Which one is better guys

Which one is better guys

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Google maps is a little more reliable but Waze is good if you're not a safe driver.

Google maps , I save offline maps and use them when I have shit mobile connection which is %70 of the time

>his car doesn't have built-in navigation
Poorfags out

Why don't you just buy a road atlas like a normal person?

Waze's live traffic reports are a bit better and include more accidents, jams, etc. But it's also pretty distracting with a shit ton of alerts and stuff. Google Maps is more streamlined and switching to alternative routes is easier, but it doesn't show police traps which is a pretty useful feature of Waze for Veeky Forumstists.

Waze is super cute but also Israeli so I'm conflicted


When jewgle is the hypothetical alternative I don't think it really matters.

Not using superior navigation

i drive for 90% of my work shift and i gotta tell you that google maps is complete garbage, even apple maps is better. use waze.

It's actually Poogle now. CEO is a street shitter.

How about you just not be a faggot and know where you are going instead of looking at a screen while you are driving?

TomTom Go masterrace reporting in.

>they dont have hyper-good senses of direction, forgoing the need for maps

I can't telepathically sense traffic jams and accidents that would cause a delay.

git gud.

You know they have these things called radio stations that report on local traffic conditions. CBs as well, if you're around truckers.

I don't know where in the world you are, and the highway system may be the only way to get where you are going, but in my experience they are both bad at accurately accounting for traffic. If you get stuck in traffic, get off the highway and go a parallel route for a bit before getting back on.

Motheryucker DOOOONT talk about him like dat.

until someone vandalizes the map and you accidentally drive into a river

>and you accidentally drive into a river
>not paying attention to your surroundings

Give that person the numale award of the year

>following instructions blindly
nigga i drive in eastern europe, half the roads wrong, one way traffic missing, roadworks all kind of shit missing no matter what navigator i choose... it works fine, you just ignore it when it machinegirl says something stupid

Yeah I should rely on a shitty outdated method when a much better method exist. But damn dumb millennials and their apps right?

>imblying car navs are ever up to date :DDD

>radio stations that report on local traffic conditions

>implyingI'm going to sit through 10 minutes of Top 40 shit to hear 20 minutes of radio ads only for them to not actually fucking report on the road I'm using

Waze shows your location to other users. Yeah it’s delayed, but it also shows if you were speeding ect. There is also a risk if you leave it on when you park up, others will know where you live

I uninstalled apple maps because siri kept on opening it. Google maps best simply on useful features

>people on the street knowing someone by the name doodoocaca76 lives somewhere
What threat does this pose. They know a strager that uses the same app as them lives in an occupied home?

if you have a nice car and are clearly away from home maybe they get your address and go and rob your shit.

most criminals are not that complex though

How's that different than them just following you home? Don't the other user icons disappear after a certain distance? I think it's a dumb feature and dislike it as just a privacy issue in principle, but I don't see how it could be a realistic threat

They're both google, so both are shit.

Fuck off back to the 80s

And if you're on the highway 99.9% of the time it's faster to stay in the slowdown than exit the highway for backroads.

Fuck off to Puerto Rico and try getting around without all your gadgets to take care of your sorry ass.

Sure thing Jasper

>muh gadgets
Neck yourself Scotty

maps live traffic updates are literally taken from waze

>never needs a battery
no loading times

atlas is god tier

And it has the major roads for wherever you happen to be, as long as you're not counting on having more than a general layout sense for local or major city roads.

How are batteries an issue when cars have alternators?

Do you think I'm 40 or something? I'm a millennial, and most of my friends use gps to get everywhere and as a result are both terrible drivers and have no idea how to get anywhere.

>born in the wrong generation
Look at this faggot using maps instead of guiding himself using the positions of celestial bodies in the sky and landmarks

how are you an issue when suicide is an option?

>he has no actual argument

Atlases can't tell you if there's congestion, an accident, or construction and reroute you a faster way

or that the road that was there 10 years ago isn't anymore

MAPS.ME anyone? I prefer it to Waze, Google Maps, HERE WeGo. MAPS.ME is uncluttered with unnecessary shit like Waze is. Waze may have tons of additional features, but it looks too childish and navigating through app is a real nightmare, because theres so much stuff. Makes me uncomortable. Google Maps may be the most accurate one, but it misses lots of ease of use options. The biggest issue with Google Maps is that you can zoom in with just one finger by double tapping only. Pinching is not handy when operating phone single handedly (which is crucially important). Thing is - you cant zoom out with just one finger. Having big ass phone doesnt help either. HERE WeGo is by far the most attracting navigation app, has basic functions, dead easy to use. Real time navigation looks great. Issue? Slow startup, laggy map while moving/zooming. Feels very "heavily operated", like it needs more powerful phone specs. MAPS.ME is fast at starting up (though after latest updates map moving became laggy, but not as laggy as HERE), has easy to understand map, navigation is okay-ish, has zoom buttons on screen, very friendly with offline maps, just best in its class overall, not a complete winner in certain category.

Anyone has some other map/nav app suggestions? I need like basic map and nav functions without fancy stuff like live traffic. Highly customizable interface is preferable.

The thing people don't realize is that maybe waze is better for navigation, but I personally use maps for a lot more than that.

> need to know opening hours of any business
google maps

> need to see reviews/website of a business
google maps

> need to see what the area looks like
google maps street view

> need to see where one speed camera is on my morning commute, because the other 10 aren't labeled


Just buy a new one or figure it out on the fly

Lol, maybe in US or Western Europe.

>Be driving my manual 199x shitbox
>Guy in 100k BMW cuts me off by accident
>I dont know its an accident
>See his username ShitboxReker
>3 hours later im driving home
>ShitboxReker pops up
>Drive to his house and shit on his car

All because of some road rage

What do they put on your radio stations?

Music, news, chat, talking with guests or just random people when theres some sort of game quiz whatever

Or you could live in DFW, where the same fucking contiguous roadway can have 5 names in 20 miles thanks to every 'town' getting a crack at it.

>buy a new one
Good luck with that

Just get one at the next gas station. Are you dense? Or did you spend all your money on energy drinks and fried chicken?

I haven't seen any at gas stations across the US and Canada
Must live in a fly over state

>buy a new Atlas and park your car to figure out where to go
Or just tell your phone to navigate you to where you want to go, takes like 5 seconds

My city voted for Hillary and still has road maps at the gas stations outside of the city. You must live somewhere really fucked up.

Yeah, a first world country

You still can't give any legitimate reasons why atlases are better

>Why don't you just buy a road atlas like a normal person?
This is the kind of person that says all cars are pigfats and that infotainment systems are ruining all modern cars ladies and gents.

Normal people haven't bought Atlases in the last 15 years

Which of my reasons weren't legitimate? In particular, I'd like to get your reaction on my response to the guy who said he printed out google maps.

You ever try doing that? Can't see shit m8. I leave my atlas in the tire well if you want to know the truth, because all I need is look at the maps ahead of time to know what's where and jot down road names and exit numbers. The atlas is there in case I fuck up and and get lost and need to figure out what's probably the best way to recover.

I bought a roadmap for my state, and strapped it to the sunvisor. Feels nostalgic man.

That's correct. Most of them are pigfat, and they were all better before "infotainment" became a thing. It's the most abhorrent, useless, and counterproductive thing about my modern car, since I thought I'd try one out as a test.

t. Never drove a modern car

So how do you get traffic updates?

2013 isn't modern? It's got one of those bullshit touch screen things stuffed in the middle of the dash, and it's objectively the worst feature. It fails even to serve its intended purpose.

I turn on the radio or the CB. If it's a long drive I accept that you never know what bullshit is going to come up and factor that into my plans. If it's a local drive, I already know what to avoid when and how to get around it.

Is driving this hard for you intellectual cripples?

My S class is a 2013 but it sure as hell doesn't have modern infotainment, shit dates back to like 2004

>he listens to the radio
>calls others intellectual cripples

your local radio stations report on traffic on random city streets?

it's one thing to depend on it for the interstate, useless for anything else

Do you have a GPS thing or a cell phone? Guess what. You're listening to the radio.

I bet you don't think putting a microwave radio (that's what they used to call them back when mainly cops had them because it is in fact using microwave band) into your pocket that you're microwaving your balls. Would you really do that? You would put your balls in the microwave?

Face it: you are technologically illiterate.

If you rarely use a gps, Waze is good since it can alert you of accidents, cops, obstacles in the road, along with other useful features.

But if you need something accurate and reliable google maps is the way to go

t. delivery driver who used google maps everyday for over 2 years

Who the fuck cares about random city streets? There could be a red light or a nigger at your random city street. How autistic are you? You don't have any sense of where or when there's likely to be trafic when you're worried about a random city street that takes all of a few minutes to nope out of if it's that bad?

Am I be bamboozled? This has to be bait

No sir. Your 2.4GHz wifi is also microwave band, along with the superharmonic at 5GHz. It's literally what your microwave uses to transfer energy into water molecules.

The term radio in general vernacular refers to frequency modulated and amplitude modulate broadcast stations you autist

Microwaves are between 300mhz and 300ghz

You're a moron

I'm sorry your venacular is deficient. I'm just trying to help. Even at kHz and MHz frequencies you are taught to keep a distance from the transmitting antenna. It drops off at a cube root due to our 3 dimensional world. So basically you would want to like stand a few feet away, not tuck it in your pocket next to your balls.

This is the difference between people who know how to use a map and babbys.

So I guess 2.4GHz and 5GHz would fall within that range, now wouldn't they? Those 2.4GHz just happens to be effective at being absorbed by water molecules, hence its selection as a cooking method.

>still doesn't know basic grade school science
Stay retarded

They're all the way at the bottom of the spectrum you tard

>muh cancer rays
Do you live in the middle of nowhere and use only ethernet?

Which science? Until this post, you have only confirmed that I am correct.

Or we could talk about maps instead of your apparent autism.

I use ethernet whenever I can. Can't beat cheap, plentiful gigabit with the radiative properties of modern CAT5E twisted pair. Why would you use wireless unless you had to?

You're a retard who thinks radio waves harm people
Literally on the same level of autism as flat earthers

Must sit in front of your 1337 gayman PC in your mom's basement all day shitposting

>humans aren't electromagnetic
>electromagnetic waves have no effects on physical reality
>that's totally not why we use electromagnetic waves in the first place
>radio doesn't even exist, it's a jewish lie
k mayne

I bet you've never even gotten an X-ray or a C/T scan or an MRI before. You're a pleb who probably doesn't even have OnStar.

Nah I leave the HPCs in the server room where they belong and just have a like fucking Dell heap somebody bought from a retail store to take care of desktop needs.

>he thinks high energy short wavelength EM is the same as low energy long wavelength EM
Literally grade school science

That's why I mentioned particular resonant frequencies. Are you really trolling like this on Veeky Forums?

ya Google maps is awesome for store hours and shit

>muh resonant frequencies
I've spent the last half decade working in a hospital and have yet to meet someone who's been harmed by their fucking wifi router

>I literally spend the last half decade (so you're not even a doctor there for your residency?) getting brainwashing training
>and it turns out routers aren't killing people in graphic, obvious ways
>therefore I know what I'm talking about
>because I am a dog, and on the internet nobody knows I'm a dog
>oh and by the way, I can't into logic because I just do and believe what I'm told
>I say this as an expert in what I'm talking abou- oh, no, as a nurse who cleans shit off old people or pissy front counter lady or whatever
good argument, you should use it again sometime

>half a decade in a hospital
>still not even in residency
I don't think you know how it works. Not surprising since you cant even fathom grade school science

Teach it to me, doc. My brother didn't need 5 years of residency to go beyond MD. Tell it to me like I'm in grade school.

Honestly, you should be fired. Your lack of knowledge, bad emotional triggers, and ability to engage in science as we know it should disqualify you from tending to the sick. It's disgusting, frankly, what you people do.

>Veeky Forums - electronics and radiowaves

Fucking kek. Keep thinking that radio waves give you brain cancer

Well how the fuck do you think the self-driving cars work? Next this wizard is going to tell me it's not electronics and radio waves when I live in one of the self-driving car meccas.

Any specialization worth its salt is over 4 years long