/bbg/ - Bloodborne General

Best Weapon Edition

Weapon At Risk >A google doc with basic information. If you're new to Bloodborne and /bbg/ READ THIS FIRST BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS

>Accessing the DLC
Note: If the eye isn't showing up, go to: Settings > Playstation Network/Account Management > Restore Licenses

>/bbg/ Fight Club:
Pthumeru - n6rc9jh8
Loran - jjpkdcgd
Isz - 9v8qndas
(every Saturday 6pm EST, general rules:imgur.com/1RjNbF4)

>/bbg/ Spelunking Club
Password = /bbg/
Create a new S/FRC chalice dungeon and beckon anons to join
Use the Short Root Chalice with the password /bbg/ to be summoned or invade
(every Friday 6pm EST, anything goes)

>Resources Pastebin - Planners, Calculators, Spreadsheets, Stats Info, Where to go next in BB, Guide Scans & Wikis

>Chalice Pastebin - General Info, Glyphs for Gems, Best Gems Setups, Multiplayer & Speedrunning

>Media Pastebin - OSTs, Concept Art & Screenshots

>Beasthood & Claws Info

>Wheel, Fight Club, Arc 101 & other Misc. Info

>Bloodborne AR Calculator



Bite me Executionerds

What are some new builds I should try?

I've done 50 STR/25 SKL, 25 STR/50 ARC, 90 ARC, SKL 50/20 STR, 25 STR, 50 BLT

Impromptu still on?

Did somebody say waifuposting?


thanks. I also never played the DLC, so I think I have a lot to do. I actually got sucked into the DLC area early in the game but stopped when I realized I was doing too shit of damage to that boss (one of those big alien things) in the area I got sent to when patches tricks you.

Arc/blt. Do it nerd. You won't.


Maybe it's time to move on user, or just spelunk coop.

It's a really fun build. I have a full roster of characters but pretty much only play on my bt/arc.


You sure? I'm not getting anyone

Make a BLT or ARC twink and one-shot people with Parasite or Bloodletter

99 Endurance.

that's not the dlc, that's the Fuck-You Frontier.

I believe Charmaigne, Gregor, Eden, and Natalie are all still there

really? someone told me it was the DLC, I never found that place on my first playthrough.


I'm a big fan of executioner's/auguring into viscerals with oedon writhe. Risky, but rewarding.
Also cauliflower cartwheeling never gets old.

That's not the DLC area, that's the Nightmare Frontier. However the DLC area is accessed in the same manner.

>mfw ran into a buffed fat roller watcher in the first layer and got immediately belly flopped
I'll try again tomorrow.


I hate fighting those idiots

I honestly didn't think this would be all that squishy guys.
I feel so soft and vulnerable.
I kind of like it, makes it more satisfying when I do get a win.

Every time I finally finish the build, I get an urge to restart all over again. How do I stop?
Any tips?

I'm getting mad fog now so I'll probably drop out soon.

Well, since my internet doesn't seem to want to cooperate anymore I guess that's it for me. Fun fights everyone, Hugo out

>people in bbg are talking about blt/arc builds
>started one haven't finished it
>it's a cosplay build
>it's a Gwyndolin cosplay build
one day I'll bring it to FC, one day

location? sorry just got here

Loran, jjpkdcgd


I showed Gregor my snake and now I can't get matched up with him anymore
Good fights Hugo, I love your character.

damn whats his routine?

> still haven't got that magical 65/15/stam heavy abyssal.
One day... One day it'll happen...
I'll have literally every single weapon I can equip +10 by then, but one day.

Judging by his bf%, SS+GOMAD.

You can do it user. It'll take a fair share of patience and determination, but evelyn + hentai hand will be worth it in the end.

That's me done for this FC. Good fights everyone

It's only been a week but playing this game again feels weird. I think maybe I just don't like it anymore.

>that guy who doesn't heal the damage he takes from transforming bloodletter

I respect it but why? Anyone would in that circumstance.

It uses Bowblade actually.
Because Gwyndolin has a Longbow?
Offhand is going to be parasite hand (without broccoli), Evelyn and Rosmarinus for guns, and Hunter Tools.
How fucked am I going to be? Honestly?

I don't heal the transformations from the bloodletter because I feel like that's part of the fun/risk of using the weapon

You embrace your weapon, how are you supposed to win but by being one with your weapon, it's am extension of you and your technique, it's the violent tool that will make your legacy come true. I embrace my weapon not for winning, but for leaving a legacy, but how to leave it if I don't believe in it in the first place, believe in your weapon user, for it's yourself, accept yourself for who you are and through knowledge of self you will acquire proficiency and obliterate in your fights

>my parasite was ungemmed

If he does it before the fight starts he should, but if its midfight a vial would heal more than the damage of the letter transform.

Try dashing into an l1 next time you trick the letter. If it hits the opponent, you take zero damage, they get floored and you get edge points for the move.

Anyone still at the FC? I want to put my BL123 vileblood to use

I'll upload the webms I have of landing the trick attack on letter after this impromptu dies down and I feel like finding my flashdrive.

Obviously with that build simon's bb gun is only good tricked out, but if you're good at outspacing you can bait attacks and fire quick shots.
The parasite is a matter of opinion, I reckon. IMO it's only worth if you go all in with gems and broccoli head, but some folks will disagree.
Evelyn is always reliable, any blt build can't go wrong with it. Rosmarinus is about the same as the bowblade, if you're good about kiting/outspacing you can get some surprisingly good damage with it.

Biggest thing to keep in mind is you'll be fragile and have little for close range, spacing and kiting are a must unless you git gud.

>have to go
>last fight
>dance around each other
>get two shot by fire sawspear
How is 28vit and a clockwise+10% rune so soft and squishy?
Oh well, good fight Bacon.
Yeah I know, I've needed a lot of help for bosses I can normally solo with Gwyndolin, I don't mind though, he a cutie.

Good taste. 28 vit won't get you very far, desu. 40 isn't even comfy.

>The Vilefag is shoehorning a Gwyndolin build into Bloodborne
I'm entirely unsurprised.

Was I being cheap, Eden? If so I apologize

I just went for the 20end and decided to dump my leftover stats in Vit with my 50/25 blt/skl and 15arc and 10str
Oh well, I gotta go, other things to do.
Gwyndolin is my fav character.

Not at all. I thought we were messing around desu. that hide and go seek match

Spelunk, anyone? You can pick the chalice

>losing to that shitty waifufag eggnog
God I'm never going to play this game again.


He has been playing really well tonight

Though I guess it doesn't matter since I was using a shitty converted LHB.
The guy is straight garbage, I must just be hella off tonight.

Rom stuck user here, after five tries nearly beat it, but the aoe got me as I thought the animation was him dying. He had a sliver of hp left and I have never felt more defeated.

Jesus, that was a close match. Good fight again, Eden.
>mfw you lost twice with an evelyn, and LHB

I have no idea how to use LHB, I've only used it three times period, not to mention the converted AR is considerably lower than physical.

>I-I-I'm not bad, h-he's bad!
Lmaoing at your life my dude

I've literally sat on the couch and watched my friend do the same thing with Amelia. It's a painful thing, user.
But if you did it once, you can do it again. Patience and awareness hoonter, you'll get through it.

How about Isz?


He's arguably pretty bad, and I'm admittedly playing like shit.

What's with these rubber pillars at the FC.

>My first win against Gregor was a tie

Didn't mean to ACB while you were gesturing

>this is the face of the antiwaifufags


Fighting letter with stake is always such a meme. Stake has zero opportunities to do anything against such a long weapon.

Segalt thank you a ton for hosting but I've gotta take a break for a while. The drops are making me too sad.
3x atk down
4x -hp
Only 3 so far have been usable, not even good.

Sounds good. Glyph is vbqacb4p and pass is bbg234

The LHB moveset is absolutely not fun in any way. Why would anyone use this without 3 blunts? Non-blunt gem damage is so mediocre, coupled with a boring moveset. Why do people like this weapon?

I'll join too but you gotta give me a few to hop on. Start without me but keep the bell ringing

No problem, if you post when you're ready I could run back to the lamp to grab you

Just about to ring small at lamp

>When Eden begins to dash R1 with Bloodletter

G-Good fight

>Brush off gesture

Pls Alice, I even put away the letter because you were whining

I meant it as a meme in a funny way. I like the matchup. I didn't meant to sound like I was complaining. Don't take my gestures or crushing vermin too seriously ever, friend.

Was that you Eggnog, yeah that was pretty lame. My bad

Well beast roar whirli almost worked but I imagine you guys took care of it from there. I'll srrc for L2
I'm going to blame my Chinese internet

>Lobos favorite weapon is LHB
really makes you think...

I have the same feeling about the hunter axe. Both weapons are incredibly weak and boring, imo. Tricked forms are just a 2h slowed down non-tricked form.

Oh ok all good. You're a tough matchup. Also that was a really fun fight Gregor

My connection isn't great either at the moment. Someone is uploading at the moment which can't be helping with the latency for you guys.

don't let impromptu die. I missed the two latest fc

I tried to parry that L2 and fucked up hard lol


Impromptu happening?



That was a really fun 6 hours. Good fights everyone. Eden out.
I think there's still some folks in Loran.

This, where we at? I want to go get destroyed on my new build.

Really not my chalice today
Didn't step on the fkn trap either

if you maybe do something else than backdash and use tools you might win

I thought you did, unless I did accidentally but I thought I was looking out for it

Either way back to srrc. See you in 2 years haha

I'll win against you one day, you stupid cauliflower

You L2ing son of a bitch don't you leave until I can get my revenge