Sell old Corolla to 16 year old nu-driver

>Sell old Corolla to 16 year old nu-driver
>Get a call 10 minutes later
>"user, please help. I can't start the car"
>Don't want to get sued to oblivion
>I'll be there in a few secs
>Jog back to what used to be my car
>What's the matter?
>Nufaggot: Where is the push-button start
>You have to put the key in the ignition idiot.
>He puts key in ignition
>Nufaggot: It doesn't start, wtf?
>You have to crank it and hold it for a sec
>It works
>Nufaggot: Wow, thanks user. My dad taught me to drive in his Forester, didn't know cars had to be cranked. Thanks, bye :3
>Runs a stop sign on the way out, almost crashing into a Cherokee.

Why is our new generation so fucking retarded.

I want to see you jump-start a cold, two horse chariot!

too ez

i-is that a benin?


>taser straight to the dick
>getting more than 1hp out of your 1 horse

Horses actually make around 15HP.

>Burger-children receive no education on cars except what their retarded hillbilly fathers teach them
>they fuck up
Wow it's almost as if requiring people to take lessons in order to get a license would yield positive results, who would have figured.

My dad taught me about insurance and how the entire system works.

Burger parents be like
>Don't worry sweetheart, we'll pay the deductible.

How much BHP though?

what kind of exhaust is this

>Don't want to get sued to oblivion
uhh the car is sold as is unless you gave him a warranty contract
furthermore, he cannot prove you had knowlege of any hidden faults the car may have as it is not your responsibility to find them and point them out

tldr they can't sue you, block their number

>tldr they can't sue you, block their number
shoulda done that as soon as I secured a meeting.

I wonder how that smells haha.

Just curious.

>things that never happened

Spotted the nu male cuckboi


>Wow, he's unfamiliar with something he's never done before

One time a friend of my mother was going to fly out of town so he asked us to go to the airport with him and bring his car back. It was an autotragic with a push start button and neither of us had ever owned one so we were both like
>wtf there is no keyhole
>no key
>how do we start this
>ok it's started, where is the clutch? how do i shift out of N?

took us 5 minutes to figure out how to drive it

>comparing horses and carts to two cars built within probably 20 years of eachother

so you're stupid is what you're saying

Nobody is this stupid

Why do eurocucks ruin the fucking website by spamming shitty bait threads like this?