Perfect male specimen how can you hope to compare edition
Perfect male specimen how can you hope to compare edition
where is the Lulu?
I love Lissandra!
Remember, Yorick Mori.
In the dumpster
Sona bullies her adc
One more game to get to Silver 2, hopefully.
post character pairings that only you like
Defend this diaperfags
>can't post VxV
Annie gragas
Best husbando!!!
lol vlad perfect anything!!!
>Garen pressed his ult first
>Garens ult goes off
Since there's a bunch of new people lately, here's the rotation:
Aurelion Sol - The Star Forger
Bard - the Wandering Caretaker
Cassiopeia - the Serpent's Embrace
Master Yi - the Wuju Bladesman
Miss Fortune - the Bounty Hunter
Nami - the Tidecaller
Pantheon - the Artisan of War
Shyvana - the Half-Dragon
Twitch - the Plague Rat
Vladimir - the Crimson Reaper
Not him, but I get where you're coming from. The problem for me is I get disheartened when most, if not all of the players on my team throw in the towel.
Sure I could soldier through the rest of the game but I won't be as motivated to win. I'm still working on my "competitive attitude" overall though.
>posting those shit quads
we doin this?
>abusing jarvan
Stop posting my BF you slut!
There are many ways to view the champion rotation. Quit hand-holding.
>can't even fuck you for more than 12 hours straight
Shit husbando that draven lad
>Rengar kills a Fiddle
>From top lane I hear, "...AND NEVER RETURN!"
>That is not a Rengar voice line
New champ, teaser???
Can we all agree that the current state of Caitlyn is problematic?
Who's hatsune miku?
12 btw
>our last pick mid instalocks zed even though we have 3 ad
>I immediately dodge
>Next game I'm autofilled support
>Our mid hovers yasuo but it gets picked
>Instantly hovers then locks riven
>5 seconds before the game starts he asks "battle bunny or redeemed"
go away boodrum
Xth for mandrop
no you just have schizophrenia
Kled's just taking out the trash.
t. butthurt weeb this is the power of plat...
>play so well I get our Yasuo and Poppy ahead
>our bot is struggling v. Pedobait ADC (Trist) and Lux
>kill Lux on my rotations
>Trist is putting in her entire teams end
>still fucking lose because our Leona says she can't ult Trist even though she clearly can since she's done it twice
>Our Yasuo also throws by roaming top to stop Nasus from opening the gates when we could've ended with all 5 of us shoving lane had we just had his damage output on turrets
Dude, the dumb shit I see people do disheartens me even more.
Literally been on television multiple times.
Even all normalfags know who she is that's how common knowledge it is.
>main champ
>main champ becomes meta for a bit
Anyone here literally never ever run flash on any hero?
I don't run it for dignity.
I feel Flash is for fucking garbage players that need a free get out of jail card when they fuck up.
>enemy Cait drops her traps, they instantly proc and you get chunked for half your health
>ally Cait drops her traps, dies before they ever get to proc or she can even auto
Fuck Riot.
both of you can stay away from MY Draven
hes my gf(male)
How does you maining him before make it less abuse? Like if I mained Graves before and during his disgusting jungle state, I wouldn't defend myself.
>120 Christ Coins
Theyre really trying to delay this huh.
Im 25, ill be 26 on Aug.1st.
Whenever a lane meta is defined by a single champ that's when you know somethings wrong. Bot lane ADC's viability depends on whether they lose to Cait and how hard.
i don't run summoner spells entirely, they're a crutch
if you're in bronze without summoner spells that's more respectable than being rank one with them
>t. Diamond V
> Play Nunu
> People report me for making a shitpick
> Enemy jungler: You can't even use Q in combat you idiot
> He becomes meta
> Do the same shit I always did
> Enemy jungler: Good job playing an OP piece of shit you're so good aiming your targeted abilities correctly how abour you play something that takes skill
>I wouldn't defend myself
beta cuck detected
>tfw you hit 6300 IP
Because he isn't broken?
>favorite pizza place changed policy to minimum 30$ for delivery
>recently discovered sandwich doesn't deliver where i live
>have to settle for dominos
at least i have beer
tfw you own all heroes and have 50k+ ip and nothing to spend it on
Yeah seriously I get a
>abusing J4
post basically every day now that I post J4 games.
Where did the other 9k go?
Don't post anymore filthy itembuyer.
you probably should stop blogposting about your silver games every day
because jarvan wasnt disgusting before and still isn't?
>tfw you own all heroes
tfw you own all heroes
>tfw you own all heroes
tfw you own all heroes
>tfw you own all heroes
tfw you own all heroes
It wasn't Kled's voice. It sounded like some old person. Someone who sounds like they have dealt with Fidd, Shaco, Nocturne, and the like before.
It's my attempt to shit up the thread with actual shit instead of just waifu shit.
>tfw the 15/4/4 Yasuo is the only person carrying your team's 1000 lb asses
w-was my experience changed?
we still lost, though
why does no one in low elo play Camille? Her play rate jumped by 1% in plat + and .5% in gold, but below that she still has a 1% pick rate
nobody likes shittle battlebourne characters
>play late at night to avoid the edgy teens
>2 in the morning
>get them on my team anyway
>names like reformed, cancer, darklord, etc
>constant baby rage and flaming
the fuck is this shit
age restricted queues when
Because there are easier, better and more enjoyable champions available?
Twisted "The Taxman" Fate came for a visit.
i have no idea what that is but i like camille, so must not be because of this game
do people not want to play bad-fiora?
How would Riot even enforce that? Make people send in their SS or Driver's license? Might as well let Riot take over the world and create hierarchies based on your elo and how much of a minority you are.
does she kick guys in the balls?
fuck i dont know, perhaps paid restricted queues with heavier punishment on toxicity/trolling, manual checking
only adults would pay for that shit, and toxic rich kids would be out in no time
and when you sign up you give them your birthdate, since there was no reason to lie they could probably do it right now
Holy shit why is riven allowed to have such an overloaded kit? immense ad, literally no reason to pick any other bruiser. scaling shield, shits on any reason for ever picking a tank as she can do their job WHILE shitting out damage. Insane mobility AND terrain hoping. makes all assassins a fucking joke as she can catch enemies way more efficiently and 100-0 them like nothing (even with armor). Her stun makes her both an amazing teamfighter AND splitpusher. Try to stop her taking tower? stun, laugh as you pathetically attempt to catch up or just straight up slaughter you. Hop right in stun an enemy, shield use ult and spam mastery as the enemies drop like fucking flies to you and your team. No shit she is a jack of all trades BUT a master of all. It makes no fucking sense why she is legit allowed to have such high power access to so many aspects of this game.
General Du Couteau?
just qss her ult
It's the shield that's the problem.
Make it scale with her level and I'd be fine with her.
What a terrible day.
0 decides which champions tentacle rape porn I fap to
fem.ale only pls
>Random higher elo adds
>Never tells reason why, says my friend told me about them but he didn't
>Get boosted 'cause supp main
How the fuck did I even get found? Is there some summoner search I don't know about?
cant. used it on stun so she doesn't 100-0 me with her q spam.
Older people =/= less toxicity
There are older people who are toxic as hell, like IWD, Dunkey, Tyler1, etc.
It's about discouraging toxic behaviors, regardless of age, which Riot is already doing. It's not gonna happen over night or a year, but we're getting there.
This isnt as bad but you fuckers need to stay on topic and stop shitting up the thread with these /soc/, /a/, and /r9k/ tier posts/arguments. I hate the gayposters but at least they stay on topic.
Pick up Pantheon or Renekton, they completely shit on her, but desu if your arent banning her during this event youre kind of asking for it.
>in the year 2017 there are people posting on Veeky Forums who don't know who hatsune miku is
Even as a hardcore anti-weeb "all japshit looks like the same garbage to me" you should know this.
That's like not knowing Nyan Cat, Pikachu.
Imagine talking to someone who doesn't know who Adolf Hitler is. That's how retarded you look.
Or this is some multi layer of irony bait in which case fuck me for falling for it, here's your (you).
Why should I play Anivia
yeah there are older people who are toxic.
but if you take 100 teens and 100 20somethings in this game, the majority of toxic ones will be from the hormonal teens who want to be cunts for the sake of it
reminds me a lot of shooters on console with voice chat
>a shitty battlebourne character
You've obviously never played Battleborn.
that's not layers of irony, its a twitch chat-tier bait.
From my limited experience, most of the aggressive toxicity (going out of your way to call your teammates shit) is from older players, while most of the reactive toxicity (throwing a tantrum because someone else said something you don't like) is from the younger players.
I'm making fun of some retard in the last thread and yes I totally agree with you.
you really think 20 year old gamers aren't toxic? Unless you're bronze I can guarantee most of the people you play with are 20+
this is the truth
Let it go.
She can go every role except jg and adc and shes great for baiting out people to waste spells and sums just to get cucked by her passive. Also if youre fighting a team without knockups and you channel tele before you get egged, you can teleport the egg away and its pretty fucking hilarious. I mostly play her support and holy shit does the wall do work. A good Anivia can literally kill people via P A T H I N G. There are so many choke points on the map to force people to flash over your wall just for it to be back up in like 10 seconds.
Since Riot is retconning the lore of places like Demacia and Zaun, should they next do Noxus or Ionia?
Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.
no youre 100% right. usually I save my ban for pantheon unironically. I'm kind of dumb for not banning her. it just feels like a catch 22 with this event. Lose to Riven or lose to Pantheon. I usually play garen and olad because I like the generic knight and Viking characters in games. Id kind of feel like dirt if I play pantheon though..
I want to play her mid
Does she get fucked by anyone in particular?
Is She really good against anyone?
90% of her issue is her AA range. i get her design is supposed to be sniper-esque but so is jhin's and he gets that through his W and ult. cait has her trap/headshots and ult. the ludicrous AA range on top of that is just overkill. AA range in this game is a MASSIVE balance issue, hence the entire distinction they make between melee and ranged characters due to the inherent advantage range has. cait having range on top of other ranged champions is just retarded. tristana at least has to scale into her range. twitch and kog's range are gated by cooldowns and mana.
also trap spam is annoying. they either need to be destructable like nid traps or have the number she can hold at once be reduced. either change will do, both might be too much.
>A player has declined ready check. You were returned to the queue.
>A player has declined ready check. You were returned to the queue.
>A player has declined ready check. You were returned to the queue.
Niggas, stop doing this. What are you doing in queue if you don't even want to play
I wish we had more Region vs Region events that resulted in unique items
For example Bandle city vs Vastaya, for a new unique X item
that way the item has a history and you will feel better buying it "Oh Im buying Lulus hat now I can shrink myself to dodge abilities how cool"
I think if she's going to have that bullshit level of range she shouldn't have an escape like her E.
>post character pairings that only you like
>post Syndra x Zed
There's a LOT of people that like that ship my dude.
They literally can't go 90 seconds without looking at facebook or whatever the fuck normies do nowadays.
5 minutes in paint
why even queue for ranked then?
>stfu I just started lagging out of nowhere jesus
>enemy gets first blood
>spams 900+ms
>a summoner has disconnected
Nigga, why the FUCK are you guys queuing for ranked if you have a shitty fucking internet. Stop fuckers you can and will get fucking banned because everyone will report you...