>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>thread right at bump limit
Well done user
Also, Katarina is cute.
Azura is shit
>it's a /u/ episode
Faye is adorable.
Why is Alfonse such a disappointment? Anna and Sharena aren't the best but at least they aren't the worst of their respective weapon.
paying extra care and love and attention to my mentally ill sister so she doesn't hurt herself in any way
I'll do anything for you
Doesn't know what the symbols mean!
Ok so Conquest is worth playing for the maps/gameplay despite the fucking awful everything else. I know revalations is awful in terms of both maps,game play and writing but what about birthright?
Minerva is cute
Because he's yet another Mart clone, maybe. Which is a shame since I want him to be usable in some way with his unique weapon.
any tips on how to beat chapter 10 birthright with Corn, Orochi and a generic Outlaw and Cavalier? I seriously should have picked up a Knight instead.
Yay, a Jugdral themed thread.
Azura a best
>people actually play shitchoes
how fucking pathetic
Lana is for Yuria.
Marth actually has speed though. Alfonse is a GBA Fighter with a sword.
I'm just waiting for the right skill set for him since I find expensive giving to him a brave sword+ and brash assault
They have no ideas and just send more and more enemies to rout.
>people like things that I don't
QR or Lancebreaker for my best friend?
Weren't we going to get orbs for IS' screw up with the tiles in Legion's map? Or was I just bamboozled
Hol up. Conquest has good MAPS. The gameplay mechanics like the shitty weapon triangle. Nearly unusable magic, and terrible weapon penalties take away from the gameplay.
not a dialogue
>Effie's VA also voices Shanna
what the fug. shanna sounds great why did they have to murder effie's character
No. Fates is shit
>someone shits on fates
>immediately in resppnse someone shits on echoes
That's a cute Nino
Yes, it's on twitter. No confirmed date though. Today's reset at the earliest, and after Legion GHB is gone at the latest I'd guess.
Fates is awful. There are a few /v/eddit refugees here that try to shill Conquest but you should ignore them.
It's literally just one shit poster. A similar thing happens when you call out TharjaSpic and the thread just so happens to get derailed with Belkafag shit from years ago
Isn't Nino a boy? What's with the gender bending art
pls help
really though i think i might just be a shitter considering somebody beat Conquest Lunatic with ONLY generics as soon as they could use them
I feel that they are just going give them after the current banner.
>shitty weapon triangle
what do you mean?
>magic being shit
What? My magic users put in alot of work and were great.
Not to mention mycastle and pair up still being super busted.
Watch them upgrade him for V2.
Mobage does this shit all the time. The hero has to start off weak.
Who should I 5*
>Xander, will be used to make a horse team with Olwen, and 4* gunter and jagen.
> Tharja, +SPD -def, I don't have a good red mage unit.
>we didn't even get to enjoy TIKI=WAIFU calling Tharjafag out on being a fake #FE fan because it happened at the end of the thread
Sad day
Sure, let's spar.
I'm curious as to how they'll play out the next step in power creep. Doubt it'll be any time soon, but I feel a 6* rarity will be inevitable.
I can't think of very many that make your starting unit legitimately good. There's FGO and that's all I really know, although at least Anna and Sharena are okay.
>not having all tripfags filtered yet
I wonder if Kris unzipped right after saying that
not a single one of you knows the ways of superlative style
>Nearly unusable magic
unrestricted 1-2 range that targets res is still good
>but ninjas
so don't use mages to fight them instead of your archers/axe users like a sane person
the weapon penalties are also overblown; it just means you have to be more strategic instead of slapping silver and brave weapons on everyone like awakening
user I played #FE like 12 days after it came out in Japan and have 100%'d it in the most literal way you can
>mentally ill
This meme again?
>Weapon triangle
There's nothing wrong with the weapon triangle, it's not crippling like say in Genealogy, and it actually includes a rotation for ranged weapon too which is a neat addition instead of just having bows as SHIIIIIIIIT. Not liking something =/= being shit.
>Nearly unusably magic
Magic is good though, problem is most of the mages you obtain are not very good and nosferatu itself was nerfed hard. Stuff like Mjolnir and most of Hoshido tomes makes for great versitile use. Some weapons have terrible penalities yeah (legendary weapons), but others are kinda neat and make sense (like brave weapons).
how do you grind in CQ user?
and now I did not buy ((dlc))
Aside Sharena that can be splashed on any team, Alf and Anna pretty much need a proper team to make them shine.
With a proper setup Alf can kill pretty much everything with a proc, or Anna can telefrag everything.
But well, everyone likes to use cookiecutter teams.
angle or devill
It's not. Fuck off with this revisionism.
I just slapped 1-2 range weapons on everyone in Awakening. Nothing like Sol activating a ridiculous amount and taking no damage from an entire army because of it.
make romantic pairings based on how fast you can make them so you have more missions to do.
Narcian's wife is cute! No wonder she's so stylish with a man like that.
>the flames that look like magic that veronica is puking right out of her mouth
Tharja, the fuck you even gonna do with Gunter and Jagen in the team? Even more so if they're only 4*, try getting a Cecilia
There's almost no need for it in Conquest. And the magic users the game provides for you sure as hell don't do work
can your cavalier lure out the ninjas with the javelin equipped and the outlaw finish him off?
I actually think Conquest has the best gameplay. The skill system in particular is nice because many skills involve positioning, you can significantly buff your units with the proper formation (and rallies, etc). And pair up is good, there are many situations where one stance is preferable and for guard stance I like how the guard meter is reliable. It's another factor that adds complexity to tactics. Debuffs and various other skills are also quite notable as they make the gameplay far more dynamic, the situations you face are always different. The staves introduced in FE14 are really cool and useful. There are various ways to build your characters and party, which adds freedom and replay value. And of course, the maps are phenomenal as they manage to bring out all the various details of the battle system and keep the gameplay fresh and varied.
Magic is good, not sure why you think it isn't.
The only downside is that it's more complex than typical FE so it can be less intuitive for new players.
who fucking cares
Don't currently have vantage 3 but do have desperation 3 which would be better on Tharja.
Gunter and jagen are just there for buffs and repositioning really.
Stop, Clarine is for Rutger+Dieck gangbang
I would not consider that grinding tbqh since they are chapters in the game ala gaidin chapters in GBA titles
i don't remember what these threads were like before heroes
Including ranged weapons into the physical one was poorly implemented and beyond stupid. They should've been separate.
That's what presents are for.
Anna doesn't need a proper team as much, although she needs Fury or Life and Death to shine. Alfonse is just bad. I use the Hana quad build and she fails to kill a lot with two hits, so she needs three or four hits to finish the deal. Alfonse has the same attack as a neutral Hana, so he ends up in the same situation but he can't quad to make up for it.
When's my wife getting in Heroes
Leo and Odin are very versitile units, Nyx has uses for LTC playthroughs, Elise is a glass-cannon with fall-back healing ability, and Ophelia is a traditional FE mage. Being overpowered =/= not working.
My Castle.
I believe most of the negativity towards Fates comes from the wide hatred of it's story and characters. I'm also not a fan of the gook classes personally
>you have to be an able tactician to complete Conquest without incurring crippling casualties
>Corrin is a drooling retard no matter what
What did they mean by this
Why do Axes beat Lances?
Fuck off Etika
Really nigga?
It's like chopping a stick
Hopefully never. Inigo in drag is shit.
They are never adding Fates kids. Ever
An axe swing snaps a skinny lance in half?
Why the fuck did a sheltered child get put in charge of the military again?
I like Hana
What do you guys think the optimal Conquest pairings would be for a Lunatic ironman run?
Which child characters should be used as combat units and which ones should be spawned ASAP to obtain loot and exp from their paralogues?
>still no bow cavalier in Heroes
why live?
Odin is unreliable as fuck, but with a proper coinflip he can be good.
But he isn't really wrong with Nyx.