Forgot to make a new one before the old one died Edition.
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild InfobinNews/DevelopmentsArt CollectionSoundtrack
Forgot to make a new one before the old one died Edition.
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild InfobinNews/DevelopmentsArt CollectionSoundtrack
First for best ship
Reposting from last thread because I posted it seconds before it died
>First try at eventide island
>Cheese the fuck out of most fights by just standing above the enemies and dropping bombs
>Moving to place the last orb in the water
>Accidentally drop it in tar
>Rather then restart I spend 15 minutes status + bombing it out
>It actually works
I feel like it would have just been easier to start over.
>Cheesing it with bombs
>Missing the point of Eventide entirely
That monk asshole shoulda taken away my bombs if he didn't want me to use them.
Do you think Sidon could look Link in the eye knowing that he dicked his sister?
Link didn't love her back
i launched those boulders at the hinox to kill it, it stuns him. afterwards i saw ppl sneak up on yt and said wtf u pussies rock him
reminder korok seeds r poop
heavily implied he did be link got amnesiad and she died so he ends up with zelda
there's that word again
Hit him with a rock, barely did any damage whatsoever
My headcanon says differently
I learned you can poke his eye with a regular weapon when he attacks as his head drops low so I was able to stun him after rocking him and tossing the bomb barrels onto him.
First time I did it though I just grabbed the orb and ran
>I threw a rock at him!
Ive never been able to deal meaninful damage with rocks or magnesis, is there some trick to it?
stasis and boulders knock him on ass
just hit the boulder in the direction, magnesis is just smack the thing into the guy to do damage
it stuns him, also i threw a 30 dmg wep down before it just to see if itd work, otherwise just slowly dps and stun
He fully encouraged it according to what he tells Muzu
A boulder is a rock user
He loved her enough to choose her over the other thirsty Zora
It seems like he was too young to really remember. He didn't even recognize Link's name or face
>Little tadpole Sidon, living in a fishbowl.
>Mipha fascinated by the little bro.
>Sidon looking out with adoration for big sis.
>Mipha's mother and father have to tell her not to tap on the glass.
>Fighting Lynels is more difficult than fighting Ganon
Imagine if Ganon reincarnated as a Lynel
How do Lynels make their weapons? I doubt they walk into Goron City to talk to the only blacksmith in the entire kingdom
Lynels are supposed to be fairly intelligent, I think they make their own weapons. Or there's a Lynel blacksmith out there somewhere.
come to think of it, how do Lizals make theirs too?
>Dubious food eating animation when eating monster meals
tee hee
I love how Naboris looks like it was meant to carry travelers. There's the little observation areas on the sides, the top humps look like sitting quarters, the body doesn't shake with the footsteps so it's not unsettling to be on while its moving. It feels like its secondary purpose is to ferry people around the desert.
If it wasn't for the funk-ass interior, at least.
I've seen a lot of lizals use found weapons, which makes sense, bu the actual lizal made weapons all seem fairly rudimentary. They're just kind of spiky sharp things they wrap clothe around to make a handle. I get the feeling they're intelligent enough to make weapons, just not very complex weapons.
they're still making metal weapons. Bokos and Moblins are just modifying sticks and bones. Lizals are smart enough to be doing complex constructions.
Of course that Mipha wouldn't take his lil bro to her trips with Link to East Reservoir Lake
Yeah, that is impressive, but they still look like garbage compared to say Lynel weapons by comparison.
I still refuse to use Lynel weapons. I don't like how they shrink so Link can use them, and they're too strong in most cases and make things too easy
Does this guy show up every night or is it irregular?
I need a picture
It's random. At night, you can see a huge beam of light shining up from his mountain, just glance over there to see if he's there or not.
New update lets you change the console display settings to grayscale or inverted colors.
Screencaps are still in full color when you share them.
There's only that one guy in the east stable who talks about it, right? I only figured out what that glow was after I saw a picture of it here and made the obvious conclusion
I think sometimes that gossip magazine reporter mentions him too, but I might be wrong.
I like to imagine Zelda burned that dress the moment she got back to Kakariko and got her regular clothes back
I wonder where she even got her old clothes. Maybe the Sheikah remade them or something
probably, they repaired Link's tunic
>You will never lick Zelda's feet or Urbosa's abs.
>STILL no threesome fic or r34
I like how Link's skin reacts to the environment
Don't forget about the Tetraforce:
▲ ▲
▲ ▲
too much gay
I wish Mipha had lived if only for there to actually be a love triangle. Nothing would come of it but it would be funny
The game goes out of its way to prevent any love triangles, not just with Mipha but with Paya too
Reminder that Mipha is dead
Reminder that Zelda is a princess in name only.
Reminder that Paya is too timid to confess and if anything only holds a mild infatuation for Link
Reminder that Sidon won't tap that out of respect for his dead sister.
Reminder that Teba has no character
Reminder that Yunobo is a fucking dweeb
Riju plays the long game. Riju will win the Link bowl.
yeah, everything is supposed to be up to your imagination but it means we'll never get to see it for real
She is a child
>a mild infatuation for Link
The very lewd diary descriptions and the sex dreams say otherwise
Link is a girl now. Link will remain single until she meets someone that sweeps her off her feet.
I honestly thought Kass was going to be the new Rito champion when I first played, not a literally-who
I just want actual confirmation if Mipha and Zelda were aware of each other's feelings for Link.
Maybe the DLC will cover that
Riju could probably pick up and carry Link away.
She's like 14, only 2-3 years younger than Link.
Not that big of an age gap. Hell, even at 12 she's only 4-5 years younger.
Like I said, she plays the long game. It's why she told him to bring the Thunder Helm back when she's a little bit older and probably why she made him jump through so many hoops to get it to begin with. She wanted him to prove how much he valued the Gerudo.
On top of that she has the strongest economy and standing military out of any of the city states that now comprise what was once the kingdom of Hyrule.
user those pages were redacted for the sake of national security by the Sheikah Intelligence Committee. If you have some how obtained any copies of the aforementioned texts, please surrender them at once or face legal repercussions.
Riju will be able to do that eventually.
That would have been so much better. The one thing most of the champions suffer from, both new and old, is a lack of development. Teba is a literal who while everyone else but Riju are one note and uninteresting. Mipha had a lot of potential but they missed every opportunity to expand on it and really give us a good character.
If the other champions had even HALF of the effort put into Riju, it would have worked so much better.
Seems apparent from the memories that they were not. Probably would have completely doomed Hyrule if they had suddenly become aware of it.
This shouldn't be the only decent Riju lewd.
Life is so unfair.
I share your pain.
link knew mipha liked him and implicitly chose mipha over a literally who zora
I think Mipha may have been aware but Zelda wasn't.
>new Rito champion
None of the Divine Beast quest companions ever became "new champions"
>not a literally-who
I think that's more of a problem with the lack of stuff to do in the Rito storyline before the divine beast itself than the character of a serious proud warrior trying to protect his village and family.
No chance.
I imagine that Mipha realized it eventually and it's what prompted her to speak in memory 15, but that's nothing definitive it's just an idea
I think it is safe to say that Zelda only knew Link in passing before he was anointed Champion. She likely knew next to nothing about him aside from him being the son of a prominent knight and maybe that he spent some of his childhood in Zora's Domain.
Mipha was moments away from exposing to everyone that she loved Link. She wouldn't have opened her mouth if she had any hint that a triangle was forming.
From Revali's dialogue it seems Link was obscure until he found the Master Sword, and might even have been the last champion to be appointed.
>His blond sideburns flow like a golden waterfall over his dignified, pointy ears. And the way his hair is so perfectly parted to the side, wow! I don't know why, but my heart won't stop beating a mile a minute...
>I can't help it! I always follow his gorgeous gaze with my own. I blame his beautiful blue eyes. Ugh. This is all so strange...
It's a pretty common anime trope for characters to be oblivious to a potential love triangle. They never quite seem to get the words out. Japan is awash in harem shows.
How the fuck is Sidon uninteresting?
This is Yiga propaganda.
She didn't have to say "I think about Link." She could have said something like in this comic here which wouldn't have revealed her specific feelings
That's he problem, user. He SHOULD be interesting. The dashing prince who is a literal cinnamon roll and will always stand by your side. A touch of tragedy in his past with the loss of his sister.
And you know what Nintendo did with that? Absolutely fuck all.
Paya is a yiga agent
Mipha was just suggesting to Zelda to use the power of love in general based on her own experience.
There is nothing that suggests that she knows that Zelda loves Link too.
>A cute yiga stalker will never secretly have a crush on you.
Link could have had a hundred thousand Lynel heads mounted over his fireplace and Ravioli would still think that he is better than him.
I don't believe they would have interrupted her dialog, if she wasn't about to spill the beans. It's such a common trope in these kinds of narratives that the big telling fact would be interrupted moments before being exposed. It's the way these scenes are always written.
What suggests it is Mipha's body language, When Urbosa says "Anything could finally spark the power," Mipha gasps and looks straight at Link, who happens to be staring at Zelda
That seems more of a problem with "not getting enough of the characters" than "the characters aren't good".
There also should have definitely been a way to incorporate Sidon, Riju, Teba and Yunobo in the climax even if it had been in a stupid and pointless way like TP's gang of wannabee heroes.
Your shipping goggles are on too tight. Mipha looks at Link because Mipha likes Link.
Triforked Lizal boomerang seems pretty advanced
if she was about to drop that shit casually, then link definitely already knew and mipha was making armor? they were engaged, maybe not engaged but kissing and shit
yeah theres no way link didnt not know about miphas geelings. between the making the armor, her about to drop it casually, and the zora at the domain who made him choose her or mipha, he knew