Building sand castles with Lulu edition!
Building sand castles with Lulu edition!
Other urls found in this thread:
Xth for cumming in the sandcastles and telling Lulu theres candy inside
I'd rather post in this thread than a gay yordle porn thread
why the fuck do you never put the ONE fucking link we have in the OP
Can you stop being a gross degenerate for a second???
I love my wife, Riven!!
xth for Syndra
heck off lulufag i had a hella cool copypasta for my thread
lemme say it again
i love you kled and i can’t wait until the day i die. when i an finally be with you. when im awarded in heaven with the love of my life. to finally be able to touch you with my own hands, run my hair through your soft fur and touch your tummy, put on your hat and call myself kledfag the cantankerous cavalier and have you roll over on your back and make gentle but firm love to me. I hav your name tattooed on my chest and I give my body to you as your temple. i am yours and you are mine and it is written in the stars in blood., I love you kled i love you and when we die our corpses will be buried together until we intertwine and our ribcages become locked together and a bed of flowers grows from the fecund earth where our love will linger forevermore
its nutritious and good for her hair, she will like it in the long run
Name one (1) good pro player.
peanut is good and also a qt
do ex-pros count ?
>tfw going to anime expo in a couple weeks
>get to bully these lulus irl with my dick
about 70% of cosplayers are gamer gurls and fatasses cosplaying yugioh and pokemon
don't get your hopes too up
>Look up the quick gameplay thoughts about the ezreal rework and others things (
>somebody asks if twitch will get nerfed
>some guy answers "As a lvl 7 Twitch main, I'm actually going to disagree [...]" and follows up with theorycrafting
>look him up
>bronze 3
Mundo and Volibear need it more than Mordekaiser.
Please help me.
that's a fallacy.
stop playing
continue playing.
you can remove 1 yordle (and therefore, their fans) from the game
which one
Have /ourguys/ won anything yet?
>I'm playing Vi
>there's a Yasuo on my team
>he never ults even when I get a 4-5 man knockup
>the one time he ults is when I Q a Leona in a late game fight
How do these people function IRL
>can't cs
Ratfags man
how is it even a question?
I am new to the game, how does rerolling champion shards work?
Is it really completely random what champion I roll into? Or do low cost champions like Ashe have a higher chance of being rolled? I have 3 champion shards for 450 champions and since statistically most champions of the game have a price of 3150 or more, would it be beneficial to reroll them?
>that's a fallacy.
I posted the link for the thread and it's in the first comment but ok boss
>you guys actually chose lulu over kled
hes annoying but still less cancer than lulu, hell Id take an autist ez thread over lulu any day
comfy bfs~
Eh i'm not sure that many soldiers out at once would work.
look up fallacy
Also twitch is not a yordle but his voice lines that play every 2 seconds are even more annoying so fuck him.
so what did everyone get for their first orb?
Stop playing Shyvana. She's really really shit in this current jungle
don't be rude, kled is the best yordle.
in a alternate universe where he was never a character i'd probably post about ziggs anyway
It's 100% random.
nothing yet since I only play on the weekends and I can't get past the fucking first mission due to a loss streak
>need 2900 orange dust for elementalist lux
>only have 2000
This thread was first insufferable retard
Well fuck me for getting Garen Ashe and Nunu then.
So if I reroll them I statistically have a chance of improving my worth of 1350 IP?
Who is rammuschan?
you can complete missions via bots
you're talking as if you weren't cancer yourself
it's okay comfy bf-kun.
someday they'll understand why choosing this thread over mine was a big mistake.
i'll make them pay.
A skin that i already owned and 20 tokens
>start a game to do mission
>enemy remakes
>mission completed
>lane opponent wins lane because they counterpick you
>they start getting cocky and shittalking
Yea I'd say go for it. How much dust do you even need to upgrade them into real champs?
If it's totally negligible that might be better.
You always get garen and Ashe with your starter chest. Assuming you haven't used it yet the other chest gives you a skin for a champ you own, so if you only own one you'll get it for that and it can be rigged in your favor.
honorifics wrong there weeb, it should be sama~
xth for Kayle x Karthus
>buy Final Boss Veigar because fuck waiting
>get skin shard literally a week later
Goddamit RIOT
>16 straight wins on main champ
i-it can't be just luck, r-right
yeah it can.
>*presses Q*
>*flashes mastery*
Is speed boost Jhin viable anywhere beyond urf?
which champ?
I miss urf already
I miss Hexakill
>all these points
feels badman.
Post 'em, in preparation of losing them all with the new system.
i miss poro king
>Ashe and Garen
Every account gets these, along with either Sherwood Ashe or Sanguine Garen.
>Enemy counter picks you
>Can't play them and only picked them due to being a counter pick
>Still win lane and they start raging complaining about "op champ"
The best feeling.
I miss my kind
I don't miss any of those.
But Skarner your kind make such great batteries.
kledfag makes a good argument for being removed from existence, but lulufags have been more cancer for much longer.
kennen falls in and out of the meta and crazies in his fanbase here died out
tristana has bandlebro and she actually contributes to the general so she's cool
heimer fans don't exist or just lurk
corki's """fans""" are just players following the meta and picking him when he's in favour
teemo fans are annoying but generally keep to themselves. there has never been an instance where a teemofag has bee more cancerous than lulufags or even kledfag
veigarfags at least give us shortstack big tiddy r63 porn
what if they find ancient frozen seed to fertilize skarner so he can breed again
if you mean hyperspeed jhin then yeah it's fairly viable for a meme build
it sucks but it's the least sucky kind of alternate build
>mfw withered by nasus
>land a crit on him
>outrun his ass despite being slowed
>mfw leblanc tries to jump on me
>land a crit on her
>literally outrun both her dashes as she tries to get in range to kill me
>mfw zed tries to all in me
>flash, land a crit on him
>outrun his shurikens and chase him down for a kill
>heimer fans don't exist or just lurk
Excuse me we just don't throw him out there in peoples faces like we are some kind of Vegan Jehovah witness combo
Where are my lewd anons at?
vg vs vg up on euw +3 pls JOIN
in game
can post lewd images later
Riot said there would be multiple rewards for those who get gold + in both solo and flex
Whats the reward for flex???
>haven't seen "Xth for Rumble" in a few weeks
I hope he's okay.
Tahm Kench-Gluttony
Super Secret.
>craft an order orb
>open the thing
>this is inside
its probably a ward skin like they used to do for team ranked
Taliyah - Greed
for obvious reasons
I hope you enjoyed the event user.
vg vs vg up on euw +3
reminder to gas yasuo players
thats not a Demon
Aatrox,Eve and TK are obviously Demons
maybe nocturne?
Kalista - wrath
Gragas - sloth
draven - pride
But jews are demons
About a year ago, I bought two mystery chests. The first one contained Nutcracko. The second one contained Masked Shaco. I figured whatever, I had never played Shaco before but I am a jungle main so why not give him a shot.
Played 2 games with him. Realized I had no idea how the fuck to play him. Feels bad.
I don't wanna play with you because you are all autistic faggots.
Sure, it was okay. I didn't spend a single RP after all, I merely did the daily pair of missions and that's enough to get the tokens for these things.