/tf2g/ Team Fortress 2 General

Last Thread: >list of good comm. servers

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Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

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Skins: p337.info/tfview/

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Comp Wiki: comp.tf
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Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ | pastebin.com/H3WfKLaB
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>/tf2g/s looking to party queue

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At least it's not fempyro

2th for dead game

Engineer's a fun class and best merc.

what do the moonrunes say?

not like you gain anything from avataring, it's more work too
you just do it because you're a fag and so you can be >le epic i don't care about you or your opinion

op is a faggot

thank you senpai

Personal insults are not an argument ,ma'am.

They are reaction images just like anything else, mine just happen to only specifically be of Clint Eastwood.

Daily reminder that avatarfaggotry is against the rules and to report, hide, and ignore any and all rulebreaking posts. Also the iron bomber is a crutch.

i asked this yesterday and still no one answered

what feature would you like to see included in tf2?

the ability to burn it to the ground

matchmaking to not suck cock or go back to quickplay

killing unusual wearing players has a chance to drop their hat on the ground for the impovershed masses to temporarily wear

Im ok with this :)

Functional anti-cheat.


more hats

fag isn't much of an insult, fag

more engineer secondaries
more engineer buildings



>there are people that hated EotL
when will they learn you can't expect anything from valve

i dont hate EotL. I hate the community members that were a part of it

I'm geniunely alright with this

also allow dropped strange items to add to the original item's stat counter.

>strange part: kills by theives

>you're getting sent a soup can
this lie has gone on for 10 years, this is unacceptable. I have not heard anything about being sent a soup can, and valve wont respond my calls.

>it's the cheapest part on the market because traderfags are the most triggered by it

I expect that thy jungle update will reach us by the first week ofJuly, hopefully

The soup is relatively stale, anyway.

It's not even good soup like tortilla soup, it's regular old chicken noodle

will the next contract have a coin, a stamp, or something completely different

when this one started playing i just couldn't handle it

Actual working competitive mode that limits weapons etc. yadda yadda. Cheaters getting dealt with. Casual becomes a 6s training mode with elo, half of the valve servers get split and put on the server browser. Duel mode added that's essentially MGE on valve servers, that works on the base of your casual elo. No new content, focus on balancing the present issues in tf2. Automated trading getting banned, because that's what the community market is for. No hats setting in ini, so people don't have to work to mod out all the visual crap that got put into the game. Make an entertaining video series a la Meet The.. explaining the game basics to noobs, and have each video accompany ingame challenges to prove you can do it. Add a next level gibus item to the action slot, so you can show off you were able to do it. Delete some of the more style breaking hats and refund an appropriate value of gabenbucks, it's not like they don't have it. Add a huge button of b4nnys crying face on the main menu that says "die white girls", if you click it. That's about it.

>direct hit has no reskins
>bad box has two
>bad box will probably get decorated versions

liberty launcher has no reskins either :(

that's like asking for a manmelter reskin
there needs to be demand for the liberty launcher before there's demand for a reskin

>But also a huge gay

if there's promo items I'll buy anything
all-class dad jorts

guess the next promotional weapon reskin
my bet is on the medigun

stock melee again

>replaces domination lines with dad jokes
I'm sold

>never hear domination lines because I spam thanks as a reaction to everything
how do I stop my voiceline addiction

bind z to make you explode

>Never here the new beginning round voice lines because I always spam "Incoming" and "Go Go Go!" at the beginning of the round
>Never here domination voicelines because I always spam "Nice shot" and "Thanks" after every kill
>Have gotten myself killed because I taunt after every bullshit kill (Kritz, killing taunting players, pushing people off of cliffs, etc)
These addictions are too much fun to want to break

>not interrupting domination/round start voice lines with voice commands
At least you died for honor... and my MEDIC!

>>Never here

Oh my god I swear I'm not retarded don't make fun of me it was an accident I swear I'm sorry please stop the rude insults and your constant barrage of hate I apologize for making a mistake that only a mentally handicapped baboon would be capable of making

I bet he was the one that bought the tc for 14.000$.

>he has less hours than I do
>the only unusual I have I got for free in a raffle
why do people spend so much money so quickly on a game?

>2k hours

America bucks sign goes before the numbers and they use commas not periods.

That's alot of gifts

commas not periods to separate thousands/millions/etc.*

so the pyro's a female?


I don't think I'm ready for that jelly

>implying you aren't already jelly

There has never been a better time to post this pic

Why would I be jealous of a uber thick woman?

I feel like she was born in a family of triplets but ate her siblings

Come to think of it around half of the mercs would make good dad characters.

Nah, seems too immature and unstable, good intentioned but would continuously get in trouble.
Fuck no, Soldier is the type of asshole who would force military routines down your throat
Pyro just isn't a good dad character.
Good intentioned, but too much of a drunk
Obvious choice for bearmode dad, loving and caring
Bro tier dad, the BBQ in the courtyard type.
Nice... Though kinda crazy
Seems like the type of loner who would be deeply protective, the type of dad who understimates his skill as one.
While classy and the type of dad who would make sure you'd get the best possible education, he also seems like the type who would always be at work.

He is.
backpack DOT tf/item/5012259969

Jesus fucking christ, what a fatass.

Holy shit, that matching profile faggotry in the trade history.




The Tide Turner
Level 1-100 Shield
+40% self damage resistance on wearer
+10% critical damage resistance on wearer
Full turning control while charging
Kills refill 50% of your charge meter.
Taking damage while shield charging reduces remaining charge time

Alt-Fire: Charge toward your enemies and remove debuffs. Gain a mini-crit explosive or melee strike after impacting an enemy at distance

The Claidheamh Mòr
Level 5 Sword
This weapon has a large melee range and deploys and holsters slower
0.5s increase in charge duration
Wearer's shield charge cannot be halted by damage
Melee kills refill 50% of your charge meter
Crits whenever it would normally mini-crit
-25 max health on wearer
No random critical hits


>it's a scout randumb crits you at mid-range for 140 damage episode

Let's be real here. Viva looks like personified aged milk. He's out of shape and he's not the best looking guy

Personally, as a spic in ashamed he can't handle this much ass. I've handle bigger.

Besides im better looking too. She'll be all over me like sour cream on tostadas.

Borneo's last point is a bitch

>shoot medic from 100 feet away with scattergun
>19 damage no crits or mini crits

i dont get it

TF2's hitreg is garbage. The more ping you have between two players the worse it gets.

I mean, Spy's already Jeremy's dad, and he HAS never really been around, but i'm pretty sure he kept scout's mom happy with money

He's even shown up a few times while he was a toddler, if The Scout's dreams were real

So is the spy also the father of scout's 15 brothers? I bet by the time the scout was born, it was so loose he could walk out.

I always assumed his mother was just having an affair with the red Spy.

But I mean with an actual dad relationship, as in him being publicly his father instead of the dramatic international agent thing he has with Scout's mother.

dropped this game roughly 1-2 years ago because none of my mates played anymore and one of them was getting into csgo

we kind of drifted apart and now I'm burned out on cs

Is tf2 worth getting back into? Figured if I am to enjoy the pyro update I should at least get a bit of target practice..
Is matchmaking good yet?



matchmaking is better but still has many, many problems with it

Matchmaking is utter trash and dead but casual is tolerable, needs major improvements but at least it fucking works. Weapon balance is better then it has been in the past with underpowered weapons being more of an issue then overpowered ones. Pyro still sucks ass. Wait until the Jungle update comes out to get back into the game, the contracts will keep you engaged in the game while you slog through getting gud again





i remember when we had months-long update droughts and we DIDN'T run out of stuff to talk about
to be fair, back hen people actually played the goddamn game sometimes

remember Veeky Forums pugs
i remember

So why does everyone complain about Demo? I'm talking sticky spam. Complaints about that all the time.
Also apparently people complain about Rocket spam too, but who cares about that.
I just want to know why.

why tho

boi thinks he slick


Salt, mostly.

i 'member
i never took part in them because i was a little bitch


stock stickies arm too slow to work in close range and i don't wanna shoot the ground 5 feet from a guy in hopes he walks over there so quickiebomb is good weapon yes i want to make things explode as soon as i see them ;)

community servers a filled with either aids gamemodes and the same 5 maps on a 24/7 fromat, and if you want to play anything else tough luck
casual is complete dogshit and no matter how many times i give it another try it just ends up disappointing me again over and over and over
its either a team rolling another team or a cheater that cant be kicked or half of your/enemy team laves and makes the game extremely fast and boring

nothing to talk about when the game isnt fun to play

Monster B

I'm more of a mid UGC neutral dude

There's may not be anything to talk about when it comes to new things in TF2, but we can still post our loadouts. How about we see some Medics in the chat?

Refined metal sink

>thinks he's mid ugc while also thinking goldrush and hoodoo are good maps
>thinks he's neutral and not a top tier faggot
this level of delusion
