/@/ - The iDOLM@STER General

Previous iM@S Thread: Archive of materials: yukipo.com
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
Official upcoming events schedule: idolmaster.jp/schedule/index.php
Streaming music: shijou.moe/imas-radio
Material translations and discographies: pastebin.com/D34BvNuJ
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/pvwsEbjQ
Upcoming events and merchandise: pastebin.com/yu6rrC2t

New here? Check out the FAQ and Resource Links: pastebin.com/icRtaLvv

Starlight Stage:
>Event: 06/19 ~ 06/26 Token "Yes! Party Time!!" (Momoka, Chie)
>Gacha: 06/17 ~ 06/22 (Atsumi, Manami)
>GBF Collab: 06/09 ~ 06/21
Cards: starlight.kirara.ca
Tracker: twitter.com/deresuteborder0
Database/Resources: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1piHtf1IziDOKwRZQ3fPBXrFOd0tItW7pf2Kjqf_jkM8

Theater Days:
>Preregistration: prereg.bn-ent.net/common/serial.php?app=imasml_theater

- Kirari's Robo Theme preview: - KR episode 8 sub + MVs: - CG Theater 917 UL: - CG Theater 902/903/906 TS: - KR OST Part 3 rips: - SideM ramen: - SS Update (June 17th): - SS Atsumi/Manami commus UL: - U149 chapter 14 TS: - CG Theater 918 UL: - Upcoming ML Update (June 18th): - CG Theater 887/896/898/899/909 TS: - Archive of : archive.is/GgBlp
- CG Snickers collab: Catsex Edition: - SS Update (June 19th): - CG Update (June 19th): - CG Theater 919 UL: - ML MEG@TON VOICE Twitter campaign: Upcoming:
June 22nd: Million Magazine volume 2
June 24th/25th CINDERELLA GIRLS 5thLIVE TOUR Serendipity Parade!!! @Shizuoka
June 28th: CINDERELLA GIRLS Theater anime BD volume 2, ED3 Sunflower

Other urls found in this thread:


Happy birthday to one of the best voices in the game.

Although she'll remain unvoiced forever.

Otoha sing me the song that will end the world

- CGVR second batch: - KR Ep. 9 trailer:

>New outfit for every single idol in the game
>MV with 5 unique dance animations
>New and better title screen
Where were you when lolis saved SS?

In the bathroom actually.

They just ported the stuff from CGVR, you know. Don't expect this to happen again anytime soon.

Nina you saved mah souuuuull

Happy birthday to one of my favorite whos.

It's not her birthday.

It makes sense. They have to make up for the fact that we got a loli event.


From the Beit Relax Time Box.
Gonna re-upload Dramatic Stars later as those weren't direct rips because I was bad. These are, though.

Close enough.


It'll be in 90 minutes.

Do you have to talk? Also stop shaking. It's distracting.

Hear hear

I bet Yes! Party Time gets a higher T1 cutout than Love Letter.
Momoka > Uzuki


ooh you lose


Why does Miria have horns?

Because it excites me.

Miria is a bad girl.

don't be mean with the chuuni.


Ranko is made for cuddles

Ranko I am going to touch you


Intense fondling with Ranko

Every idol unit needs its members to fill the classic archetypes: Angel, demon, mother, prostitute and judge.
Miria is the demon.



Touching your butt little girl


why Ranran is so easy to molest?


Crazy times with Takumi's Pussy.

what's the point of this idol



> Kanzaki_Ranko + bullying = no result

Yuko I love you.



To stop this cunt

>that pantyhose peek above her shorts
Bad girls get molested.


/@/ is no longer as we used to remember.

Rubbing my hand all over your face gurl.

>Not "someone grab a hold of that pussy"

One job translator, one job.

Thanks Yuko.

Kaede you get headpats

Why is she cleaning it on the roof

Why is there a hose on the roof



>Why is there a hose on the roof

That isn't remotely strange.

To clean your dragon of course.



The office dragon can clean after herself.

don't worry ranko. you still my favorite chuu2

D-delete that

Ranko I'm touching your butt

Rumi a cute.


I'm still sad this guy couldn't get her to rank.

Non-lewd activities with Ranko.

CG Theater ED events when

Kissin' on Ranko

What might those be?

> Using string matching in nested if statements to determine GPU settings
This feels hacky.

Just rubbing a bit of menthol gel on her body.

Playing Chunni games.


Cool it's just like Silent Hill 2

I can't believe Yuki is fucking dead.




It's hacky, yes, but that part is actually a fallback if it for some reason can't access the quality_android table from the internal db.
But the hilarious thing is the fallback is more upto date than the internal db.

Entire method here (from a few month old client because I'm too lazy, but should be basically the same minus newer GPUs being added) pastebin.com/KmeSfQPA

what with dorks and why they are so sexual?


That singleton.

Books were a mistake.

I just started playing SS again after a several month hiatus. Now when I play a song, the notes desync about 15 seconds into the song. I can pause and close the game, come back to it and it'll be fine, then desync after another 15 sec of play.

Anyone know how to fix this? I have the latest version of the game of course and I'm using a Galaxy S6 so it shouldn't be a hardware problem.

>Samsung galaxy

Definitely a hardware issue




Something something self-esteem issues



I'll help Ranko with her self-esteem issues by explaining in graphic detail just how attracted to her everyone is.


She needs to get over them before lewd things,


Speaking of dorks

If you have the latest version of Android on your S6, then that's just what happens. I haven't updated so I can still play the game just fine on my S6 edge. Unless you find a way to downgrade, either play without sound and tap as best you can or play on another device.


The cutest dork.
