Is the bigger engine choice always the best?

Trying to decide between a 4 banger or V6. I dont drive fast but I suppose more power is a good thing

if fwd then i4
if rwd then v6

compromise, get an inline 5.

Stay away from interference engines with timing belts.

Alright. It is FWD. I read that bigger motors in fwd cars just makes torque steer and is annoying. I guess going with the 4 will save $ initially, on gas $, and parts/ maintenance, so I can save up for a cool truck or Corvette then.

Do Honda 2.4L and 3.5L have interference timing belts? I heard Hondas makes gewd motors

define bigger. tip: it's not the amount of cylinders.

even if you dont drive fast, it depends on the kind of area you drive

if you do a LOT of highway driving, you will be better off with the bigger engine as it will idle lower at highway speeds, instead of having the annoying buzz 4 cylinder.

same if you live on areas with a lot of hills and inclines.

otherwise, for regular city driving get a 4 cylinder

No sometimes the Smaller engine ends up having more after market support and is able to put out more power.

M62 vs the m52, its easier to get 500hp out of the M52 than it is the M62.

>it will idle lower at highway speeds
this depends entirely on gearing and nothing else

whether something has interference is really of no concern to you or anyone else.
maintain service intervals of timing belt/chain

The Honda V6 is an ancient engine block that still uses a belt. The K series i4 found in Si Civics and lower trim Accords post 2002ish are all chain and are very good.

This pretty much.

cars don't idle at highways speeds holy fuck

i misworded that

what i meant is, 4 cylinder cars generally have higher gear ratios, which leads to them to coast at higher rpms at highway speeds

Well fuck. The 270 hp 3.5 seemed fun. Will i be miserable with the 186hp 2.4L? Again I will probably never floor it regardless

What you mean is that, for two 3000lbs cars with the same tires, the smaller engine one will need higher RPMS to maintain speed compared to the one with the bigger engine

You also mean lower gears.
This board man.

I would probably be happier with a 5.7L R/T over the SRT 6.1/6.4L cuz gas is going up

5.3 is the best bang for the buck

>higher gear ratios
>You also mean lower gears.

You're both right.

It's all about volumetric efficiency and power to weight ratio.

The K series is one of the best Honda engines you can get. They're super popular and are swapped in all kinda performance cars so there's always room for improving it if you want to.

Neat. Just wondering, are these recent Accord coupes sporty? I know theyre a lot heavier than Preludes n Integras, but they look sleek and fun. Seriously need a car soon and Ive put it off for a long time now. I love the interiors.

Always get the biggest engine. Always get the highest trim level.

>yfw interference v8 with 278,000 miles without a rebuild

Ford falcon. Nuff said, bigger isn't always better.