Blaze it edition
Blaze it edition
Other urls found in this thread:
inb4 deleted for too early
DId the nerf him?
he's good now if you're good with him
>Jungler Lee
>top lane is not Rammus, Malphite, or one of the other tanky mages but also is not Fio-Certainly True Damage-ra
>Mid locks talon
>Support can pick an AP burst mage as long as they have CC to rely on for lane phase and cheap enough harass, like Zyra Brand, Vel even, or Zilean if needed.
>Elise Jungle
>low tier mage mid
>Galio or something top
>ADC even takes Corki
>no Support can help your team pierce through stacking MR with physical damage skills with high base values
Best adc!!
this thread is a bit early....
hey man can you stop posting my boyfriend?
hes getting uncomfortable and keeps cuddling me while im playing league
not boodrum btw
I love Kled and I want to do many lewd things to him!
yeah ok boodrum
go away thanks
xth for breast metal waifu
not him
I just like teasing you, you fuckin gay!
Well this thread is off to a GREAT start.
I've had some compy problems and now I'm having to rebuild my filters from scratch. I forgot how much gay fur shit in in this general. The 4th Reich can't come soon enough.
if riven/lee/yasuo/vayne/whatever is the "GG this team" then what is the complete opposite team personality comp?
when can i play champs in free rotation?
H-hey guys whats going o-
>50 posts early
Why do retards do this?
Not much why are you asking?
I was assuming image limit got hit.
its fun how tank players are usually the most friendly people
here you go friend
I feel I might need to start filtering the draven cancer soon but this should give you a good base to start with
post sauce
i wish i was lulu
Based on my experience:
Top Sion/Swain
Jungle Xin/Zac
Mid Vel'koz/Azir/Diana
ADC Tristana
Support Braum/Taric
What's that? How do I filter lulutards?
oops link fucked up
do you just filter the champ or
speaking of lulu and sion
what happened to that guy with $2000 who was suppose to commission that?
Nazi champion when?
Thanks user.
Commission what?
>enemy is wearing a commando skin
>it's not j4
ITT times you know you're fucked
Lulu raping Sion's asshole iirc
dude probably chickened out
I filter images, this currently has MANY MANY lulu images, a few vladfag images, a handful of lissfag images, and pretty much all autist ez images
Im pretty sure the ez guy is cropping his images so I cant filter him though
paste that list into your image md5 filter and then reload the page
anyone used killping or similar? i'm getting throttled by ISP and need to know if this shit works.
he was suppose to commission a picture of futa lulu raping sion and one of the artists that some user suggested was shad, after that we haven't heard a word of that since
>Start game
>See this
lets play a game
describe the graphical icon representing the flash summoner spell
i wish
i have commando galio but i'm garbage at him
xth for Camille and her 1.1k damage true damage autos on a 4 second cd!
unironically xayah
lulu is quite the nazi just replace her laughs and giggles with "heil the fuher" and purple with "the 3rd reich"
mind blowing
That's not really to my taste. Plus does it really cost that much to commission lewds?
How and why did Rakan fall for such a shitty, despicable, biggoted person?
yeah duh
he just mentioned it once and it caught on
come up with something more original to get a original reply
A buddy of mine and I run this discord channel. Has a decent about of actives. But the amount of people playing League is low as fuck; would be cool to get some new blood in here.
Because he's just as shitty and despicable.
shadman, probably.
dude was like "post ending in 7 decide what i commission with 2000$" but i'm sure this fag chickened out and we'll never get our futa Lulu raping Sion now
listening to rengar's voice lines makes me want to FUCK him
Rakan is just a dumb male bimbo. Think Melania Trump but as a vastaya.
depends on the artist, but i don't know who in their right minds would strip away their dignity just to draw that
shad doesn't take commissions so that's probably one of the reasons why he bitched out
Xayah, Leona, Kled, Darius, Viktor, Camille, Garen, Swain, Mordekaiser, Kayle, Tahm Kench and Singed are the most /pol/ champs in the game.
you thought you could lose me by makin a real early thread ehhh lolg?
well fuck you its comfy bfs~ time!
men will do and put up with a lot of shit for a chance at some action
You're late.
we're glad you're here
How do I win as Soraka?
>riot copying fire emblem now
>a new qt ez
whered you find this? ive scoured all of pixiv for ez pics
>every Cait build on Probuilds goes IE>Shiv>PD>RFC>BT
>decide to try IE>Shiv>PD>ER>BT
>100dps more on target dummy (~720 vs 820)
is there a reason to overcap crit? i understand more attack speed gets you more passive procs, but you're wasting crit when you could've got CDR instead for more Qs and Rs
And I'm loving every bit of it.
I hope all of future esports skins and splashes look something like this from now on.
Not him but that's Twitter's filenameing.
Most japanese artists post stuff on Twitter nowaday. Pixiv is dead as fuck due to baka-gaijin having invaded the place and all the japs left.
Is it true the bird chick is a literal bigot?
The old dame is feeling comfy again
Why is this pairing so goddamn hot?
lucina champ when
pls respond. i can only grind ranked at night and i obviously cannot do so when my isp decides that i'd have to try it at 400 ping
the extra range auto on rapid fire is better than the extra ad from reaver
i need more edits of this
please make some edits, no matter how shit
we have the following so far
>twisted fate
>the tweety
fucking really? could I even search for images on there? I hate those kinds of websites man
artists really just post their shit there instead of on an art website like pixiv or tumblr?
how do they get fans?
>trap an ahri
>she tries to dash
>can feel the panic in her movements
>1k true damage
>"wtf" in all chat
heh.... next time, kiddo.
try Haste
You're a fur fag and should report to your local gas chamber immediately.
Why would you want to use your abilities more than just auto attacking instead. Late game when it matters all you will be doing is right clicking.
I feel like this....should've been saved for
It's not race mixing with fags. It's just nihilistic masturbation.
(op) a lot of them switched from pixiv to twitter and then locked their accounts, if you didn't follow back when they used pixiv it's hard to find their new content
Twitter is kinda garbage to post art, but it's still better than Pixiv in its current stat.
You can't really just search for picture here, so basically just follow artists you like and others who share the same interest. Oh, and use tweetdeck to filter their tweets so you only see their tweets with pictures.
yeah but when I did the dps test, I just auto'd and still did more dmg with the Reaver
well replace PD with RFC then. what's better now?
It can always be both.
It's PURE nihilistic masturbation user.
Love between yordle boys is the purest form of love.
that's exactly what I did, i made a locked account with a JP name and some garbage bio and followed only art accounts + used tweetdeck to filter it to only images
>tfw there are probably comfy bfs images ill never see cause of this
god damn it, no wonder pixiv is dead slow for new pics
It's probably about in game DPS vs theoretic DPS. How often do you just get to stand still and auto? Try pretending you are in a team fight and can only auto every so often.
what's your league IGN? i can send you twitter account names and some of the archives I've saved
why does nobody like jungle anymore
this is the dabbing yorick of good luck
many victories and climbs will come to you
but only if you say "i remember yorick mori"
i forgot that exists. holy shit that might be what i need.
thanks senpai. i owe you.
King Gay
because they nerfed the only jg they can play (graves and lee)
its cool, I dont plan on using twitter my dude even for new pics and stuff I can make do with just not going near that
I stay away from social media and anything that can help people I dislike find me
Too punishing for too little reward unless you are one or two champs. Oh wait that's how it's always been except when jungling was laughably easy.
Dabbing is still a thing? Why was it ever a thing? It's just a meaningless gesture.
Unironically a racist who sees zero good in humans and would kill all of them off if she could
Warmongering biggot who genocided Diana's people
Stupid Southern Patriotic stormfront cracker
>Darius and Garen
The good kind of patriotic nationalist military icons
The bad kind of nationalist military icon
Knows humanity as shit and realizes that utopia isn't possible without eugenics
"the poor are scum I don't want to pay for their shit but I'll certainly keep taxing them to make myself richer"
LITERALLY Runeterra's Hitler/Stalin/Mao
Totalitarian dictator who created an empire and ruled a good deal of the the world with an iron fist back in the ancient days
>Tahm Kench
Basically Runeterra's Kek
Responsible for most of Noxus's Auschwitz-tier war experimentations and bio-chemical warfare
>the guy with no game sense or map awareness is your jungler
i remember yorick mori