League of legends general /lolg/

Best waifu edition

What champion pisses you off the most?

why the fuck is leveling so grindy

only level 12 after a week and a half

how the hell do people have multiple level 30 smurfs?

who is it /lolg/

I want to cuddle!

>how the hell do people have multiple level 30 smurfs?
In my case it was because I was given two to use when I asked or talked about it

Riven mains.
>no capital P in player
Keep your autismo son don't let them bully you out of it.

Reminder that Lissfag has a fridge that is possible messy and disgusting

statistically speaking its tryndamere and yi mains

the riven thing is from 2013 and no longer holds up


This is Riven. I love her with all my heart!

/lolg/! Wish me luck pls.

First this box, then an orb!

Bets on the pool party skins? They're coming out this week I'm pretty sure.

xth for Nami

i hope you get something you want

you guys think were ever going to get a new angel character or a kayle rework?

I was playing Vlad
Shes bronze 3, never missed an ult, never missed a ball, perfectly timed shields, and perfectly flashes my abilities

So either they're scripting or they're elo boosting
Either way I sent the report and I'll see how that goes

but, why?

I hope Camille gets a pool party skin

>those hips in a bikini

Xareth for me....

no and yes


She just got released. No way they're going to give her a new skin yet.
My bet is on pool party Yoric

Blitzcrank bottom if I'm bottom probably

ive never really looked at camille's model before. it looks fucking retarded

ekko got a skin after 3 months

i could look up more champs that prove you wrong as well, just say the word

thanks for your opinion user

>two (2) jars of mayonnaise
amerifat confirmed

xth for breast metal waifu

>He didn't see the leak
It's Illaoi, Ahri, Gragas, Bard, Sivir

xth for Karthus x Kayle.
Purest ship!
>a new angel
Highly unlikely. There isn't much room angels can cover other than
>The purest
And they're all taken already
>kayle rework
She and Morgana are among the most likely to get a (Dual) VGU on Riot's last list.

My money is on Illaoi (playing Volleyball)
Aurelion sol (as a moray eel)

Explain this.

Haven't had any matches dodged either.

lord i wish

Thanks! This is actually my favorite MF skin. I was just waiting for it to go on sale, now I won't have to!

Smaller filesize

Next up, the orb.

>more gnar skins

dont worry, if he doesnt get pp gnar he will get one by halloween :^)

what about the classic lucifer trope? a male angel who is half fallen and half pure?

guess the champ.

high plat edition

im not american

Zed because I like to play squishy mages in the mid lane. Though I wasn't very good at mid at the time but my skills have definitely improved.

Next patch is Star Guardian patch user.

maybe they can make the angels a religious figure?

twitch jax or voli

mister yee

Wish me luck again pls. Hextech Annie!


Best guy!
Lux is cool!

>12-hour clock
canada is still america


A few outliers doesn't prove anything. The majority of champs don't get new skins until some time after their release. But then again, it's been 6 months since her release, so she might have something coming up.

Jax and Tahm Kench

comfy bfs~

help me my ac doesnt work and its hell on earth here

Day one buy on Sivir and Illaoi for me. I had no idea about this leak but damn did I get two right if its true.

Ahri seems too...fan service-y...

Gnar is one of the most marketable characters in the game. He isn't "strong" but he's cute enough that he attracts kids/girls to the point that it works. There's a reason they gave his fucking mini an animated trailer.

>gnar buffs on pbe
what did they mean by this

is garen viable?

Lulus should charms enemies when they get close to her.

Obviously Shyvana

Alright lolg give me your bets

plat is a wonderful place full of surprises.

>hell on earth

good. That way you can get used to it.

>ac doesnt work
try not having ac at all

>show a couple female friends league
>both of them want to try gnar out first
>show little cousins league
>they all love gnar and find him cute and awesome with his transformation

it all makes sense now

hashinshin picked him very recently and wrecked

Aatrox or Udyr

lol prolly died within the first 2 seconds of every fight

>that already confirmed by riot to be bullshit leak

no if its bull theyll tell us, the REAL leak they didnt and then when riot asked them about it they got all sad and said they were disappointed and something about how their teams work hard and leaks spoil the hype

>Not crossing the seven


They want Gnar to be meta again.


he waited for our sion to engage and take most of the damage, but 3 of his 4 deaths he got popped by the zyra support. He was doing insane damage but fuck me this build is retarded


please no

I wanna HUG Lulu!

>kennen buffs
>kha'zix buffs
>diver rework cancelled
riot absolutely hates top laners who don't play tanks, fiora or riven lmao

>sad and said they were disappointed and something about how their teams work hard and leaks spoil the hype

You'd be sad too if something you're working on got spoiled 6 fucking months in advance.

Ok skin! Prob won't keep it tho.

itll be fine, Ill have a minotaur as a butler, a cyclopse as my valley, and a centaur will drive my chariot
in the land of the dead, heck boy aint it grand
im the overlord of the underworld cause I hold horrors hand~

shit sucks, im sitting here with a fan blowing at my face and ive been going in to the shower every hour to get my head and upper body wet

>Festive maokai
>Fnatic jarvan
>Fiddle me timbers
>Viscero xin shao

Got these from the orbs are any worth keeping? They don't seem good

t. cuck

>still no fiora nerfs

this fucking company!

xth for Urgot's shotgun knee(s)

Viscero Xin only.

You better fucking keep the Fiddle skin you colossal shitter.

Viscero is decent but almost every other xin skin is better.

Thinking about it, you have to pick xin to use it so not worth at all.

>smaller filesize

Xth for 2x4s (Jinx)

Not sure how that would translate to in a kit however. Maybe give him some sort of unique resource he has to manage? Maybe something kind of like Rumble, where you try to keep a balance.
If we go by lore, that's kind of Aatrox's niche, although in a distorted way.
Maybe they could try to make an angel who focus on protecting, either a tank or an enchanter, then giving Kayle a bigger focus on the warrior side and Morgana a bigger focus on the dark arts and suffering side.

i want that fucking skin holy shit ;_;

buy it


I want to Bee inside of Lulu! And give her my honey.

i refuse

>295 RP for an orb that's guaranteed to give out a legacy skinshard
>the cheapest skin price possible is 290 RP

Is it worth it, /lolg/? Considering a skin shard is essentially 1/3 of a skin.

I just stop playing whenever gnar is meta, it's the sane thing to do.

>dude ban lmao
yeah no I'm not letting fiora open

well a league champions kit can be ANYTHING, I was just saying the lucifer thing because thats the side of the angel gimmick they havent covered and if they were to make another angel themed champ thats likely where they would try

there are a lot of shitty legendary skins

We already have one ranged cancer yordle warping the top lane meta we don't need another

>he doesn't know about Homomnid's .gif meme

How's summer going?

>be in series to plat
>gooks in matchmaking increases by 500%
>these gooks spit their boxed moonspeak in in the pregame
>no keystone

ill probably just have to carry harder ha ha

>Get duo in my game
>Mid and jungle
>Go top
>Every lane is losing, even jungle
>See Mid laner coming top
>Ping him to turn back, danger
>Get caught by enemy top and mid
>Mid to me:"Die in a fire with your kids and father"
>Jungle: "This team is so trash"

Sure is summer

>Pantheon kills both yordles
>No one wants to use him

when does this mission thing ends?as in you ownt get more new missions for tokens

Yes, but lately, Riot's been trying to make champion's kits more coherent with their looks and lore. Look at Swain, the Master Tactician whose only tactic is throwing birds everywhere. That's why he's also among the possible VGU reworks