/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General

films of akira kurosawa edition

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An update regarding resolutions for the instance roadblock and 90k errors on the NA data center: sqex.to/9J2

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Saw a blindfold you can apparently get from some quest in Rhalgr's. Is it later than the first time you go to Gyr Alabama?

Are Kojin supposed to be Quadavs of FFXIV?

level 69 quest, you also get thancred eyepatch on a different quest

>tfw some of the music in sb is making me want to cry

I thought the same thing, but they really aren't? Or I hope not, I wanna see good proper Quadav's one day.

so is that now higher than blm's?

>DPS queue

>thancred eyepatch



What are you playing?

Considering they have used beastmen models from FFXI, I doubt the Kojin are. They could be cousins though!


It's my birthday, please post cute midlander / au ra females. I need this.

The webm reminded me of that one dude with partial limbs doing martial arts thats commonly named "partial arts" in YLYL threads in /gif/

straight outta aht urhgan

So they're like their stoner cousins that live on the beach?

What is all that? Looks cool.

Sunrise floatposting.

I know its still early in the RDM lifetime. But im curious how people have been using Moulinet in aoe situations. Do you build to 30 and dive in to use it once? Or you go higher more more attacks at once?

Ive been building to 60 mana before diving in to attack but if people that run numbers and whatnot find a better way im all ears.

I hate Azim Steppe.

I hate it because of all of the fucking male Au Ra. Every single fucking male Au Ra looks like it has down syndrome. I don't understand how that design decision got through, and I don't understand how anyone can want to play as one.

>the day is over

why are they pushing lyse so fucking hard
>that second outfit
>that "sparring match"

nighttime floatposting

i never asked for these feels

Bitch please those Au Ra are strapping

Post character and youtube.


If you know a big pull is coming, save your mana. no penalty for being at 100 mana. but if it is a surprise big pull, just spam Scatter. I find going in for one Moulinet is a waste of time

>Yugiri gets character development for the first time since she was introduced.
She's as good as dead isn't she?


Guys is Abyssal Drain worth using?

alright, I can do this for a while


Not as dead as her voice actress.


Yeah, if its a big pull.

Nope but the Roe samurai does he didn't deserve it

I haven't used it much since the blood price nerf, typically now I unleash twice or so, blood price, salted earth into quietus spam and dark arts + the blind aoe, name escapes me.

You're gonna have to give me a better reason to post midlanders because I'm rather sleepy right now.

Right now, non-DA AD is pretty okay for AoE
Blood Price no longer gives stupid amounts of mana when faced with high amounts of enemies, which I have heard was both a bug and intentional, so really DRK is kinda bad at AoE in general now

gosetsu dies and ends up on masochism island

are sidequests rly bad this time I personally thought hw ones were good how do these compare

>all the male au ra and shotas in this expansion

Played two years ago but never bought Heavensward, is it free now or something? I can't find anything regarding pricing on the Square Enix website or store.

=w= post a picture of the most perfect catboy you ever saw

it's offered with stormblood

Wasn't he actually just a giant hyur? No one ever called him a roe or even insinuated it.

All catboys are flawed

I'm looking to start again. I can just play on Standard until level 60 then buy Stormblood and it'll all work out?

It's mentioned he's a roe in a MSQ cut scene

oh! thats me!

When you're looking for the two in Kugane, the captains you speak too refer to him as the samurai roegadyn.

standard only goes to 50

Gotcha. Thanks dude.

Were the nips even aware that her english VA was horribly murdered? Would be in pretty bad taste if they did.

What did she mean with this?

I'm over it. I rather kill myself.

did someone say shotas

Well I can't do anything about that.

she loves mountain oysters

She wants my cock

>level 70 mch
>its fun
>everyone says go bard
>not sure if i want to get geared on mch or start leveling bard or start mining
What should I do?

I'm gonna need about tree fiddy catboys.

if you like mch play it
simple as that

>believing everyon

dude on your birthday you literally spent it farming an mmo ALONE. not even FC members or friends you like enough to want to spend it with. than you came in here and farmed for sympathy/attention by posting that you spent your birthday ALONE playing an mmo ALONE. you really might as well end it

When is story skip for Stormblood? I'd pay 40 in a heartbeat.

I got a stupid storyline question.

Spoilers obviously.

Lord Hien was injured and thus fled to the North where the Xaela took him in. What injured him? He wasn't born when the Imperials attacked.

birthday just started though

heres tree fiddy one catboys

whenever the next expansion drops. Return of the jedi

his pride . :^)

literally no one said that to you and you are just memeing right now just to meme because you are probably the "lol que time look at me" faggot from before piggybacking on others memes again.


fuk u fagot

That's an auri and an ugly one at that

you're no cat boy

please stop replying to catboy posts you dumb smelly au'ra

it is so cute I will rape it

After many screams and frustration

We did it.

I fell off right after that picture

Who is this guy, why do people hate him? I remember 2 days ago he was giving advice, but I guess this is the life of an avatarfag.


*blankposts artistically*

you just need to get my good side 's all.

stop asking for catboys

im pretty sure i said this last time but I do shit post a lot

is this a side quest? I dont remember this at all.

Ironic that a polygamist who strings people along and doesn't tell people they don't feel the same as they do so they can use them up for their affection before getting bored of them only to return when others or their IRL boyfriend doesn't give them attention, fuck off you pretender and abuser the day you leave this place is a brighter day for the newer people who come who don't know any better to stay away from you you vile fake cunt.

>tfw no one to take screenshots with while leveling up
Gosh I'm lonely

is this bait

You must walk the path of the dragoon


is this really what a tank wear?

happy birthday!!

When can I buy an apartment in Shirogane?

I rushed through HW and barely have any screenshots to remind myself of the excitement and stuff I felt going through the zones... I'm taking SB a lot slower this time around and taking tons of screens with my bestie so when I'm old and decrepit I can look back on all the time I've wasted on this game and maybe crack a smile.

So I logged on for the first time in about a year and now a bunch of my abilities are crossed out. Did they remove these from the games? Even rogue weapon poisons?


So it would seem!

Yeah, a lot of stuff got culled/cleaned up. Poisons are traits for you now.

People are ass-blasted about poisons but it was literally just a "fuck you make sure you have one clicked" thing.

I want to fuck sandcat!

Are the thigh highs part of the leg slot or part of the feet slot? Pls respond

Leg, unfortunately. Feet is just the sandals.


They got rid of sneak attack too. What can you even do while stealthed anymore?


Pretty sure they felt their stealth thing was an abortion so they just kept TA for the damage buff.

TY. That set looks really nice on your elf so hopefully it will also look good on mine!

who is this cute lala

nigger lover