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>weebshit in the OP
Delete and try again
Reminder that joining AWOO will be the biggest mistake you ever make.
Also both the Centurion AX and the AMX 30b are trash tier and not A E S T H E T I C.
>crying about weebshit on Veeky Forums
Delete and try again
You forgot to include the console clan and PLSGO, dickhead.
Post your favorite tank to play.
Not just the coolest looking one you own, or the one you think is the best in your garage; post the one you enjoy the most.
Where has mommyfootcummies guy been since his account got banned?
Convince me not to buy the Nameless, /wotg/
All the hate the tank gets only makes my boner harder.
Sure it has shit frontal gun depression but when you consider everything else it has, the speed, the gun, the armor, that shit is irrelevant.
>giving money to tank jews
it looks like king tiger's retarded cousin
You'll be seal clubbing freeplayers and poorfags.
I don't get why they get upset with this, it's not like the fucking tank is invincible or does a onehitKO
muh not even based in historical stuff
muh weebshit
it's about as real as 30% of soviet tree
I actually like the look, I don't play VC but it looks cute with all those armor slopes.
Nothing is as cute as the M4 with derp guns though.
Most of them are mad because WG is giving them an openly fictional tank, because paper tanks are "historically accurate" and these are "unrealistic".
How's the Nameless at ramming?
It has the weight of a medium tank, so, not so good.
GuP versions of tanks when?
Wonder if these same retards will cry foul with a Tiger P with a speed boost and very tanky or a Pz IV that can drift.
Because the stats have no base in reality whatsoever, 240mm turret armor, 220 hull armor, 40mm track and it weighs at 34 tons.
Magical weeb/german steel.
Gallian steel and ragnite will do that user.
And that's why so many people are pissed over it, because at least the paper tanks make some effort to be realistic.
Say what you want about how the VC tanks affect the meta at Tier VIII, but Edelweiss looms gorgeous in-game. Nameless was an ugly tank to begin with though, so even though it's modeled to a very high standard, it's still a bit of a monstrosity.
>Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte
Can't wait for WG to add this then to shit on "muh paper tanks are as real as real tanks.".
>because at least the paper tanks make some effort to be realistic
*looks gorgeous
>at least the paper tanks make some effort to be realistic
Check out the armor and weight of the tier 10 german and soviet light bruh.
WG took the stats of the VC tanks from the VC games, which would be balanced for the VC games.
But in WoT where the stats are balanced to realistic stats, the VC stats are fucking out of this world and makes no sense.
WoT tanks has to have a realistically based stat balance.
>because at least the paper tanks make some effort to be realistic.
It's not the first time tanks with absolutely my lad. If you wouldn't be so bloody red you would've know.
>But in WoT where the stats are balanced to realistic stats
Check out the new Maus armor values some time. It's been a long long time WG cared about "realistic stats".
*absolutely bullshit stats
>WG made an OP premium
gee what a fucking suprise
The soviet light tank can achieve that weight because of how tiny it is.
The Nameless is huge and yet all that size and armor and it only weighs 34 tons, makes no sense nor balance for the game.
>super fast Hetzer
Yes please. The only criticism I ever had of the Hetzer was that it was slow as fuck.
You don't even know what type of game Valkyria Chronicles is
posted from my balanced Defender
Just because it's not a surprise doesn't mean players shouldn't get fucking outraged over this, the Nameless will make a poorly balanced game even worse.
>WG took the stats of the VC tanks from the VC games, which would be balanced for the VC games.
Edelweiss is OP as fuck in VC1. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.
>still caring about this game
WG clearly doesn't care anymore. Why should you?
Oh please user, it's just a fucking game.
Edelweiss and Nameless aren't OP as hell.
It's has ton of weak spots and you'd have to be a retard not know and exploit them.
And if you hit the ragnite radiators, they instantly explode
It's a fucking game that's supposed to be grounded on real tanks, now they put in some fantasy ass magic tank in it.
Edelweiss is an AMX CDC with way more armor, and the Nameless weakspots are angled enough to be impenetrable to any tier 7 without gold rounds, not to mention the fucking speed that makes no sense for a heavy tank to have.
If i'm going to spend 100jewbucks, it might as well be better than freepleb tanks.
And that makes the game meta worse, it's pay2win to the max.
What did you expect? It's a f2p game dipshit
>it's pay2win to the max.
free2play games are like that dumbass.
The game used to have a higher standard than this, then they introduced paper tanks, then OP premium tanks and now fantasy anime tanks, these anime tanks has changed WoT into something else than what was originally intended, it has changed the game's identity.
Also I'd like to add that this p2w that people complain about is nothing new. For many many years full good load out is-6 was the best statpadding tank in the game
Read this
Also newfag detected
Just because it's nothing new doesn't mean it's not wrong and should be stopped.
I would have preferred if they had used to fully upgraded Edelweiss. That thing would be mental.
>It's a fucking game that's supposed to be grounded on real tanks
Sure thing, user.
>He doesn't know VC tanks are inspired by real tanks
>Hence, paper tanks that are based on "reality"
spg un-nerf when
>I would have preferred if they had used to fully upgraded Edelweiss
It'll be coming soon user and should cost 120$hekel$
All I'm hearing is a bloo bloo bloo I want this game to be something different than what it always has been
Maybe you should have considered that before investing so many hours into it :^) or maybe you should just fuck back off to reddit
It's "inspired" but set in a world where it's fueled by magical ores, it might make sense in it's own canon but it's just fantasy in WoT's world.
The game is different now than what it always has been, the game was originally about real tanks with historically accurate stats, then they went further and further and now we have a full blown fantasy tank in the game.
Play console. Devs said that the arty nerf will not hit console.
Just think of ragnite as huge electric batteries that run electric engines.
>now we have a full blown fantasy tank
Can you talk out of your ass some more?
when then i got to buy a ps4
>it has changed the game's identity
we're heading down the TF2 patch at this point but let the estrogen posse throw sissy fits over "muh cute girly tenky tenks not manly enough for muh middled aged single russians"
>70 damage away from doing the mission i've been stuck at for the past 10 months
words cannot express my anger
>T-55A LT arty hunting mission
>spot 3 arties and deal damage to them
>spotted 3 arty damaged 1 killed another
>mission not done
>have to damage all 3
>why is my pay2win game suddenly making me pay to win?
>get uncontested on hill because me and batchat vs T-100LT
>T-100 retreats
>batchat follows and runs right into a T30 backed by T-100 and RU251
>blames me for not supporting and rushing down a corridor instead of holding a chokepoint
>think I'm fucked
>friendly Emill II is climbing hill
>scares T-100 off
>Emil follows
>overextends past the dirt mound on the hill
>runs into T30 and the previous enemies that climbed back up the hill
>can't even manage to kill the 2 shot T-100
>gets killed
>blames me
Pz S35 (f)
i miss doing this
i miss being useful to the team
If you could only get one which one will you take?
>not getting the main attraction of the weeb-hating shitfest
it doesn't look as nice desu
They look the same, that they don't belong in WoT.
Neither, i'd take a Lupus Regnum though.
>posted from Skorpion G
The ugly paintjob aside, the Skorpion fits nicely in the WoT aesthetic.
So do the Valkyria tanks. Edelweiss looks a bit like an ARL 44 with a German touch, Nameless looks like an evolution of the Tiger II.
What are you talking about?
It's just a mutated tiger II after two nukes.
It looks like a fucking cartoon tank, imagine watching one of your weeb animes and all of a sudden Mickey Mouse comes in and fucks everyone.
Schakal when?
Aside from the totally fucked proportions, and stubby gun, and fucking leather mudguards with pouches on sides.
Come the fuck on, this looks nowhere near as something you would EVER see in real life.
>fucked proportions
Tsar tank
>stubby gun
> fucking leather mudguards with pouches on sides.
It's a fucking skirt with pockets.
you'll only notice it if you're driving it
You mean it looks like a Tiger II with diabetes
>Oh teh nmoez, muh MANly MAN tank gaem is being invaeded by weeb grills
Stop acting like a big baby and not just buy it , if you don't like it. You can also go the extra mile by quitting every single game that has any of them.
>Tsar tank
I like how you pick the most extreme example, and forget it was an one-off tank that was trash BECAUSE it was so stupidly designed.
Yes, compare a high velocity gun with a fucking howitzer and wonder. Thanks for proving my point.
>It's a fucking skirt with pockets
Same shit really, it's dumb.
The fact is that I will have to FIGHT them, in a fucking game that was supposed to be for realistic tanks.
>game that was supposed to be for realistic tanks
posted from O-Ni as I lob some high caliber HE at an Object 704
Oh you don't like an extreme example then what about STRV 74
>but it's real and not a paper tank
For fucks sakes, it's out of proportion for a tank as you might say.
How is STRV out of proportions?
It's structured literally like a low profile TD.
Derp, wrong tank.
Anyways, it's resembles a patton with a bit oversized turret.
And i just realized WoT blitz has the Lupus,
They existed as designs, the aesthetics match the rest of the game, it looks realistic and the stats match reality as well, instead of the VC tanks magically light armor.
The issue is that the """""realistic""""" tanks were never built and stayed on paper much like how both of """""fantasy""""" tanks you bitch about are.
It fits all the proper aesthetics of the same era tanks and the realistic numbers properly balanced mobility and armor.
The magical VC armor doesn't have to follow those rules so they made it as OP as possible.
>muh realism
yeah yeah
I expected nothing less.
these two new tanks have singlehandedly ruined this general. completely unreadable. everyone participating in this back and forth bullshit should be ashamed.
>Muh aesthetics
>Muh """""realistic"""""
>Muh free underpowered tanks
Thing is, slapping HP values on tanks makes it unrealistic though.
The gameplay is unrealistic because it's still a game, they have to take some liberties, but the tank designs are realistic and the statistics used to be based on reality as well.
As bad as the Chrysler and Patriot are, at least they follow the simple common sense rule where more armor means less mobility,
Now WG can just put any number they want instead of having to adhere to realistic limits.