Alright Veeky Forums, show me what you know. Take the ase a1 practice test and post results of your first attempt, no cheating.
Alright Veeky Forums, show me what you know. Take the ase a1 practice test and post results of your first attempt...
Pic related, by the way questions are random each attempt.
Thank God I'm paying someone to do this crap for me.
70% is passing user
i didn't get a score u mechanic jew
>it's all modern electronic shit
Shit man I didn't get half of these
deleting my Veeky Forums account
>modern electronic shit
Come on man, that's been around since the 90s
Exactly. Fuck fuel injection
You sound like my buddy. He’s a fucking carburetor whisperer but refuses to touch anything modern because computers
>[EFI]'s been around since the 90s
>The first commercial EFI system was the Electrojector, developed by the Bendix Corporation and was offered by American Motors Corporation (AMC) in 1957.
>first question is about some bullshit metric fuckshit
Confirmed for garbage irrelevant test
I grew up in the south where everyone either calls things by their brand name or their function. Like the ECU is the brain box
how many questions is it? up to 42 atm
>first question is how to use a twisty caliper thing
Plebs get
You got a straight B. That IS pleb shit.
I have lower-than-average-car-guy mechanical ability and this was not that hard.
>doesn't post a score
Typical pleb
>ECU is the brain box
This is why southerners will never be respectable. This is why people can't take you seriously in academia, either. You're a caricature of yourselves.
Fuck forced induction too right?
It's like this goofyfuck hates power
T. european faggot
fuel injection is worse for power. this is fact. it's like saying gays are good at fuckin chicks