIS right? plus mid isn't my primary
>tfw Rakan could body Darius in a fist fight
Vastaya master race
whats the problem with her current passive? Or sivirs passive?
Did you get rekt by vayne and now you want to see her nerfed?
but why with me?
I have a bunch of adds from lolg anons just stacked
feels pretty gud but I dont really wanna have anyone added from here
I'm gonna take this shit post seriously
If Rakan and Darius were to fist fight, might isn't in Rakan's favor. The best he has going for him is being faster. He could maybe beat Darius simply by out lasting him and evading him till he's tired but if Rakan gets hit once his lily ass is down. This is how I've made sense of it.
that shit's worth $1650 new, so if you're looking for above 1200 you're retarded
>he didn't see this guy body like 10 ninjas like they're nothing
lmao noxcucks, darious is obviously compensating for something
>tfw hardstuck in gold 3
d-did I reach my skill ceiling?
what lol waifu has the longest hair?
why do people hate luluthreads?
Its better than a miniscule image of a blue potion isnt it
at least you get to see a cute girl
unironically Lulu
How do I mantheon in bloodmoon?
>if Rakan gets hit once his lily ass is down
Stop taking yourself so seriously and acknowledge that you're probably really bad at this game.
Ya just lose some, like I know everyone says carry harder and its hard to take seriously but i really think its a grind I just took fakers advice, if you can find champions you like and have more than 50% winrate on them you will eventually climb
I have one account in D3 just maining thresh/supps
and one account in gold maining Kled/Syndra
and ya just gotta lose some because if you win then its the enemy team going "WTF HOW DO I CARRY??? THIS
doesn't matter what kind of thread it is as long I can post her
at the very least exchange it with Sivirs
Hate how you cant ever run from vayne because of the perpetual movespeed bonus
"fixing" something thats working just fine and is balanced
You're hired, when can you start?
yeah youre being hunted bitchboi spread those cheeks vayne is coming.
maybe if you werent such a neet youd outrun her
Is blue smite ever the correct choice? Seems to me that red smite is about five hundred times better.
>tfw I just realized Garen syas "break their ranks" when he spins
>always thought he said "make it rain"
huh, also you can dance/taunt/joke/laugh while you spin and it wont stop the spin, looks neat with the warring kingdoms dragon
Defend this, top lane mains
I see similar builds go for $1500 in canuckistan, so whatever 70-75% of that is would probably be about right
list it for $1300US and see if anyone bites. no harm in trying
Weird, I always thought he was saying "raise the ranks!"
its good vs banshees users, malzahar, other spellshields
also on champs that get kited to hell and arent looking for 1v1s, every other situation red smite is better, or even ward smite since vision is key.
That Lee was fucking retarded.
But i KNOW i can reach plat. In season 5 i reached gold 1 from bronze with riven, thresh, and jinx only and got perma tilted after 15 loses in a row that sent me to gold 4. I quitted for the whole game for season 6 and now I went from silver 5 to gold 3 in like half a week. The problem iz that something went wrong in my brain again and im starting to lose a lot of games.
I dont know but Xin was fucking power farming champs.
Also your CS was pretty "okay" seeing as how the other ADC has double the gold of anybody on your team besides said Xin. You did better but... not much.
You could've at least gotten the other 40 CS. Or was every death after ~12 minutes
>the moment you realize lolbabs have hearing issues
>Main TF
>meet Evelynn main while playing some normals, we have a lot of fun and get along so I add them and we play a few more games
>I use the Tango TF skin and they use the Tango eve skin
>casually mentions that she is a girl during one of our games
h-how do I take it to the next step, /lolg/??
>he didnt see the cinematic where Darius took out Leona,Rengar and went head to head with Jax and wouldve killed Ahri if not for last minute intervention.
"Hey whats your skype? So we can voice chat and communicate next time."
Next time you talk to her, make it about anything besides league.
Skype/discord. Talk about the game first, then maybe every so often drop a funny or stupid story about something the game "reminded" you of. If you can make a bitch laugh, you can make her suck your dick. Even rainman managed to pick up a chick in some dennys wearing a trashbag.
>h-how do I take it to the next step, /lolg/??
Best couple.
How about you don't, you pathetic beta-orbiter.
How did you know there was a Xin there? Are you actually dumb enough to reply to your own post like that?
It's possible but I doubt it
Most people who gets stuck before diamond really aren't trying hard enough/aren't playing enough
top kek
>miss fortune ults in team fight
>kills people and leaves others with low hp
what did riot mean by this?
>just cc her bro XD
>just focus her bro XD
what did Veeky Forums retards mean by this?.
just flank her bro
>just cc her bro
dont all MFs rush that new neightveil item so they you need to cc them twice during the ult
Just don't ever stand directly in front of her.
Just don't teamfight, bro.
Not quite.
Most MFs still run the weaker crit build.
>get done with class
>walk to locker
>see this on the hallway floor
What do?
>Help her up
>put her coat back on
>upgrade her to an HD .PNG
>team fighting against MF
>not spit pushing