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>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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now this is a good thread
Azura is shit
>try to summon for Reinhardt on his Focus
>try sniping Blues
>no Blue orbs whatsoever
>have to summon at least one thing to back out of it
>5* Chrom
>could be cool
>+Spd, -Atk
Literally why the fuck
This is the THIRD 5* I summoned in a row with -Atk
Why do they even bother going "hey here you go, wait a minute it's useless so go fuck yourself"
I'm not as distressed this time because unlike the past two (Lucina, Reinhardt, both -Atk), Chrom's actually not that great but....... still, why? Why????????????
Thigh worship
>early shitpost threads deleted
>no falseflag or Luis OP
all is good
Azura a best
Good work, OP.
kill all tripfaggots
why dont we all just report him? seems like we would all prefer they didnt post under a trip if at all
Boris thread?
Just be glad you have Sol/Aether fodder to begin with, those skills are rare as fuck.
Marries Kris
Cute cuck
Best donut steel
I guess that's all I can do for now.
Who should I give Aether to then?
Don't act like you don't enjoy the attention. You would've got rid of the trip otherwise.
why does clive look like a woman
Me on the bottom right
You think we haven't tried reporting all his shitposts? (not that i'm saying i'm doing it, because stating a report is against the rules)
If the spic weren't sucking the mods dicks, he would've been gone a loooooong time ago.
Python is a late bloomer. His bases are kinda meh outside of strength but he has really good growths. If you stick with him he'll turn into a beast.
Don't reply stupid.
Mathilda and Sonya look like they have a KEIKAKU thing going
In your dreams cuck
dont sweat it pal, you just have to be on good terms with robin's wife's husband and everything will work out
Mathilda's wife.
>If the spic weren't sucking the mods dicks, he would've been gone a loooooong time ago.
I love this assumption.
i hate tita
You're gonna need stitches!
I want to bury my face between her legs.
Doot Sluice!
there is no justice for the common man
So cute! I love glasses!
i like the increasing levels of autism displayed in these posts
Julia is smol and cute
Attaboy monobrow
What the actual fuck
Jesus christ
This is Valbar's wife
With a waifu like that you'd look like a woman too.
Not that Clive minds.
What the fuck are you doing
Wife when! WHEN
>it's Yank time
>Leif's ridiculous more levelup in this playthrough lets him run straight for the iron ballista solo
>20 defense with holy water lets him tank the ballistas and mages, plus one of the staff users can just physic him anyways
>Can also nab one or two normal ballista kills with a wind/thunder sword though the hit rates are a bit annoying
>Rescue or just run back out when he's done
I mean I could just warp and save myself the trouble but the fact that this is possible is hilarious to me so I'm committed to it now.
gotta love /feg/tards
I'm going whale for her and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me
>the Echoes glasses picture made me think the Eirika picture had glasses too
Every girl looks good with glasses, we need more art of it
>Good generals died for this
One day people will just slam the keyboard at random in response -- and everyone will understand.
Get in line fag
Are there any characters that want Glacies over Iceberg? I got my Caeda up to Level 40 for Flier Emblem and she hits 37 res with +Res boon.
>spic is so triggered he's trying to get /feg/ banned
fucking cocksucker.
>inb4 she has lower attack than Azama
Based Thor
Oh for the love of god
What if Corrin was more like Peter?
She sure can't stop with those fake abs!
>no genny
Evidence? :)
Klein or people with a killer weapon.
>the fags who made that nowi and bride lucina thread did it again this time
really makes me think
That faggot loves /feg/ since he has no life
Negative attention is still attention
someone with a killer weapon
not an argument
Shut the fuck up nigger, no one asked you what you think.
Don't you think if I was supposedly in league with mods I would have had them ban /feg/ already?
evidence? Burden of proof is on you.
Ideal set of skills and IVs for Selena?
its so sad isn't it
where did this family guy meme come from
can anybody give me a quick rundown?
Fag should just kill himself already. Literally a no life loser with no better way to spend his time than attention whoring online or begging for art.
>No evidence
I thought so ;)
it's another non-meme drill forces
>M-m-muh boogeyman!!?!!
>[calm request for proof of conspiracy theory]
Kill yourself.
I like Hana
You can bully me if you want but please refrain from saying anything bad about my wife
+Spd -Hp
Wo Dao
me too
We had a couple nice threads but then he came back
(You) are the ocean's grey waves.
I like TharjaAnon.
QR and fury for tanking
I love Python, he is my husband.
Who's this "drill"? Can you show me evidence that he's behind "this"?
Thanks user
No he's mine! Kliff, Zeke and Lukas are also mine, keep the rest.
It's an anonymous image board sweatie. What I say goes.