League of Legends General - /lolg/

post reasons to live edition

old eyosongive.us

Other urls found in this thread:


This is the thread.


>ping twitch stealth
>ping danger
>ping back
>they still die to him

every. fucking. game.

Xth for Lux!

>40 minute game
>teamfight about to break out
>no idea where their 6 item Twitch is

absolutely horrifying. Is there another champ that can instantly delete your entire team?

I don't know why you made this thread when the other thread already exists but whatever I guess everyone forgot and decided to post in this one instead

Don't trust her. Going to stay negative.

I just came back to league and it's literally always the retardo easy champions that carry games. Half the champions in this games can be piloted by hamsters and play efficiently

The other thread was made half an hour early. Fuck that retard.

because the other one was made 60 posts early by some faggot

i thought lux was flat

you made your thread 60 posts early

>post reasons to live
Pure love exists

xth for Syndra

It's her illusion spell.

Very important poll - tie breaker edition



why are you not playing him RIGHT this instant?
do you not like fun or something?

What are you going to do with the results?

>playing jinx
>be bad caitlyn
>start getting my resets
>turn into better twitch

I think the only adcs that can instadelete teams are jinx with her resets, MF with a good ult, and twitch with his ult.

Don't understand how people enjoy playing shielding supports to be honest, just played Janna and my down syndrome Caitlyn build last whisper against 2 tabis in their entire team while Twitch build crit items instead and killed her in 3 autos every fight.

There's the problem.

i enjoy winning.

I will submit them to the wall street journal

Name one (1) good ban pick.


Idk, just completely depends on your adc not being a chimp, no control over the game.

Lee Sin


There is no good ban/pick, you're just picking what you want and banning what you don't want.

I could name you 10.

after enough times of being a melee support engaging with teammates being to scared to follow up, you give up and pick the "good luck rest of my team" supports

Yasuo but only if someone hovers it on your team

So why is Ahri basically manaless?Those manacosts are a fucking joke.

>no other people do damage in the game
you just don't know how to play the easiest role in the game

>People arguing over being gay in a BlM game

Does that fag browse lolg regularly?

go on

This is the OTP.


so when do i build defense in general? let's say i'm toplane and midlane has been feeding. at what point to i build some mr?

I banned Teemo today because our top wanted to play Trynd and I regret absolutely nothing. My go to bans are Zac, Fiora, Ivern.

So today I got the full toplane™ treatment
>be against a mastery 7 dawnbringer riven
>mastery 7 god fist lee sin ganks me four times
>am 0/5 and 100 cs down when rift herald takes my inhib
I-I just wanted to get mastery 5 on jax


this and Vi x Cait are the only cannon gay stuff I'd be fine with

when the enemy mid lane becomes someone's damage you have to tank. If you're just going to split against your ad top laner then get armor if you're never going to fight against their ap mid until you force them to come to you.

idk how Jax top is, but Jax jungle is surprisingly decent.

>taric and ez

They can't even reproduce. Disgusting.

Did your bot lane flame you? I hope they flamed you for being trash.

*gets fed in one game of jax jungle* yeah its legit


>Vi x Cait

so since i won't have to face the enemy mid until lane phase is over i just wait?


I main top so when I'm autofilled that's basicall alwas what it comes down to.

Shielding supports are braindead and make your teammates most likely to carry you.


Before, I hated the forced meme of Taric x Ez
Now I'm hoping Riot confirms it just to spite the autistic Ezfag


The three ships nobody would think twice about being made canon gay.

alright thx m8

>17th most played jungler
>4th highest winrate
>"H-he's shit"

my votes gonna have to go with warwick

he was just some poor bastard singed kidnapped and experimented on

Your first 2 items should be for your lane IMO. If you think you're going to have to face him soon, Hexdrinker or Cowl could be enough for a while. Consider mercs and some health as well, I prefer Tabi in general but sometimes you just need something fast.

comfy bfs~

taric X ez is shit!


did you ever lost lane or got camped? If so you are trash lmao

>reasons to live
also easily the most erotic art Riot has ever made

Never in a million years

>Lulu takes a birth control pill
>tells pix to go do something
>she walks through the streets late at night
>"Help Im lost and vulnerable, Im just a small yordle can someone help"
>big dude shows up
>"Oh no please dont rape me mister, Im all alone!"
>"you should watch out, these streets are dangerous at night. If you want to I can bring you to a motel"
>"Oh... No thats fine."
>"alright take care"
>Lulu walks to anons house
>knocks on the door
>"user help! Im all alone and lost! Everybody is asleep nobody would know if people did things to me!"
>Tristana appears behind user
>"Im kinda busy Lulu goodnight"
>Lulu walks off to a corner a pleasures herself with a stick much to her dismay
>A creepy dude looks at her in disgust and enters a brothel not much further
>"DONT JUDGE ME" lulu yells

He's a chick magnet.

cait/vi arent for each other. they are for fighting over me like those anime where the women are complete opposites trying to earn the same guys favor.

>hur dur dey h8 each other das mean dey wan hav SEX

>get called trash

i don't see the issue. I typically don't feed, if at all because i'm aware on how to lose gracefully. But we all know that tops just feed relentlessly because you're all fucking bad.

please unload your autism somewhere else


>hur dur dey work togeta dats y dey want 2 have SEX

>kench in ARAM
>Ult passed the enemy team and rush the inhibitor
>takes over a minute but I break it before dying because they didnt respond to me at all

>we still lost because Xayah wouldnt take my ult to rush the open Nexus in time and when she did I got stunned by Sona ult and she died.
>everyone was down except me and a Camille for 30+ seconds and our inhib falls

I made a misplay too and forgot I could take my allies with me at first but still, we shouldn't have lost to a Talon and Eve in ARAM

How do I stop get mad at this game? Whenver I die to simple champions I want to die irl

I'm not a top main
I play jax in normals for fun

bi stuffs fun for everyone if done right~

So Jayce?

Get over yourself, honestly.

after years of playing, I'm about to do it

they were supposed to be mine! why does jayce get everything?!?!

Don't do it.

I'd buy that.

>this is the ACTUAL mindset GravesXTF faggots have
>theyll go so far as to claim CPR as homosexual to push their bullshit

t. JaydenTheUnforgiven

I will bury my dick in ice.


itt characters with no bad skins

Does anyone on EUW want to duo? I'm Silver ish right now ;w;

(Shinjì - username)

what the fuck? how? all of his skins are average as fuck at best. but they're still pretty shit.

>Galio first bloods Renekton


>Play Yorick mid
>get 4 ghouls
>land a circle on enemy midlaner
>he has to flash out or he will die, guaranteed
>first tower every game

wtf this champ is busted

they called me a madman for doing this

who will win this stellar example of a typical soloq game?

You are a mad man. Why not go top?

That's a bad idea for the same reasons that it's a bad idea to stick your dick in Shyvana while she's in heat.

he has some very unfavorable matchups top, while midlane you just buy a dorans shield and go to town

The team with Draven if Taric doesnt rush FH and Rengar isnt competent.

What are some good pro scenes to follow right now?

>its a kayle top
>its a free gank
>jungler never comes
>keep dying
>lose game

maybe shouldnt have ignored ur top :)