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Give me youre interpretation of the lothric civil war or silent power grab! any headcanon will do.


Watch Plague playing Dark Souls!

Does SL matter with password matchmaking?
sidhepock on twitch

Pontiff Sulyvahn got butthurt, told Lothric not to link the fire, and shitted everything up. End of story.

Click this link!


>Here's a bonfire at the bottom of the church elevator, and a straight line through several mobs in an un-invadable area to the very next bonfire!
>Here's a bonfire right in the middle of the swamp, just a few trash mobs away from the bonfire at the start of the area!
>Here's yet another bonfire at the bottom of a ladder, where the only thing in your way is two non-respawning NPCs!
>Putting out those two flames must have been hard work! Here's a bonfire for your efforts!
>Were those passive Corvians right after the door too tough for you? Have a bonfire! Right next to a shortcut that you'll never use because of this bonfire!
>Need a breather after the Crystal Sage bonfire? Did those two machete hollows and that one lone Evangelist really kick your ass? Bonfire! Don't worry about invaders in this area either!

No, also that same user who wants to play

Sulyvahn was a scholar of the Grand Archives, and after discovering the Profaned Flame underneath his hometown of Irithyll, demonstrated the power to Lothric and convinced him to not link the fire
however, the main religious branch of Lothric is all about linking the fire, and rallied behind the winged knights and Gertrude.
Though, it seems that a lot of time has passed since then, with Sulyvahn going back to Irithyll, claiming title of Pontiff, getting gud with magic and his lmao2greatsword techniques, as well as making friends with Aldritch

What do you want to do?

>everyone always talks about how OP DWGR was in DaS1
>"let's give everybody at 70% equip load the same type of bullshit overpowered roll, only make it cost less stamina!"
>thus Roll Souls 3 was born

Serious lore question
Why did Pontiff Sulyvahn's dick get chopped off? Did they try to Gwyndolinify him?

it seems that the multi-bonfire areas have much more to do with the invasion zones than actual logical bonfire placements
for instance, you can't invade in Dragonslayer armor area, but there are invasion areas on either side of it (grand archives and lothric castle)
in addition, the Crystal Sages area to Cathedral is not an invasion area, but just after and just before are.
I think I just plain disagree with you about the Farron Keep bonfires, they are welcome respite in a relatively tough early area.

>start scrolling your art blog
>cute dark souls art, suddenly tits

>people are STILL playing Dark Souls 3
Literally why

should off yourself

are quality builds still any good, or is it more worth it to make a dedicated str and a dedicated dex build?

Wow, him being a complete asshole all the time makes a lot more sense now.

Maybe it got frostbite and fell off in the painted world.

jesus christ he's fucking terrible!
>those 3 freeaim whiffs
why the fuck do people watch this meme streamer


You still have any area bosses alive?

because he draws bad porn

Maybe he did it to him self to prove his loyalty to the sword.

>tfw no fun fist weapons in DaS3

Besides the ones I'm leaving alive on purpose, no.

He's more of a scholar/sorcerer than a warrior really.

Jim did you just die to Heysel
Set your sign again

For item swapping does the item swapped need to be the same?

Long Sword > other right-hand weapon
Ring > other ring
or can I go alchemist
Pants > ring
Shield > armor piece

At what point does leveling VIG get you less value than leveling VIT? Where should you cap?

What's the minimum amount of stats needed to make vestiges viable. On another related note, is vestiges required for a viable Quality/pyromancy build? Still trying to puzzle out how to both sling fire and get use out of the Ringed Knight SS.

25/25 sounds like a good starting point, then work your way up to 40/40. You want shit like Black Flame, Black Serpent, Surge, Vestiges and maybe GFCO if you want to sacrifice a ring slot for it.

Do whatever, turn a throwing knife into darkmoon blade
depends on how much armor you want

Continue on with your stream, most of my characters are all low level anyway since I'm starting them back up from nothin. And the highest have is a 140 guy for ducking around.

Somebody wanna gank in the Swamp?

How much poise is usually enough for most ultras?

cuz unironically it's the worst RPG but descent hack and slash we got in 2017.

I aim for 27-31, but hyper armor frames are weird as fuck, or maybe I just dont know enough about that

>38 replies
>page 8

Vigor doesn't have a soft cap like other stats where there's a perfect value and then drops off hard. It slopes off gradually between 27 and 50, where you get less and less out of each level as you go. But to answer your question, anywhere above 35 and below 45 is usually a good place to stop.

As for Vit, only level it to wear the armor you need for poise and/or fashion while staying just under 70%. There is something to be said about flat defenses, but it's generally not very efficient to level for that alone.

Quick /dsg/, should I make a faith/dex or a pyro caster build?

>tfw the only fun we had they took away from us

Is fire surge really worth it? From what I can tell it just chugs your focus for some damage.

Pyro. Faith before you reach at least Lothric Castle is pretty damn shitty outside of Dorhys' Gnawing, and most of the best Miracles are locked behind bosses (Nameless King, SoC) or ultra late DLC (Lightning Arrow).

At least with Pyro, you can walk out of Smouldering Lake with most of what you want, and then get the rest from Karla. The worst that happens is that you wait until the DLCs to get Floating Chaos and Seething Chaos, Demon's Scar you can get someone to drop for you.

Surge has won too many games for me where I only needed 50-100 damage on my opponent to finish them. It's a safe distance finisher and every pyro should use it.


Girls needs a rape horse to compliment the image.

Those are far and few, unfortunately.
Alright captain.

Whoops. This should be transparent.

>reindeer/chariot in ds2
>ludwig in bb
>ds3 only has dogs
shouldn't there be some fire there?

What is Dex/Faith good for? DMB sharp weapons on 40/40 are pretty weak, especially compared to 27/60 Str/Faith.

The only worthwhile thing I can think of is the Swordspear, but isn't it better to keep Faith low on that thing?

>cornyx would go great with karla's hat for a ratty witch look
>that clipping

Karla's Hat and Fallen Knight chest go together really well, it's a very rugged survivor kinda look, scrapped from pieces you find hither and thither. Maybe try that one out.

not to mention that stamina regen isn't affected by weight cap anymore either.

>reach for estus just in time
>it's not estus

Anyone have any fun 175 SL Dark Souls 2 builds? Just finished my first playthrough with a powerstance Dex build and looking for something a tad different.

Dude what's your art blog?

Type in his name and it should Google out to his tumblr. Real good looking stuff there

Do poise frames feel completely random, or is it just me?

Was the drop rate of titanite shards improved?

I already have 14 at the undead settlement

Usually I cant +3 my weapon until the crucifixion woods.

Sorceries are pretty neato and are easy to get online because of Dragonrider. A 50 Str build is also pretty fun, you can get Pursuer's really early too and eventually transition to Orma-Reeve's.

im busy playing

You playing with a high-luck char? 'Cause I'm +3ing my weapon at Crucifixion woods even after hunting down every placed shard

How the fuck are people rolling out of true combos?

Guys help I can't beat midir

sidhepock on tumblr

Did you expect anything other than "git gud"?

All I get are blogs with gay shit and no Dark Souls

finally, ive been waiting for this one
i might add my own little "we did it bros..." line
thanks sidhe

nope, 7 luck

thanks my dude. There's some real good shit in there. This got a good kek out of me.

What fashion goes well with Aquamarine Dagger?

n e t c o d e


This is after fighting for about 5 minutes and he'd gone through 6 Estus. Presuming the poise was because he was out of healing, and he didn't know I was also out.

You have 30 seconds to explain why you're not using the Warpick.

dear dsg

what the fuck? she was like this all the time flyin thru air and going thru walls


Serpents fucked everything up, also fattie knights are the new dark wraith.

I always keep it in my inventory and play a few arena games with it before I drop it again for a while. I just always ALWAYS lose WA trades against Greatswords and that shit is what everyone is running right now. I have no clue how to work this weapon.

The magic of Collector's Edition.

she doesn't care about walls nibba

Ill never forgrt 70% ninja flipping with gwns greatsword, thr giants greatshield, and a mix of catarina and smoughs armor in das1 before that thing was nerfed.

So can somebody tell me how i'm supposed to use the BKGA? I can't hit anybody.

>tfw when you are watching the Gael Boss fight of the Youtuber who made the first Dark Souls 3 video you watched
>He is literally a shitter and played through the game with Dark Sword + Black Knight Shield + Cathedral Knight Set
>Says that Gael is shit because the second Phase is too fast
Some people are just shit

>Watch Plague playing Dark Souls terribly while bitching and contradicting his own opinions and sounding smug

Just bought BB, what am I in for?

git gud shitter

Dark souls, but more aggressive. Guns being mostly useless, and a pretty good experience. Go in blind, as usual, and don't stop being blind until you beat it. It's good shit.

>in addition, the Crystal Sages area to Cathedral is not an invasion area, but just after and just before are.

That's because they use that to hide area loading.

>they are welcome respite in a relatively tough early area.
Farron Keep just isn't a "tough area" because of those bonfires. The design of the area is great if you only tag the beginning bonfire because it's almost Valley of Defilement-tier large but it loops back into itself and is doable with just the beginning bonfire just like VoD.

But the middle bonfires just suck all the challenge out of the area and instead of being a tough zone, Farron Keep is just irritating.

And that's why almost none of the DS3 areas have any character or tension, because by improving "quality of life" by cutting down on runbacks that might make casuals throw the game, they just removed all the challenge with throwing bonfires everywhere.

Comparing Bloodborne's level design with DS3's, this is evident.

Don't get more than 20 end. 15 end is optimal for most builds. The game is way more aggression focused so stamina regens fast and the costs are low.


This game is killing me slowly on the inside.

Does anything become unavailable once you open up place the cinders and open up the kiln like certain npc vendors? My autism is making me do Nameless King before that but he is frustrating me and I kinda just want to to say fuck it and go ahead and do Ringed City + Soul of Cinder.

King of Storm isn't a problem but I always seem to slip up before I even get a half of NK's hp. I got him down to a sliver once but then slipped up using my estus at a bad point when I should of just kept dodging.

It is 20 fucking 17 and people I invade still regularly have 12-1300 HP. I'm not complaining, but what the fuck.

>but it loops back into itself

No it doesn't. Farron keep is just a big open circle, there's a vague path around the middle where you start on the left and go toward the right but the area doesn't loop.

Farron has no shortcuts or paths, it's entire point is "hey guys look how large of a flat area we can make". It's blighttown swamp 2.0 instead of valley of defilement, except even blighttown swamp had nooks, crannies, hidden paths, and a completely hidden optional area to go to also, not just a boss fight.

You can't give the kiln to Ludleth. You can still transpose if you gave it beforehand

Only Turkey and India are shitholes and Turkey a shithole full of sub humans


Giving the fire keeper the eyes just gives the option of the dark it doesn't set it in stone right?