Daily Bike Thread - /dbt/

ADVenture touring edition.

>Motorcycle Questions & Answers
>Motorcycle Tips & Tricks
>Motorcycle Gear & Accessories
>Motorcycle Pics & Webms
>Motorcycle Dating Advice
>Motorcycle riders don't need girlfriends

/dbt/ map: Meet & fuck.

Attn newbs: pls do no total a supersport:

Motorcycle Ergonomics simulator:

Webms with sound:
Previously on /dbt/:

Other urls found in this thread:


first for sieg heil
this is now a non shitskin bread,

no r3's and other third world bikes allowed.

>other third world bikes
>A thread without harleys


post boring, reckless, etc


Looks like honda shit

Literally because Honda has been copying Ducati design recently.

Yes, but VAG ducati has lost it's edge
It's most apparent in the monster, but they don't do them like they used to

I'm going faster and faster.

I'm being more and more reckless.

Recently I have been travelling over 100mph to work.

I am going to die soon.


hi. yes?

if no please help me find a good first bike
can be a bunch of things really, I figured a first bike would be prime time to get something small like around 250 cc and if I'm getting a small bike then this is the chance for me to get a dual sport because I don't really see myself wanting to spend money on one or a dirt bike in the future. but everything is so expensive and not that much selection. is now not a good time to buy? would also like something reliable and probably around 1985 or later because I'm not too experienced a mechanic

anyway found that '90 400 cc sport bike and it looks good

Stop being stupid, stupid.

the worst thing is the next time you get a lift in a car. you'll be sitting there thinking "why is this cunt driving so fucking slow? we must be going 10mph", look over and see he's going the speed limit.

How tall are you? Old CB400 is tiny girlsize bike.

5'10" but I'm actually trying to become a trap so

post pics

holy shit kys reddit

>implying Veeky Forums isn't a trap hotspot
how new
are you

how to ride baike

Twist the go bit to go
Squeeze the stop stick to stop

it work thanks


>telling my sister about cold legs on the way to work
>lends me some of her stockings
>comfy af but looks weird with the leg hair
>shave my thighs and lower body to match them
>feel pretty on my commutes now
whats wrong with me



those are some hawk eyes, user

post video

modern day Columbo over here

Driving home from a weekend at the track feels like I'm walking going like 80.


Isn't that tdub and shitbike?
They did the og SAM 0.1

You are male. Only being a female is blessing.

Link the thread in the old thread you sick fucks.
I'm only passively lurking and didn't notice the post count.

agreed these tadgers are really bad for doing that

cant help my feelings bruh

I sat there for 2hrs updating the thread occasionally, pointlessly it would seem.
If they cannae be arsed to link the new one, they shouldn't make it.

>become trap
>post legs on /dbt/

Who knows, may be crossdressing makes you feel good, explore it.

when are they changing the title to "bikers being whiny bitches"

It only will enhance frustration.

Well go find out and come back to us with results.
Call it scientific research

I've never actually watched these until now.
These people really fucking are.
This shit happens all the time. You yell some profanities and throw up your hands and move on.


>abrilia 4th



you ever had some one give you shit for parking on the pavement? Yesterday I put my bike next to a parking bay, so it wasn't in anyone's way, and he comes up asking if I work there, what if it falls over, etc. I ended up asking him where their property ends, walking the bike past the arbitrary place he pointed to and leaving it there.

But that's squidanon isn't it.
Can't tell, don't know if I've seen that one.
I like femboys, so I'm good with this.

I park on the sidewalks next to buildings, if it seems reasonable.
No one's given me shit so far.
Dude just sounded like a dick.

It's illegal here but people still do it.
As long it's not obstructing the passage cops don't usually give a shit

no i literally just took that but thanks
squiddy is asian anyways

bikes don't just "fall over", sounds like he was threatening to push it over

They were exec parking spots and I think he though I was in one, then couldn't back down without loosing face. People get fucking autistic about exec parking spots

Eeeeh, Ducati's finest was 'inspired' by the NR.

Kawasaki z125 for a beginner, yes/no?

Wayyyy too fast!! Stick to a 50cc scooter if you're a beginner

If that's what you're limited to ye

Which helmet should I get? The AGV K3 SV or HJC IS-17?

which one has the better sharp rating || which looks better

Only if you suck and you're a faggot
Which is clearly the case

I went to a bike store and this French guy who works there says Sharp ratings are BS and only the Yuropean CE rating matters

I just want to know which is more comfy

that's what you get for trusting the French, also go to a shop without a frog and try them on.

I own is-17, it is noisy.

Apparently so is the AGV one too.

What's it like going 60-70mph? Need ear plugs?

Well I like it.
Now find a skirt.

Definitely yes. I use them when I ride for more than hour.

I've used cheap second hand helmets before and never had a noise issue and now that I'm buying a new one all I read about is noise issues.

The last helmet I used was some random £40 one I didn't think about noise even once.

So now I don't know what to think

maybe you just don't notice the noise like other people do

the comfiest and quietest helmet i've used is a kabuto something
no idea about the safety etc but it was a really nice helm

yes sir

This is a blueboard mate.

You should definitly use ear plugs, it protects your hearing no matter what helmet you are wearing.
I also have the IS-17 and its not too bad with noise.

Something blue.
Blue is good.

wait what'd you say m8?

try to make it through this one


What kills me is the anger over the lane splitting and filtering stuff, even if it's legal it's not exactly safest. Most of that shit is to be expected.
And and that one dude on the cruiser thing is just a dick. This is why people hate us.

Tired of this Arizona faggot and his 10 hp scooter. Dude I'm sure you have so much fun in Arizona with your straight roads
Fuck off and go back to ur shift at Taco Bell bitch

I'm sure it's not where he lives, but AZ does have a lot of mountain to the north.

the problem is that they're American
now wait here me out before you think I'm shitposting

they all get raised with the attitude they're above the law/ they are the law and never do anything wrong, the most stubborn cunts that can't and won't admit a fault
thinking that they own the road

that's literally every Anglo video ever

hey man i'm a burger and i don't pull that shit...
true tho lol

I always look out for little errors that i make, just to keep myself in check. Things like "i should have approached that intersection more carefully" or "i need to be more aware of my blind spots"

As long as you are aware of your mistakes and are paying attention to everything around you, you should be fine.

So dont be reckless. Cant enjoy motorbikes or shitpost on /dbt/ if youre dead, son!

Just had my [spoiler] babby tier[/spoiler]first accident, fixed her up with band-aid ;_;

Well, alot of em are eastern europ it seems.
Besides that one douche. But as an american I can see it.
I do stupid shit on the bike I prolly shouldn't, but I also know that it's stupid, and if something happens I brought it on myself. It's just personal responsibility.
I also know that cars don't give a fuck about you, even aggressive at times, so I deal.
Only one time did I sperg out and rage at a car.
>filter to the front of traffic
>first car on the left moves into the middle slightly as I'm coming up
>I move accordingly more to the right
>as I reach the front, driver decides I shouldn't be there and clips my back end ever so lightly
>I move up more
>motioned to her to pull forward
>she does, and I yell what the fuck
>she flipped me off
>light turns green
>I leave with her side view

I burnt my foot on my engine

Best soda runner coming through

mine is coming soon, I can feel it. My confidence and skill are starting to get seriously out of line.

I wonder if anyone saved the picture i posted 2 years ago when i first learned to ride on a Buell Blast. I broke all of the mirrors and signals off from teaching myself low speed maneuvers and how to turn properly. I dropped that bike HARD. More times than i can remember.

People here thought i was trolling with that picture. Jokes on them, i was serious.

What such maneuvers? I've just begun riding and I don't see what's really too difficult about it.

is the blast a good beginner bike?

Are you looking for your first bike? Age and location?

idk. i think im above the law and own the road but i dont scream at people pretending to be the phone police. Idgaf what drivers do as long as they don't nearly kill me, and most of the time someone pulls out in front of me its my fault for being a shithead anyways

The only other time I get mad is when someone gets salty and tries to purposely stop me from splitting or swerves into me. Byebye mirror

No, but I've been recommending it to beginners on here and people sperg out about the bike being terrible every time

high test

Making turns as tight as possible in a parking lot. Just learning to turn in general. I am TERRIBLE at physical coordination. Im awful at all sports. It takes me MANY tries to learn a nee physical activity.

Yes, because they are cheap and small. However, you also have other great options out there. If you see one for $1000 near you, and you want to learn how to ride, get it.

>vibrator fashion accessory for assless chaps homo manlets
>high test


Some of you may remember a couple of weeks ago I came asking about three different kawasaki's. A 750 a 10r and a 12r.
Well on monday I pick up the 12r. It started easily and was quiet from a cold start. Was in really good condition except the wheels have lost some paint. Got the price down a bit. Super stoked.

>homo manlets
Stop talking.

>will never see as much as a puddle

Cool. Tour the universe now.

thats a great first bike user have fun

>isn't green

how is that even possible

>Cant shitpost on /dbt/ if youre dead, son!
sometimes i guess it would be better this way

do you have any more like this