/wowg/ - World of Warcraft General - Fun times with Father edition


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>tfw noobs keep undercutting by 100g instead of like 5g
>tfw in the past 2 days the item I've been selling has gone down 300g

R8 my exploits


should i sell raw ore or try my luck at prospecting?

>tfw I'm not on the ToS main raid group for tomorrow

>Girlfriend told me today she was against me joining after my trial because she thought I was a compete asshole
Feels weird, man

>want to faction change to horde because sick of losing bgs
>all my irl friends play ally

>tfw will get cucked on loot again and be to afraid to speak out

n-np guys i d-dont need my 4pc

Snuck into the Horde side of Dalaran and started doing Goldilocks shit

>can only do 500k dps as fury and ilv 880
please tell me it gets better bro's

lol i'm doing that on my Warlock and i'm only 868.


just buy them all and resell at your price


>903 sp
>got back few days ago after 3 month break
>getting out dpsed and out hped by 880-900 mouth breathers
>have to grind stupid ap so i dont get instantly kicked from M+ for having below 4m hp

its not fair...

>i dont get instantly kicked from M+ for having below 4m hp
such thing doesnt exist

>refresh sub, start a character leveling up to level 90
>not a single moment of challenge in that entire time, just a continuous slide down the xp bar in the same speed, with no bumps or problems

Where is the excitement I used to have in this game?

hey guys this is me in a crowd in silvermoon city. i thought blood elves were chill but they got all uppity when i yelled sylvannas is bananas so i left haha


nice toaster

Not in content a decade old that has been subject to multiple stat squishes that's for fucking sure

What a great way to engage newcomers and returnees. No wonder this game is dying.


Who /task scheduler autism AP catch-up/ here?

>go to get some chicken nuggets while waiting for raid
>see this at the drive through window


>1.9 million subscribers

This is a good reply. The look of someone who doesn't like hearing the truth.

shut the fuck up already
If you like ff fuck off to their shitty general, this is /wowg/ not talk about shitty chinese mmos nobody gives a fucking shit about.


What are some redpilled add-ons?

>uh guys why does it appear that abilities and classes are balanced for max level content and not my lvl 90 dungeons? wtf dead game

the recent patch got rid of 3 keybinds for Arms haha
fucking blizz


I'll tell you why. BANDAS

Are next weeks' affixes going to be as cancer as this week?

>nobody gives a shit about
>all the servers are full and have wait times

Mind going to the realm list and telling me how many WoW servers have a queue?..

I'm waiting.

>have a history of reasonably difficult content from character creation to endgame
>completely trivialize it, dungeon's can be solo'd, mana is a non-factor and outside questing has no playerbase anymore
>no risk of dying anywhere either, which was not the case in the past

But it's okay because after leveling to 110 you finally get the game you were wanting to play all along.

Wows server load got increased with legion so many servers changed to "med pop" even when legion had just came out. Stfu and fuck off.
>inb4 increasingly nervous-memes
No, nobody cares, stfu.

Why exactly is it ok for us LFR players to get access to a raid one week later than loser neckbeards who masturbate to cartoons? Sorry I have a job, a wife and kids to support and can't play this game 24/7. I still want to enjoy content.



i'm already dead, kysposter haha

this is me at the inn in shattrah city. i asked the barkeep if he ccan poor drinks with his facetentacles. he said yes but also that the manager doesn't allow it so i'll have to take his word for it haha

i aint clicking on that shit nigga


More like Blizzard implemented CRZ instead of merging servers like a normal company would but they're still trying to pretend their game isn't dying.

>stopped releasing subscriber numbers

Just admit Blizzard is finished.


Should I play fury or arms for pvp?

>not jerking it to cartoons
Missing out, buddy. Just like how you're missing out on Tomb of Sargeras for a WHOLE WEEK! :^)

>catgirl race played by majority females

if I play ffxiv can I get a catgirl waifu? only lonely single moms play WoW... no tight young asian cuties..

Stupid fuck.


do it user

>one week
More like two months, top kek. Have fun waiting.

what is it with warcraft players and orc/beast cuck porn? like seriously how pathetic can you get this is even more sad than BLACKED at least africans are 1/2 human

>not pugging


>he doesn't like seeing orcs defiling hot af blood elves


>druid from Tichondrius in cloth heirlooms joins my WQ group

Are there any worgen rogue transmogs that don't look like garbage?

It seems like every helmet looks like shit on worgen

ToT sets

>that hand
>that lip
Please stop posting these shit images user.

what set? i never raided mists

I just found some... interesting videos on youtube about WOW RP servers. I'm mainly talking about the (apparently) infamous goldshire inn and the depraved roleplaying that goes on there.
I haven't played wow for a long time. Is that still a thing? Woulb be a reason for me to actually download the game again.

Hey that mightve been me. I've got about 6 Alts at 100 I need to level with invasions and I'm not spending any more gold than I need to so they all get the cloth heirlooms

My school friend logged on for the first time in months.
Turned out it was just his GF trying while she was procrastinating uni study.
While i'm living the neet life...

Hierlooms are cheap as fuck.

Are you poor user?

>5k gold just to make your heirlooms scale from 90 to 100
>5k for each armor piece, weapon, trinket

niBBa how u so rich

Just make a trial character and go to goldshire to experience the magic on your own.
Don't forget to download MRP or some other addons like that so you can read their profiles.

Retards buying transmogs.

please sit on my face

is there anything must-do/get that is going away tomorrow that i should do tonight

Nine tailed is the name. Lfr is the best version

i know you can't be this retarded

nah m8, last time I got paired with a pug that was almost entirely made of ragnaros huehuezilians.

Thanks for the info.
Any Server recommendations?

There is no physical way that Illidan stayed even remotely sane after being in a small, shitty-ass cage for 10k years. Just the raw boredom would make him want to die, and if it was the desire for vengeance keeping him alive, he would've gutted both Malfurion and Memeande as soon as he saw them, along with Maiev. Plus, 10k years of just masturbating? No way this nigga is sane.

where the FUCK is my ashes of alar? i've done it like 100 times

>get ashes on one of my horde alts
>bored with the character and don't feel like dishing out the gold for master flying so I can learn it
>delete the character and forget about it

The mount is ugly as shit anyways

dude there it is go take him its all yours ;)

I undercut by 50% just to piss off faggots like you. Then my stuff sells instantly and you're stuck in price war for days undercutting by 1g and never selling anything just to get that extra shekels.

reminder that pezado is better then you all together
>joined in legion
>already 15k achievements points
>a shit ton of rare mounts
>fantastic taste in transmogs


Excuse me /wowg/. EXCUSE ME.

Do you see this in my hand? Yes it is exactly what you think it is.

Look at the lockout, is it saved?

Well if not then PLEASE do not disturb me until I've had my morning mount run.

I will NOT ask again, I will not be held responsible for my actions if you proceed to talk to me beforehand.

how hard is the WW mage tower?


it sells instantly because i buy it and resell it at my original price

>post thing
>somebody undercuts
>by a lot
>buy them out
>relist at my price

It's generally in your best interests to undercut minimally, although I can sympathize with the contempt. Sort of.

he is unlike you

hey you
check out my mount
it's still obtainable, and everyone already has it since it's been obtainable for about a decade, but still, you must be pretty jealous right now
now excuse me while i samefag a bit

woah... what a god...

do you have them?

damn... this guy's good...

>undercut others by 1g
>gets undercut by another 1g instantly
>has to cancel my auctions, lose deposit and relist them undercutting by 1g
>instantly gets undercut by 1g

I don't know if those are AH bots or nerds with too much free time, but this is the reason I'm no longer playing the AH like an autist, just put everything to sell as quickly as possible.
I still make profit.

>Alt hits 110 during an invasion.
>Hearth back to Dal to grab the whistle, come back and do the invasion quests.
>Forgot to check if I had the quest for the scenario.
>Fly back into Azsuna and the quest pops up.
>No legion invasion points to repel.
I hurt myself today.

My experience with the AH has been fairly positive, since I used to sell hexweave bags back when I cared, and I got a decent amount of cash. Lately its just been my dwarf LW who makes all the money from crafting leggos and babbies buying them. I might invest in being an Alchejew someday as well, since I hear there's profit in there as well.

Got it on my 11th try ;). My friend still doesn't have it and he gets furious when I show it off to him, same with pureblood fire hawk and flametalon.

Is it a notable feat to reach 2k rating in a season? I kinda want that sweet-ass elite gladiator pala set.


>get firelands mounts fairly ez
>get al'akbar mount randomly while doing the achievements
>20 tries into DS, still none of the 3 (THREE) mounts that very well should be dropping
DS is a fucking bitch to do, too. I'll get you one day, my green hawk.


nice blog

N-NANI!? Human goblin?