What's the opposite of a 'shaved bay'?

What's the opposite of a 'shaved bay'?

An engine bay with random household wires zip-tied all over?

a driveable car

a bush bay

a Nissan from the 70s/80s

an engine bay

A twin turbo, awd, cluster fuck of computers, technology and rice.

>hurr durr faster than a Corvette until it has 1 too many launches and becomes scrap

Very clean OP. My dad had a Chevy Luv, I remember it being about as simple as a VW bug. Everything was so open and plainly laid out, thats the only thing to top it.


i want to add that air cooled Porsche's are also insanely clean and simple

But yeah, next time youre at a car show check out a GT-R's cluster fuck.

Dad pls

Mitsu 3000 GT VR4

Jesus H Christ what a rat nest.

Megane Sport.

That glorious 200hp tho. Superior British engineering.

Obviously the bay of a poorly maintained '94 accord with no coolant, the washer fluid resovior completely gone, and the valve covers gushing oil

80s car with vacuum lines/smog controls/AC hoses/secondary air absolutely everywhere

what the fuck

>pompous battery terminal cover
>that small patch of thermal material

What's the point lmao

That thermal cover is probably where exhaust header goes, probably just so it doesn't burn the f out of the firewall paint/rust protection

PT Cruiser GT. You can’t even pull the engine. You need to lift the car and drop the engine out from underneath. Changing headlight bulbs requires taking off part of the intake and removing the battery.




One day the PT will be able to die off the face of the planet, and will be released from it's torment.

Citroën SM engine bay

1983 and onward were really awful years for American/Performance cars. I mean, the Corvette had to be delayed a whole year because of new emissions regulations.

They won't fucking die. I see like 7 a day. They're one of the cockroaches of the car world.

Solid post m8

I agree. The only other type of car that gets handed down so many generations is a classic car. But those cars get handed down every 10 years or so, not 9 months.

I want to be empathetic towards the PT, and the PT owner, but when I interact with either, they make me hate their trashy nature.

I personally now own 3. I am part of the problem. One’s the silver 5-speed GT, then the black base model auto, and I also have a plum colored auto convertible with fake wood sides that is currently getting the top fixed.

Reminder this won't get you shaved teenie pussy. Soft pussy lips. An innie.

Joke's on you I prefer outies

This. When i pulled the V6 out of my third gen, there were wires and hoses that werent even connected to anything. They just came off something and trailed into some small crevice in the bay. It was absolute chaos in that engine bay

Why do you do this?

You really hate yourself don't you?

Yea? You prefer big clits too?
Do you pretend its saggy ball skin, sans testicles. And a tiny peen.

holy projecting batman

please leave this board

I might hate myself, but I think the real reason is that I like them and they have treated me well. I inherited the black one and found it comfortable, practical, reliable, and easy to fix. They are cheap and when I found a clean, relatively low-milage GT I scooped it up. The convertible came to me through a family friend and I got it for $300 because it had an issue with the roof hydraulics and it needed some minor engine work (really just some dirty valves and Seafoam fixed it).

>fucking up a car with an SRT-4 engine this bad

Why Chrysler, why?

A lexus bay

>beauty is subjecti-

Everything is fucking crammed in there. Oil filter’s easy though.

>Petey Kuzer

Two throttle bodies?

If you think that's bad you should have seen the engine before he put the revised Intake Manifold on it

Yeah the stock metal manifold was a fucking travesty that heated the air up and starved cylinders 1 and 4 of oxygen and also looked like shit.



Was going to post this. There's a reason they try to hide it behind plastic

The V6 Turbo 300zx engine bay.

Just look at that bullshit.

where's the fucking alternator

don't tell me they are running a giant belt from the engine to the fucking back of the car

probably has a generator or magneto

t. electronic fuel injection


anything with jetronic really

also this monster

I came here to post this.

No, look at this picture.

What a fucking nightmare. Over 9000 vacuum lines and electrical wires.

working on that must be fun

U can't even see my jetronic bro

My friend owns one. One of the worst parts are the coolant hoses below the filling cap. They aren't even shown on the owner's manual, but they're there, leaking.

Surprised this hasn't reared its ugly head yet


Honestly so will all humans at some point

Honestly I was expecting that to be the first reply.

Is that before or after the PT?

pretty common in supercars and stuff like them.

pic made me lol


I was going to say this but "unshaved" bay instead.

Touche m8. Touche.

oh baby

The new Civic

made me laugh thanks