I was rear ended in my brand new car, AMA

I was rear ended in my brand new car, AMA

Why did you post here instead of reddit?

Why the fuck are you still alive? You can't even die properly.

Why are you such a faggot?

Reddit is gay

I got rear ended faggot, next time I'll try to get t-boned by a semi

Cuz I bought a new car when I shoulda bought CPO

>Mazda is good

>the only company interested in saving internal combustion and sticks manuals in all of their sedans

Why did you buy a brand new car?

too bad you didnt die

>imblying I'm in any danger of buying of buying a post 2017 car in the next 15 years

Well obviously not, you're too poor for that

>hurr you must be poor since you don't want to buy a modern shitbox
Could you at least fucking think before you type?

That's the joke, m8

Found the actual poorfag

Post your shitbox


did you seriously go to wendys in your pajamas

Check your engine


You let another guy butt fuck you in your brand new car? Seems like you should have just gotten a used one if you're such a homo

>check engine light on

Just the diesel emissions system throwing a hissy fit. May as well disable it all together

Yeah, max comy

Not him but I choose to drive an old, cheap shitbox even though i could afford a new car

No one actually does this unless they have multiple cars

>bus pass expired