Daily Bike Thread - /dbt/

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/dbt/ map: Meet & fuck.

read nebws
Motorcycle Ergonomics simulator:

stale bread

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how do i turn baike

stand on one peg or the other to lean the bike in

dubs in a row

Yamaha please

I drive both these when I'm feeling like being a cagie

500 a cute

youre a faggot

I hope that steer wheel falls off at highway speeds.

>those rims

I want to lovingly shit on your chest

>not an abarth baiku


why do we hate the XSR again, that's sexy as fuck.

Really wish i they sold the DT07 tank. I like it better than my FZ07 tank

because the standard XSR doesnt look like that

true you need to pull the other bar up at the same time

Sup /DBT/? After riding dirt for 15 years I've decided to buy a road bike. I can't comfortably ride a sport bike or even a dirt bike at this point from injuries I've had over the years so I've decided on a cruiser. I've narrowed it down to two bikes I like and test rode but I want a little input here.

Option one is a 1997 Harley Davidson heritage softail with 27k miles on it for $7200

Option 2 is a 2002 Yamaha Road Star with 7k miles for $4300

Wut would you go for /dbt/? Road Star felt like it had more power when I rode it vs the Harley which surprised me.

Forgot pic

correct, but with parts I buy with my shekels I can make one look like that.

Also look at this different head light. I like this.

I would buy that thing except I'm too poor

But the standard XSR still looks good. Just not as good.
I like the 60th anniversary edition and the new red one is also looking good but would have to see it in person.


Should I do it? I figure if I can get it down to around 2750 It'll be a great deal. Everyone I've shown hates the color scheme but I think it's glorious.

Thank you

Would be difficult considering I could barely get it off with a puller.

That's rather strange of a fetish to have bb

Muh dick

dual sports should be thrown into active volcanoes

>t. noskill

I’d stick with the Yamaha because of the cheaper parts. If you liked how it felt stick with your gut. I’ve only ever rode Yahamas since I was little so I’m biased on the subject though.

>I like the 60th anniversary edition and the new red one is also looking good but would have to see it in person.
oh shit that red does look good.

post bike

motodemic makes great looking lights

fixes the striples problem

The deeper red on the 700 looks even better

>Road Star felt like it had more power when I rode it vs the Harley which surprised me.

why would that surprise you?

Feel like super sports are a dying breed and nakeds/cafe racer inspired type bikes like are taking over. Insurance sure as hell doesn't help on those SS bikes.

Thank god.
Super sports are the cancer killing motorcycles

Will I have oil spilling out everywhere after installing one of the engine case covers on my bike? None of the videos I've watched seem to mention this, so I'm hoping it's just remove a few screws, put cover in place and put the screws back in.

>not getting a naked superspot
top jej

>protecting a turd

New bike 2012 yamaha r1 moto gp 50th anniversary, got it for 8900 w 2k miles what yall think

its just a thing that goes over the cover, no oil is going to spill out.

Post bike faggot

What's with all the Suzuki hate I keep seeing here?

Thanks, seems like a simple enough installation then.

Suzuki a shit.
Enjoy death

>Super sports are the cancer killing motorcycles
I want yuropoors to leave.

dbt is full of retards and kids without bikes.

Im american.
Super sports are absolutely pointless and are a fashion statement for faggots who didnt get enough attention from mommy

I don't even own a super sport anymore but you're a faggot. You're also probably poor and jelly. Who gives a fuck what other people buy with their money.


>t. butthurt attention whore
Back to Veeky Forums with you

nah supersports are awesome, its just the wrong type of person is attracted to them and would never ride anything else that's not japanese and doesn't look like it belongs on a track because "cool"

>Motorcycle Cooking

>rlide in the rain to get szechuan take out


>stay and get some good delivery pizza and wings

stay in 100%

Depends on what you ride

Fuck, now I want some wings.

Stay in and get pizza. That's what I'm doing

>Tfw no qt gf to lovingly cook for me.

what about my moto gp r1 i posted while ago??

Looks sick, I like the first gen the most tho

99 ninja ex250

just might have to because the bike wont stay on when i turn the coke off

does your local pizza joint make any specialty local shit?

how much you gonna tip the delivery guy?

loool no way jose

only if you have to take the cover all the way off

but they're cheap and nice to ride

>Super sports are absolutely pointless

Sweet insecurity and attention seeking
Plz die in crash degenerate scum

>sportbike cucks never get any girls

you never leave your house anyway keeno

>riding bikes for girls

they look like nice people.

t. r3 cuck


the average age and BMI of girls on the back of harleys are both 50

Its coming...
Based Yamaha

True, it just felt like it had a lot more get up and go to it.
People always act like the Harleys are better in every way I just figured it had more power.

I've been riding a long time and harley/cruiser riders are always nice people. Boisterous and sometimes annoying but have always been genuinely helpful. Every breakdown or crash or time that I've been on the side of the road pushing a bike it's been Harley riders that will see me, turn around and try to help.

Also, fat, rich, old BMW riders on their pigfat touring bikes and fancy "adventure" bikes can suck a fucking dick.

>Plz die in crash degenerate scum
you can do better than that friend

I like super sports but to be fair a lot of the guys that buy them are just fags. Every fat 30 year old cuck in my city rides a gixxer. For every good rider there's like 10 that lay their bikes over turning in parking lots, don't own riding boots, and their facebook profile pic is them doing a 1st gear wheelie 6 inches off the ground. But they think they're fast because they ride a super sport and they can duck between cars on the freeway. Gaaaaaay

I ride once In a while, does that count?

>wanting another small shitbike

>not liking small bikes
Cuz of your small penis huh?

that tank is tiny wtf


We're never seeing another 2smoke street bike again are we?

They still make these

>wanting more 2jokes

Damnit. Picture

>wanting more slowstroke noise machines


On the very slim chance that companies like KTM come up with a tpi 2t that can pass emissions in the US, and they actually want to sell it over here, yes.

I seriously doubt that's going to happen though. Especially if you have boomers making your laws. The first thing they think when they hear 2 stroke is "omg aren't those banned for polluting???". The two stroke market is here for sure though, and Jap companies especially don't want to admit it.

>its small

just like you're dick faguette

>Especially if you have boomers making your laws

You mean those machines that were racing and winning against 4 strokes that had almost double the size, and were literally killed by regulation? Yea they sure were slow


how do i get into dirtbiking? ive been watching a lot of twitch's TSwT series. i missed out on the early 2000's bro thing.



Its already overpriced

stream link or channel?

gib strem

Not an argument
>oy vey the goyim have their music too loud

>tfw no delicious V twin sound
>tfw no shaft drive
>tfw no sticky outy cylinders
>tfw no screw and locknut lifters
>tfw no perfect primary and secondary balance
>tfw can't see daylight through my bike



Where do you live? In the western part of the US just find a 125/250 on craigslist, educate yourself about them first obvi. Then either ride on trails near you or load bike into truck/van and go to track or trails.

I mean the fuel tank nerd with the mpg of a harley wont he have to fill it up every 20 miles


why would anyone use a racing endurance bike on the road?
that thing is about as much of a race bike as pick any other racing series...