Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Friendly reminder that if the your game doesn't have keepaway characters, it's not a game worth playing.
>implying Smash and Goobers aren't the same level of stinky autists
If you play Goober, you might as well be a Smasher.
You get a A for this OP, great choice!
Every fighting gamer looks at updates as a brand new game. Guess Rev 2 was so bad that it's a rehash nobody should pay attention to.
Ultron best boy
I agree.
GGs, seaperson.
>finally make a dbz game that
>looks good
>runs on a good engine
>is 2d
>made by an actual fighting game company
>still kusoge
Fuck it, I'm just going to embrace it and play nothing but kusotrash, like Mkx, Injustice, KI, Soul Cal, and DBZ and I'd like to see anyone stop me.
worst character design in sf history desu senpai
>Every fighting gamer looks at updates as a brand new game.
There's some really shitty and forgettable designs man. Rashid is fine. Nothing special, but not bad.
Goobers were crowing for weeks that the entire cast was rebalanced, lighting is better, new lifebars!, more camera angles, it's totally different you guys.
Random 4channer says it's exactly the same. OK porky
t. seaperson
Play silly hat waifus
Why do you think it's kusoge? It's not even out yet
ummm.. why did capcom copy arcsys
what is sin doing with my wife?
>runs on a good engine
Unreal Engine 4. The same engine for SFV, Tekken 7, and MVC:I. Get ready for 8 frames of input lag because we've already seen load times take 20 seconds or more.
Ram and Sin are cute together.
> elphelt's proportion all fucked up in the picture
It's obvious who's the artist's least favorite valentine
Hey Fridge, if you're in here, stop avoiding me. I just want to play some marvel with you
Not all of them are of great quality and as much detail as Daymendou. The Baiken doc is probably the worst one in existence.
I know of a Ky-ble and the Chipp Bible but don't have a link to the second.
>tfw they brought back lili's best outfit
Hori rap 4 kai - $150
Razer panthera - $200
I can buy both but the hori will arrive this week, panthera next week.
Panthera easier to mod
Kai 4 a solid stick
my main
rammy brown is literally perfect
injustice 2 is retarded and full of projectile spam. Tekken is more fun but has lots of legacy input stuff and is the only popular 3D fighter so it won't cross over much. You have to learn stuff like backdash canceling if you want to be good at it and lots of move data
I'd just wait for sfv on sale if you're new to fighting games.
>prominent sfv player makes fun of goober gear
>goobers go absolutely insane
>sfv player gets reprimanded by tournament organizer for damaging the goober scene
sfv gets shit on around the clock 24/7 but the moment a jiver gives some clapback they're greeted by autistic screeching
I gotta remember to save all these videos for when DBFZ gets blown the fuck out by MvCI
I want to play as Sigma and Zero so fucking bad. Why did the game have to be so shit?
The input lag is nothing to do with the engine and more to do with the console considerations and "online." Load screens in SFV and Tekken 7 are artificial and the game could load in half the time or less if you watched your PC's hard drive lights.
What happened?
supreme tastes, my man
mvci is not shit stop listening to reddit kappa aris subs
What did she mean by that?
>tfw JackO has no silly hat so she can't fit in with her sisters
at lease she can hang out with Raven
Her unlife is much longer than a human's, so for what would be a human's eternity is only a while for her.
>That fucking character select
Halos count as hats.
when/where are they revealing more DBF characters? is it true or just a rumor?
Wheres the Firebrand reveal?
Are masks a hat?
Evern if you were right, Abigail's about to take the throne.
>B-but the gameplay is decent!
If the company is shit and literally everything else about the game is also shit it almost doesn't matter
Why are capcucks so tonedeaf?
The FGC would be better without anime games desu. GG and BB players are some of the most toxic players ever to exist.
Original silly hat playable when?
>implying Abigail wont be one of the dopest characters in SF history
and the worst part is that they're bums
dogura is a mediocre goober that dropped the game for sfv but he wins literally every tournament outside of japan for free
maybe if goobers stopped shitposting about capcom and practiced their scene wouldn't be a joke
I've never heard of him but he's entitled to his wrong and ignorant opinions. If that was supposed to be satire then he should khs because unless everyone can easily understand it's a joke then it's not a joke in today's environment.
the stone actives look dumb
/fgg/ should i get injustice 2 or tekken 7 to get into fighting games?
I only have an xbox one
Didn't it die?
hurray! but it isnt silly is it?
i don't think so tim
lmao goobers cry so easily
wrong console if you want to be playing fighting games, amigo. might as well get a pc
To be fair players that aren't in Japan have a way smaller pool of high skill players to practice against. Harder to learn that way.
Didn't stop Justice and Kliff.
Why not make a goober general?
Not enough people
It's kind of silly. Like why is it pointy? It looks like a shuriken.
Nobody in this general could beat my Rolento.
Are they a couple?
see me in smash
to be fair the japan scene isn't even that much bigger itself and most of the good players are self made. goobers need to quit making excuses for its mediocre scene. NA and EU is overall bad because nobody wants to put in effort beating their best and only want to dickride them.
One artist seems to think so.
Jack-o is a really good character with an interesting gimmick and a top-notch ass. Shame about those bellbottoms
The bellbottoms are the best part, casual.
>guilty gear talk
>thread goes to shit
Can you guys get your own sub already?
why you user always do this
>to be fair the japan scene isn't even that much bigger itself
Are you kidding? The Japanese scene is the same size as the US scene, except to reach each others they take a 20 minutes train ride instead of a plane.
dickriding is bad in eu but you cannot say the us or eu is making excuses when they don't have arcades or all live mostly one metroplis area like japan.
You'd think with the amount of people posting Xrd sniffs and responding to the anti-Xrd shitposts there's be enough to have a thread...
infiltration became the best sf4 player in the world for a year and he did nothing but play training mode because the sf scene in korea was non existent then
it's almost like the shitposters respond to other shitposters as much or more than legitimate posters do. No other games can really have their own general but it's easy to get sick of the same lazy and stupid le sesame street frog meme that wasn't ever funny and is one of the most forced and stale memes here.
You could literally post a character limit paragraph about wanting to suck off Briget and Ky and still be less of a homo than you are right now.
man this roster is so shit. This is the best capcom can come up with? They should just make it a marvel only game
>this is her crouch animation
need more proof that goober gear was made for and by degenerates?
>No other games can really have their own general
BB has its own general
Skullgirls has its own general
Tekken has its own general
KOF14 has its own general
>Being in Japan has no advantage to getting good at a fighting game
Even disregarding getting the game early or having arcades to play locally Japan is fucking tiny and you could send your inputs through the mail service and get better delay than east to west coast.
muh no arcades excuse again
nips just know how to thoroughly training mode many scenarios while dumb nigger US players can barely get over the execution hurdle, train bnbs because they constantly forget them, and need their hand held by youtube tutorials with ambient weebshit playing in the background. playing other good players with the asian gene is only a bonus for nips.
goobers should just unironically stop trying to get good at video games until the develop basic self awareness
they got popular characters from all of their most popular franchises. it's not great or bad, it's just standard. they should have had a few more niche characters and less mvc3 rehashes though.
shitposter-kun at it again with more quality posts
Everytime GG makes their own general, BBposters who have some sort of vendetta against GG and capcops like to shitpost in it and kill it right away.
Now that reddit hates SF5 can we safely say it's /ourgame/
Liking pretty girls doesn't make you a degenerate.
t. goober with 30 hours played yet declares it the best game of all time
It always was.