Can we please euthanize people that do this shit for car sales

Can we please euthanize people that do this shit for car sales.

Yes, and while we're at it lets euthanize the retards who put up a list of mods longer than War and Peace but don't list the mileage

Yes, but at the same time, can we euthanize those that put those shitty foglights on the rear?

Fuck its so tacky and rednecky.

What you want their fucking plates so you can show up to their home and rape them you fucking stalker?

Where is this meme from?

You can usually tell more about where a person lives based on the pictures and location on craigslist...

You realize the average joe cant access DMV or police records so its like why even hide it?

It becomes even more absurd when you realize that you don't hide it when you drive around so.....

Why hide it from people on the internet when you drive it around in public? I just dont get it.

Actually I do hide my plates in public because of people like you fuck that I'm not trying to get raped or stalked fucking faggot nice try tho

Uh, you cant do that, its against the law.

Have fun with the ticket. Anyone purposefully hiding plates would just draw attention to themselves.

Everytime I get pulled over I explain it and it's perfectly fine because I'm not a cuck or black and can actually talk to a cop like a normal human being

Yes, mobile internet was a mistake.

Yeah.... no. I don't believe you.

Driving with no plates visible is fully illegal, I don't care how good of friends you are with the cop.

If I see you driving with no plates, im calling it in. Good luck explaining to the state trooper how you're a paranoid schizo. You'll get locked up, im not kidding.

>tacky and rednecky

they always go together

This makes it easy to tell if it's a black guy trying to sell the car. That way I know to avoid it.




I always find it humorous when they can't even do it right.

>shh, no tears, only dreams now

His park brake is faded, so he's propping it up.

when your thick lard thumb isn't thick enough

Didn't emojis succeed the thumbs now?

no not really but for some reason when people use android emoji's its even funnier

its the most unreal thing. literally take your pic and put it thru messenger or whatsapp or snapchat or whatever and use their image editor to paint over the plate

most moronic lazy stupidest thing i've seen

In my area they're really autistic AND old fashioned and wrap the plates in newspaper before the photo lol

still better than a finger

It is most definitely not better. It actually takes time to wrap the shit while holding a finger over it takes no time.

Not better, just more autistic.

It's to prove that you're white or Mexican and not a high risk seller.

Never buy a car from a nigger.

That being said, I've bought a car from a black guy that I knew in real life(he worked for my boss before I got hired) he came to my house and we signed paperwork before giving him a ride to his kid's birthday party.

My friend bought a car from a nigger on Craigslist that insisted on meeting in a Food Max parking lot in Oakland.

Guess which one of us paid $500 more and got ripped off with fake paperwork?

Fucking perfect

Why? Its helpful as fuck, If its a nigger thumb then it means I need to avoid it.

Have none of these morons ever heard of MS Paint? Hell, even snapchat has an option to just scrible over pictures

Just call them up, if the seller is able to form coherent, complete sentences, you're fine.


>don't be sad, my sweetheart

Can you block these out too? Gonna list them on CL with minor smoke damage.

nah, can't be bothered. I'm using a shitty laptop with an even shittier trackpad. Also what that need is a stanceworks filter and watermark.

Really tho I can't tell if it was stanced before the fire or if the shocks just gave out due to the heat.

>Here are some JDM rims that were too hot for the streets.

>supporting the weight of the car
>implying its not sitting so low because the tires and wheels have literally melted off the car so it's sitting on it's brake disks/hubs
You are functionally retarded.

>ran when parked
>I know what I got
>selling because I'm moving out permanently out of Napa Valley

stop feeding the troll fag

are those actual streams of metal that melted off the car and then cooled? damn

>when you get triggered this hard and the trips even know it

Yep, chinese ebay rims aren't exactly the highest quality aluminum castings.

Pics are of the Santa Rosa Tubbs fire, basically destroyed 5% of the homes in the northern part of the city, which is absolutely terrible news for Veeky Forums because those neighborhoods are know for the classic car collectors as well as off-road and motorsport enthusiasts.

A lot of very nice, very rare cars were destroyed, barely even salvageable.

IIRC PIs can access the records too, but yeah I have never worried about it.

So you can check the service/test history you paranoid brainlet.

You sure about that? I was told all you have to do is pay for the form to request info from the DMV about a given plate.

as opposed to when a car is in public

You're only jealous OP.

is it so hard to open MS paint and just put some black scribbles over the plates?

agreed. i fucking hate this stupid shit.
people too lazy or too ignorant to bother going into mspaint and blacking out a license plate if they're really worried about showing it

what you doing with a dildo in your truck user? can't wait to get home?

that's a big dildo


this even more than OP

Nice Ranger.