gay edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
First for the most alpha champ.
being gay is against god
homos are sinners
xth for pure love
xth for what do i build on adc MF?
Next champion will be a pirate mage. Somehow.
>more pirates
xth for this beta being checkmated and btfo.
How embarrassing...
xth for Syndra
>fucking a whore
She needs to eat oranges.
What was I even expecting?
Which Elementalist Lux form is the cutest?
xth for breast metal waifu
13th for that special feeling
>gay edition
>links circlejerk site
like pottery
This is what happens when you talk to delusional fucks. Why do you think the majority of everyone else on the thread just ignores him? The only people that talk to him now days are people who are having a laugh. And it's the same no matte where you go.
Reminder: It's canon, always has been.
If any other mouth-breathing wannabe alphas desire to be embarrassed, try me.
>Here. Everything there is canon, Everything else isn't.
>"e-execpt Ezreals and Lux's l-lore!"
>"i-i mean j-just because t-they are related on the lore s-still m-means they never t-talked and Ezreal's never been to Demacia r-right?"
It's actually pathetic how retarded someone can be. Congratz on the self-btfo with your official lore "attempt".
Give up betas. Fucking Pathetic.
I want to put a baby inside Leblanc
I really like this meme. There needs to be more of it.
Ghostblade or Duskblade into whichever one you didn't buy first, then Cleaver. After that, get Death's Dance, Mortal Reminder, and GA in whatever order suits the game.
>shaco #2 jg according to
>getting buffs accordings to pbe
what did riot mean by this?
She isn't fertile.
You can't impregnate infertile old hags, user, despite how much makeup they wear.
So male yordles have fur
female yordles only have hair on their heads and have a light blue skin color
kennen has neither fur nor has blue skin, which sex is it?
>kennen doesn't have fur
the fuck are you talking about, look closely
His skins have even more visible fur since he doesn't have a mask on always
Related champions doesn't mean they have to be related in a lore way, it's not stated anywhere.
There is NOTHING in current canon that confirms or even ponts towards ezlux
He has fur.
>kennen has neither fur
Why isnt Lulu's point and click squirrel bullshit a skillshot?
cutest couple
not everything needs to be a skillshot and besides it wouldn't really matter since she can just wait until you're in melee range or just hit her 9999% slow first
just reduce the duration
I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!
>pick a tank
>build glass cannon
what did my top laner mean by this?
I actually would mind if Whimsy had its ally cast able speed up part removed. the skill as it is is already extremely strong. point and click CC is always ridiculous in this game.
Do i go deathfire's grasp?
What should I make tyrone say?
Normal and wind.
Yasuo outplayed pasta
Tyrone says nothing for 2000 years
So my ex got me into league, but his challenger friend carried me to diamond last season. Now I go into games with my diamond border and have virtually no skills outside of laning phase that would set me apart from a gold player. My entire champion pool is also only three champs.
How do I get good legitimately, and make diamond on my own this season? I used to watch hours of streams, and I played all the time, but I feel like my CS is never really where it should be, and oftentimes I wind up out of position and giving up a free kill or summoner.
You're paying for a video? Make him say 3D is shit and all normalfags deserve to be gunned down in the street. Especially /lolg/
>challenger player in my norms
>goes 1/6 and afks
I see why he's playing norms
Go practice farming in the practice tool until you get 100 farm at 10 minutes without backing.
>being a faggot
Kill yourself
so do we have something like an archive of league reaction pics?
Better yet do it with karthus or fiddlesticks without casting any spells
so you want him to farm the jungle too?
this is the faggot thread, you're a faggot just for using it
2 mountains worth of skill cap lee pasta
>being unironically boosted
should end yourself senpai
So the thing is, if I'm in a lane alone I'll get all the cs pretty much 99.9% of the time. It's when I have to also poke and trade with an opponent that it starts to suffer. I main Lux and Ekko, or Poppy if I'm put in top lane. Trading with champs like Orianna or Syndra can be really hard in the early stages, especially since losing enough trades will mean you get zoned from the wave.
What did I do? ):
>Annie enters bot lane with a dorans ring
>After dying Annie comes back to bot with yet another dorans ring
>6k IP
Do you know any girls in diamond who ARENT boosted???
i actually do, although none of them made it higher than D4
>that winrate and playrate on thresh
fucking certainlyt and his overloaded champions
>tfw 50k IP and own all champs
nerf literally when?
>lucian starting to show top lane
yes riot this is EXACTLY what i want to fucking see
i cant wait until trigger nigger gets olaf'd
>boy dating a boy
that makes you faggot
/lolg/ is currently purging all you faggots that derail threads and make jannies hate us
>have to afk, team still wins but i lose lp
>support lags and afks at 10 minutes
How was your day lolg?
>people are still stacking Doran's Rings
Does nobody in Bronze/Silver read the patch notes?
I made it from diamond 4 to 3 solo queuing. I had a 100% win rate with Katarina in diamond before they ruined her.
were you this annie?
>nearly 200% gold efficient without passive
it still gives an assload of health, AP, and max mana for the price
it's still the right purchase in terms of raw power in the early game, you just don't get to also stay out in lane for eternity when you do it.
He was top way before he was mid.
Also he did get olaf'd for a couple of months but people adore him so he got repeatedly buffed
I feel like its impossible due to the out right utility he has. At most you'll scratch numbers but that probably wont solve anything. I'm tired of him too.
wait, arent you that user?
No. I had a 17% win rate with Annie in solo q so I stopped playing her. I willl only play Lux, Ekko and Poppy. Janna if I'm forced to sup, jinx if I'm forced to ADC.
I'm neither boy nor trans
>want to buy panteom
>but feel like hes getting nerf soon
what do brahs?
show your penis (feminine)
w-why did rammuschan never come back once she became legal...
>not a boy
Thots and roasties are even worse than faggots
abuse him till he gets nerf
you get more ip if you win btw
>17% win rate with annie
How. Just hit level 6 buy some AP shit then flash ult stun someone
>he doesn't know how bad lucian top is after 15 minutes if he doesn't get a kill and even worst if he falls behind
Why do you dodge so much user?
Is ekko worh buying?
Fight for order!
Let's finish what ten bans started!
This! This explains the current meta in Top Lane.
Just ban Riven and Yasuo.
You just took the bottom T1 Turret and recalled to complete your Youmuu + AS Boots, and this big motherfucker slaps your toplane inhibitor's Turret with a Triforce proc combined with a Glimpse of the Void proc.
What do you do?
Keep in mind his ult is up and he just butchered your toplaner and jungler without using his flash.
>pic attached is what should be on his screen
Low elo shittard confirmed.
hard 2 play, wouldnt recommend
Practice in flex queue or in normals until you play against other diamonds without struggling, or alternatively play on a smurf
a galio in my team (master) did it two fays after the patch, sadly
Yes. Really fun and very forgiving.
Why do I get the feeling you're also this toxic in game?
Idk I had a good winrate with her when I was in low plat, but after I got to diamond I started losing consistently with her. I do fine all game with Lux (11/3/10 Kda over 120 games) and Ekko, but I tend to just feed on anything else.
>Hard to play
I hate yasuo.
>responding to obvious bait
>the score is 16-5 in favor of the enemy at 14 minutes
wheres the counterplay
Fuck off roastie