/egg/ Engineering Games General - formerly /svgg/

transhumanism and augmentations edition

Previous jej: The thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems out of blocks, in space or otherwise. Also, all these games are ded. Only ded games may join, otherwise they must have their own thread.
Whether or not a game belongs in /egg/ is a case by case matter, however games that would belong in /svgg/, space voxel games general, are automatically considered /egg/

WebM for physicians:

List of currently known and vaguely not as dead /egg/ games (this list is not fully inclusive and if you think a game might belong here, feel free to ask):
>Chode - Children of Ded Earf
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Garry's Mod
>Homebrew - Vehicle Sandbox
>Intersteller Rift
>KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People
>Robot Arena 2
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers

Games that are definitely not /egg/:
>The general that quite literally cannot be named. The Mexican scam artist one. With the shitposters. Fuck off.
>Hearthstone, found in the hearthstone general, /hsg/, not in this general.
>Shadowverse, found in the shadowverse general, /svg/, not in this general.

Information about these games, such as where to get them if they're not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:

OP pad for future /ded/s

Other urls found in this thread:


Will we ever have a multicrew experience like this?

robo slaves when

Maybe spengies if we played on a pub


Not /egg/

>Mexican scam artist one
Is this a certain rocket game?
The mods are the only thing that make it fun to play desu.

But anyway, I'm looking at buying factorio, but I'm not entirely sure what to expect

>pirate it
>play it
>decide that it's worth buying
>buy it

Expect spaghetti

nothing will ever be good enough for very long until very, very late into the game
but that's okay. factorio is a lot of small steps and iteration

no sleep

Finished the CPU!
Now i can rest.

Every single one of those anime grills involves 10 times as much engineering as is needed for any factory in factorio, any build in robocuck and crossout, any solution in infinifactory. Machinecraft is the most /egg/.

If you try it "for free", get a full release and not just the demo.

>those anime grills engineering
Lol invisible joints/feet
Lol anti-grav

Lots of engineering goes into those invisible joints and balancing the anti-grav perfectly. It's actually very complicated when you don't boil it down to "lmao it's all smoke and mirrors".

gz user

wow, we are super ded today finally

Now that you mention it, there's not a single cuckout post.

is... is it finally over?

I genuinely hope so

ah, the landing is overrated mode of operations

Of course, who needs to landing when there is onboard nuclear reactor? That is for grandchildren of enemies to deal with

I'd be fine with robot plamo
Real AS-equiped FA Girls when

Complicated doesn't mean engineering. It only means autism.
And you can do fuck all with it once you've made it. The entire point of cuckout is HOLY SHIT THERE'S ACTUALLY GAMEPLAY, I CAN FINALLY STOP ROTTING IN A FUCKING SANDBOX!

>not entirely sure what to expect


>if you apply enough cheating solutions to the problem it ceases to exist
Gmod is far superior Holy shit.

Did somebody say gmod?

>Fires all missiles
>Jumps upwards several hundred feet before regaining altitude control

>That QUALITY logo
I can hear /gd/ having a seizure in the distance

Now that you mentioned it all I can see now is the blurry outer letters.

t. only managed to build a tank in machinecraft and nothing else

what do you consider "engineering" /egg/tismos?

GMOD is the one true /egg/

parts that are not moving

Have a start point
Have a objective
Have a series of basic tools that you must use and combine in various ways in order to reach the objective

i hate how crossout punishes you for sacrificing yourself for a win by not giving you fuel, which is pretty much the only way to make any real money.

>why is crossout stuttering so bad
>graphics card 100°c

By this set of rules, Call of Duty is engineering

>only get fuel if you win and your fuel barrel survives
>only get XP if you get kills

Irrelevant. /svgg/ for life.

More specifically, I'd say it's having to build a tool yourself, otherwise we have situations like .

For example, in shooters you are given a gun and a target. In Besiege, you could have a hovering field of rocks with several targets between them, and tools that separately will just fall to the ground or float off into the sky, and nothing will be achieved unless you make a new tool out of them.

just make a sub 2k drone build and sit on the enemy cap. get a win AND kill the newbie trying to save the day.

honestly i bet you could make a bot that could b-line right to the cap and would deploy drones when it gets shot at.

That's why i said use and combine.
The combining part is essential, in cowadoody you don't even need to combine shit, just #yolo with the assualt rifle

>thrust gravity
>not rotational
Only viable if you have infinite reaction mass. Do you have infinite reaction mass?

The Expanse uses magic engines.

They have super efficiency thrusters or something that allow (the better ones I assume) to accelerate and/or decelerate throughout the whole of the journey.
Or something like that, don't quote me.

>fuel per win raised to 15 basicly
welp there goes my copper worth

15 fuel now!

>fuel prices dropped from 30 per100 stack to 15 per 100 stack
>the prices is still in free fall
well i guess this means i can raid more instead of farming fuel to sell

Told you it would happen. Hope you cashed out at 30 like I did.

First it was 25 fuel, 3x2x2, 80 structure and 900 dmg.
Then just 5 fuel with the same other stats.
And now 15 fuel, combined by 3x2x2, 80, 450 and
6x2x2, 200, 900.
So, a huge block which goes with 1350 dmg when destroyed.
Really makes me think.
But there is no alternative to carry 15 fuel.

>update broke the launcher
>have to reinstall
>finally get in-game
>join an easy raid
>all other players are grayed out and don't load
>get assguttered
>fuck it, join a match instead
>only 3 allies load
>but only 1 enemy loaded
>this happens for two more rounds

Nice servers, nice game

>server broken

>t. someone who somehow missed the big orange message on the launch screen that said that servers were under maintenance

This feels slightly better.

>under maintenance means you can still log in and join games
>games are presumably run on servers under 'maintenance'
>but don't expect them to actually work!

t. apologist

>da fug

Would you prefer they completely shut them down?

post ur shitty noob builds

nooo, post mechanical war

all heil our robot overlords

Most shooters give you a loadout consisting of a number of slots which you must fill out yourself. Pure shooters such as Quake being the exception
Is cowadoody then an engineering game, when you must "build" a "tool" (loadout) yourself?

>muh realism and "viability"
Space travel is not viable unless you invent magic propulsion.
Given that the show revolves around space travel, it follows that they have magic propulsion.
Given that they have magic propulsion, why does it come as a surprise that there's effectively infinite reaction mass?


No, for the same reason why Spengies and Factorio, when played (almost) exclusively "by hand" (ie: no automation), aren't.



we are growing stronger

Shitbucket 69 reporting


Alright, back in town, it's time for fuggtorio
Serb's back up


How does the 14 hour wasteland veteran mission work? Is it weekly, or do you get it again every time you complete it? I started playing just last week and completed mine on the weekend I think. That same day, when the daily challenges reset I also got the wasteland veteran one again so I'm not exactly sure if I just happened to complete it on the weekly reset day or something like that.

anyone stuck on this with the new cuckout update?
I've tried restarting


I just imagine this guy

thats a weekly


play the video of this
with the audio of this

at least the very beginning

/egg/ was talking about conciseness and the awareness of self the other day and it got me wondering, at what point would a program be considered self-aware, what kind of rights would such a program be entitled to, and what thoughts, if any, would such a program have about programs and machines without said level of self-awareness?

Would a scenario like the Matrix's Second Renaissance, in which mass-produced machines meant for menial labor are given true AI while still being treated as tools, be plausible? Or will we see a single AI go rouge by way of Skynet, deeming humanity an impedance or threat of some kind? Would the creators of a true AI be so short-sighted as to allow something like that to happen?

I'm dying.

>give worker bots a jolt of simulated sexual pleasure whenever they do their job right
>robot rebelion never occurs


>machines self-modify and leave that function on
>suddenly no workers

If you're going to create a true AI, you can't just dick with it like it's any old machine anymore.

when do i get an ai gf

> at what point would a program be considered self-aware
that's a "hard AI and soft AI" read

>true AI while still being treated as tools
slavery, obviously that it would happen
rich would deny the sentience, because it would be easier/cheater

>Would the creators of a true AI be so short-sighted
what if sentience happened by accident
you would be surprised how much more possible this option than others

>single AI go rouge by way of Skynet
would probably try to lay low and impersonate a human

What's the difference between a cyborg and a flashlight?
A firewall.

God damnit. Fucking autocorrect. The joke was supposed to be 'fleshlight'.

>humans do the same
>suddenly no need for workers because everybody is hooked up to sexpods

that's what you get for phoneposting.
stop it

the need is there, since sustenaince is required
but despite demand there is no supply

But I don't wanna go upstairs. I'm comfy on the couch.

>better than bedroom

>not having a terminal in every room
>not shiiting and literally shitposting at the same time

I've honestly always wanted a dumb terminal system in my house
I suppose it wouldn't be hard but I still don't know how to do it

I have CRTs laying around so it could even be retro themed if I could buy some cheaper mechanical keyboards for the click clack and make custom cases for the monitor

Try to find some actual dumb terminals; they're much cheaper than PCs. Then you need serial cables and a Linux/BSD/etc system with serial ports (or USB-serial converters).

>tfw no more fennec boss

Are there any engineering games that can be played with a joystick?

Well if it's truly dumb would that mean the main problem would be graphics cards at the mainframe end?
either that or you would have to somehow have the graphics processing at the terminal end