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>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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Nice job with reaching past 750 before making the new thread, guys. Proud of ya
Azura is shit
I want Saber to fuck me.
Warrior AND Heroes, soon.
Katarina is cute!
Have you played Tear Ring Saga yet? If not, why not? If yes, what did you think of it?
In particular I recommend it to anyone that enjoyed Gaiden, it takes several elements introduced in FE2 and fuses it with more traditional FE level design stuff.
Azura a best
What should I promote Atlas into?
A soft, teasing handjob from Azura
>non-early non-shit thread
We honsetly don't deserve this.
>current year -10 +2 x 5 /2 + 7.25 + 2.75
>not being an Archanea bro
Dynasty Warriors games are shit
Tharja a shit and not canon
Remember to report shitposting Tripfags that try to defend earlythreads like Raul whose only defense for his shitposting is complete hypocrisy.
Do your part to keep /feg/ clean of garbage.
>easily identifiable posting traits
Is /feg/ the first non-mmo general to be utter shit?
That (You) will never get.
Marrying commander Anna!
>about to reach 20k feathers
Who do I upgrade next? My options...
>4* Olivia, +Atk -Res, that way I have a usable infantry sword user who can refresh
>4* Eirika, +Atk -HP, that way I have a usable infantry sword user who can buff stats
>4* Cecilia, neutral, that way she can help round out Xander and Camus and help me form a horse team
>4* Alfonse, Sharena, or Anna, depending on who's next in the rotation
>4* Legion, that way I have a usable infantry axe user
>4* Effie, +Atk -HP, I also have a Brave Lance+ to give her from Abel so she can take advantage of it pretty well, though I have no other armour units to use
Or should I just hold off on upgrading for now?
you're not wrong
Post Alms
nope lurk more generals
To the Q12WEFE guy who gave away his account, post the nintendo nickname
Fire Emblem Paladins when?
I stopped playing on the chapter with the mogalls. Maybe I'll go back some day.
TRS is fucking goat.
>Canas-tier ending
thanks ISIS
Hi, Chris. How's the training going?
Probably not, but this general is still pretty dog shit
>FE1: Archaic slow and boring
>FE3: Archaic slow and boring
>SD: Ugly, bland, and boring
>NM: Ugly and basically Proto-Awakening
Y-Yeah, Archanea is the b-best.
I love this meme
No, but there is a fag like you in every general saying the same shit, you'd be surprised.
BS FE is the true patrician FE game
I already miss Faye user. Why couldn't Raul have kicked the bucket instead of her?
>Year 5032.5
sweetie, you mean Sacred Stones?
FE1 is pretty slow, though people need to remember FE3 has a cursor speed option that is set to the slower option by default. (If you're playing FE3 set the cursor speed to fast as soon as possible)
>Casual mode
>Artificial difficulty
>Self insert wank
>Proto Cuckja
ummmm yes.
Gaiden is proto Awakening
K-kris is a perfectly fine My Unit, r-really! L-like, if you're going to have a MU, you should do it like Kris! N-not that I actually want a MU, you know...
Eirika, Cecilia or Effie. Don't bother with Olivia.
>Casual mode
> Thotja ver. 0.5
Pretty sure it's NM
I tried NM and it was just boring. Lost me after a couple chapters. My MU was garbage too
>my my unit
There was a time when it had potential for growth. Potential for great mechanics, improved AI, people looked forward to seeing what Koei was gonna do. Then KT came along and everything went down the shitter and current DW has worse AI than DW1.
New Mystery is unironically proto-Awakening
>Introduction of casual mode
>inflated growths
>first game to really hammer in the MU bullshit
>characters suck your MU's dick, even a character specifically created just to do so
>new maps for the Assassin subplot are all small and flat and poorly designed
I'm reddit's biggest archanea fag and yeah, NM is pretty much proto Awakening and Kris is fucking abomination.
haven't done arena in 6 weeks
deep_rising is a real MVP
But I enjoyed new mystery while I didn't even finish awakening.
I like fates
Literally who?
Not an argument
Sacred Stones is unironically proto-Awakening
>Introduction of open grinding
>Proto-Robin in the form of Seth
>first game to really promote casual play
>introduced the "you can recruit the villains!" bullshit that tainted Awakening
>maps are piss easy and offer no challenge
Because it was still an FE3 remake when it came down to it, which is a much better game than Awakening.
>Dread Fighters had vantage to make them even more busted
>open grinding
>Seth, the proto-Robin
>promotes casual
>you can recr
but rinkah is basically the best unit in fates and if you don't agree you probably just played the game wrong
>Seth is proto-robin because he breaks the game
>implying he's the first early jeigen character to break the game's difficulty
By that logic, Sigurd is the proto-Robin.
Sigurd is Proto-Seth
Sigurd has problems carrying things to the end for reasons though.
What's bullshit about FE11-12 is how whoever the artists were for them never made full artworks for all the characters. We give Kozaki heat for that, but FE11-12 don't have them either.
>introduced the "you can recruit the villains!" bullshit that tainted Awakening
The difference is that Awakening actually brought those villains back to life and had bullshit explanations for each them and they're canon. SS's recruitable villains were just a fun side thing that wasn't canon to the main story. Basically the concept done right so it doesn't shit on the plot.
What's actually wrong with Thor and Boris? this could probably apply to Kozaki as well
Are people just sick of their work because they're the only ones that have been consistently doing work for this series, or do they actually dislike their style?
>Introduction of open grinding
>Proto-Robin in the form of Seth
That's just retarded.
>>first game to really promote casual play
>>introduced the "you can recruit the villains!" bullshit that tainted Awakening
If you mean bonus characters, that's FE6's doing.
>maps are piss easy and offer no challenge
Maps are actually fucking great. Some of the best map design in the series. The problem is that your units are too strong and the enemies are too weak.
It's for the best desu
FE8 didn't introduce the villain recruitment thing, that was FE6 with their trial maps, where you can recruit Zephiel, Murdock, Brunya, Galle, and Narcian.
I love Python, he's my husband.
>and current DW has worse AI than DW1.
>Than DW1
I hope this is a shitpost.
>has a vastly superior artist in Heroes than Cordelia
>has hone fliers and is the sole carrier of it at 5* as opposed to Gunter a fucking freebie
>unfortunately is objectively inferior to Cordelia in stat spread and cannot even compare in any fashion because speed provides just as much if not more tankiness than the extra def/res let alone it's offensive value
So when the fuck do we get a flier that has 4* hone or another blue flier that's even superior to Cordelia and doesn't look like shit?
I like Catria and Malice's FE12 art; I'd have liked Palla too.
Go away Forsyth
>fucking mountain
>with that tree
>with 4 units ALL on the top
At least put one on the right faggots. Have some mercy on my speed rank.
That's nice Forsyth
Which FE game will be featured in next month's Heroes banner and thus be shitposted about through all of July?
DW1 cannon fodder actually tries to hits you, and can interrupt your combos. That alone is already more threatening than anything in Fire Emblem Warriors has shown so far.
I like how SoC and others over on Serenes is defending FE Warriors by saying people are nitpicking too much about the roster and they never really wanted the game since they don't care about the GAMEPLAY!.
Yeah, anyone who knows anything about Warriors games knew exactly what they were getting gameplay wise.
Gonna have to wait on best pega pony for that one, friend.
Boris isn't exactly complete garbage, but he's a hack who a lot of people fellate because of the quantity of his work. He's really just mediocre.
Thor is outright offensive on the other hand
What's your score?
I'm at 75k.
TearRing Saga.
I wonder why they decided to remove aptitude, specially from Est's ring
>Serenes trying to be on a high horse and doing the opposite of what the fans are to seem smart
Wow what a shocker, I never would have guessed
What are some FE girls that you sort of like that would buy you flowers and ask you out but you would softly reject because you're not ready for commitment, and would make you feel bad for hurting her feeling and then begin to have stronger feelings for her but its' too late because her hearts already been broken and has trouble putting her faith in you again?
asking for a friend
FE7, sain and kent will be in
>1-2 range sword flier
My orbs are ready
you will get a swimsuit hinoka with a staff and you will like it
Will she have a 5 charge special that summons 2 fucking peg reinforcements that has the AI control them complete with stealing your SP when they kill?
Kill yourself faggot