League of Legends General - /lolg/


Gnar coming back to the meta edition

first for Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums ONE FUCKING SLOT COME JOIN

I love my wife, Riven! She is NOT a hobo!


you're right, she's not a hobo
she's a SLUT!

as I was saying

I like pic related

She is NOT a slut either!

I want to go rifting with them!

I wanna go comfying with the bfs

comfy bfs~

>no tank
wow its like you wanna lose

I don't know about that...

Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums BETS

I want to go anal raping in Lulu.

Tanks are soooo last season user.

How do I make friends on League?

I prefer playing with other people, but my friends either cock suck some Diamond player in customs, play Unturned, or are in jail.

shaco will be useless all game and end up split pushing and feeding. bot will win anyway because lulu is broken.

don't do it user.

she did nothing wrong!

I know for a FACT that she is not a slut.

>people not grouping in bloodmeme


The sheer number of cocks that have been in that vagina, anus, and her mouth suggest otherwise.

>1 cock (mine) makes her a slut

I have a ton of ideas that could be added to league of legends, from new characters, mechanics, and things that would add more actual rewards on the intelligent people in the game playing. I never post any of it on the forum because I realize the community and even mods/admins are really poor in character. Let me express my sorrow for a bit.

There is only two viable positions in this game to go without having a risk of rage that you can blame your friends on. The first is top lane and the second is middle lane. If you fail top or mid, it's your fault. It's almost the same for jungler, but, I'v had games where my jungle was camped the entire game and my entire team never helped while the enemy laners would leave the lane to help the enemy jungler kill me, in my own jungle, while I got called a feeder. I of course head to a lane after I realized I wasn't getting anywhere. My team was surprised that somehow the enemy shako was extremely fed. This trend happened to me for about 3 games in a row.

Next is bot lane adc or support. As support, you are basically worthless unless you are lux, morgana, or someone with a stun and aoe before ultimate. Blitz isn't really a good support because he needs to land his hooks, which he does no damage while both enemys do damage, even while under tower, and every time the enemy just walks away. The adc role, every time I play, I farm minions. My support decides they want to be the adc. They die in the process and yell at me for not helping them.

Assassins need a buff. I'm really tired of being a master yi with bashee veil, phantom dancer, boots of swiftness, and that purple sword, while still being unable to catch Ahri because they just walk away by spamming their escape "IN MY JUNGLE". If I'm an assassin and I am in a bush, and you come in my jungle, you shouldn't be able to one shot me before I can one shot you, without you even having previous kills or high CS, just because you picked veigar. (1/?)

Keep telling yourself that. Honestly by this point who hasn't tapped that?

na silver 2 support main looking for climbing buddy

add me: desicab

>who hasn't tapped that?
Everyone who isn't me, duh.

No, Lethality Jhin is basically dead now. It's back to traditional crit-Jhin (with some extra zeal to boot) and he does some pretty great damage if you build Infinity Edge and Statikk Shiv as your first two items.

New standard meta build order is:
>IE is ALWAYS going to be your first pick (unless if you're high-elo where the games finish in 25 minutes or less.)
>Shiv as 2nd, the AOE passive is much more effective for team fights and waveclear
>Zerker's Greaves if you're doing alright. Ninja Tabi if you're dealing with an assassin on the enemy team or tank heavy AD team. Maaaaybe Mercury's Treads if the enemy team is AP-heavy with one or two hard-carrying burst mages.
>RFC for more crit and extra range.
>Dominik's to shred the tanks: you NEED this since Jhin's AOE is poor due to his pathetic attack speed and reloading mechanic; so taking them out as quickly as possible is crucial.

6th item can be any of the following:
>GA (you can also build this as your 4th or even 3rd item if you're behind/can't trust your tanks to peel for you/getting caught out by assassins & dying a lot.)
>Mortal Reminder if you're dealing with 1-2+ tanky health-regen opponents on the enemy team. Or you can choose this over Dominik's if they don't have too many tanks, but a few health-regen champs such as Soraka. But all in all you NEED either MR or Dominik's to effectively deal with tanks.
>ER for extra crit and CDR.
>Mercurial Scimitar if you're against a heavy CC/AOE team; that and the extra MR + lifesteal always helps.
>Bloodthirster as your 4th item if you're dealing with assassins or a heavy ADC counter like Twitch or Draven. Either way I recommend building a Vampiric Scepter early on for the extra lifesteal during (or shortly after) laning phase.

ALWAYS go with Warlord's as your mastery keystone. DFT has been obsolete for a while now and Warlord's procs well with Jhin's movespeed passive, along with the zeal & optional lifesteal items.

will you shave your thighs and send me pics?

>Lux support
>Not being worthless

no thanks

What is that lewd dragon thinking?

i will but not tonight add me

are the new skt skins gonna be 1350 rp each? what the actual fuck

thats more than 50 bucks for 5 shitty reskins of champions

the absolute state of rito gaming

are you cute?

So when it comes to top lane, the first thing I do is mute pings and my entire team, which there should be an option in options to automatically just mute everyone to begin with due to how everybodies parents must of abused the shit out of them due to how everybody blames each other for their own mistakes like their father did before being the shit out of them.

As a top laner, I generally worry about farming cs and pushing my lane. When someones aggressive, I back off and when they realize their strategy isn't working for them and call the jungler, I always have a ward in the right spot. When the enemy can't beat me, I go all in and focus on taking towers in my lane. I never join team fights unless they are on the tier 3 tower in center lane. I normally push so fast that if someone isn't on me at all times, I snowball faster than the adc and can generally survive 2v1's depending on the character I picked.

Middle lane is probably the easiest lane ever. It's like top lane except all you have to do is not die. The enemy can't push you back too far and zone you because the towers are right next to each other. I do the same thing I do top lane except I actually will gank for top or bottom if I get ahead. If not, I have to push and ward. (2/2)

I like InitialD Jhin better anyway. I'd been building ER first. I'll start doing IE.


she wants to eat the rabbit's liver

give ign and i'll consider it if the cancer isn't too terminal

why does Riven look like a shitty RWBY character ?

Nice blog post

What is the most satisfying ability sound effect?

>Jhin ult
>Pantheon Q even more so on kills
>Darius ult

Reminder that Lux is not a support

Hey Hey Veigar

Garen Ult.

ive been told so but im not feminine just skinny

b-but they spent a lot of extra time on them :-)

>saved her adc
>does shit damage
just like a real support


they have absolutely no concept of how to prize stuff

well they have absolutely no concept of how to balance stuff either so whatever

How much would the game improve if everyone who had rank 5 or higher mastery on Bard was permabanned?

Oooooooooo, you're just an asshole.

Jax auto in his esports skin. I don't even like the skin but that sound is satisfying as fuck to me.

Rek'sai ult

>Kassadin into GP
>He goes Maw-Triforce-Spirit Visage (in that order) (I'm the only AP on our team)
>"oh, this must be one of those low elo shitters lolgen warned me about!"
>Check his op.gg, he's a Plat 2 GP main

I don't understand.

I haven't played yasuo at all since the mastery thing, I play ad

Attention /lolg/ posters, Lux is a support. Thank you.

I sent you a request did you not get it

Mundo's Q in his TPA skin. Makes me giggle.

>you NEED this since Jhin's AOE is poor due to his pathetic attack speed and reloading mechanic;

My bad, didn't mean AOE. Meant overall effective attack speed (it's late in my time zone.)

When it comes to late-game, Jhin can't shred tanks as effectively or as quickly as most standard auto-attacking ADCs can. It's all dependent on positioning and landing those slow-but-effective auto-shots whenever that opportunity is available. Of course - Jhin's pathetic attack speed and relaod times make it easer for opponents to avoid or retreat from your autos. Hence Dominik's and/or Mortal Reminder being such crucial items. You need to take out as much damage as you possibly can with those auto attacks that you manage to land.

Post this to my face and not online and see what happens. you won't.

>shitty parley is the most satisfying sound
>not old GP crit

new Gangplank will NEVER be MY Gangplank

Give it to me straight lolgen: Is Akali shit?

I mean I have a blast with her every game, but after every kill there's a voice in the back of my head saying "Zed could've done that in three less buttons".

tahm devour

Yasuo Q and ult
Any Talon ability besides E
Xerath Q
Nasus Q
Morde ult
Hec ult

>tfw you're team sucks and your premade botlane are literal trolls but you're playing fucking Warwick so you put them on your backs

I still hate CertainlyT but he knocked this VGU out of the fucking park.

But can Zed be that sexy while doing it?

I never understood the Ori hate till I started playing Mid.

Jesus Christ. Jesus fucking Christ.

This cunt is the Fiora of Mid Lane.

Zed has longer cd that takes a while to come up. Akali can just go more in with charges getting refunded.

Anyone in bronze with voice chat want to dou?

NA IGN: Wingnut

>I wind up failing a flash Q
>Shen pulls it off a bit later thanks to Vi ganking
>"That's how you flash to kill"
>Mute him
>Completely rape his team a bit later.

I think I found my new main.

She's a pub-stomper in low elo.

Lux is best support

when you're playing just fine but for some reason tend to lose just enough to enter series to diamond five times in two days with under 20 games

>people who think Lux is a support
>people who think Ezreal is a champion


She is worse than the Fiora of mid lane. At least 95% of league playerbase considers Fiora overpowered bullshit but so many leddit fags call her "le most balanced champion in le game xd"

she's fine and you can carry hard with her. the fact that there are potentially other heroes fill the same role slightly better shouldn't discourage you from playing who you want and having fun. the game is more than just who you're playing. game knowledge and decision making can go a long way to make up for perceived weakness in a champion pick.

besides, you're not challenger so it doesn't matter.

>Pantheon Ult
>Penta Kill
Both of them within 30 seconds of each other

>Ban everyone with rank 5 on Bard
>Only Bard players left are complete trash





>that tumblr gif

No one else plays him.


Yes he can actually.

So lulu mid is kill?

What does lolgen think of Kassadin?

Ezreal needs a VGU tbqh.

>VO is outright laughable compared to the quality of VO work we've gotten from champs in the last several years. Also doesn't help that he doesn't sound his age. Like, at all.
>Model and animations are horribly outdated (giving his ultimate skin a paint job as a poor cover-up for his oudated model didn't help either.)
>Kit and itemization build has been hardcore powercreep'd over the last several years.

nice blog faggot also go back to plebbit

>tfw "Dude just don't let Irelia get Sheen xD" became "Dude just don't let Fiora get Tiamat/Vamp Scepter xD"

Also yeah Ori is pretty bullshit. The only weaknesses I can think of her having is she's squishy and doesn't have a dash/blink, but she still has a good shield and a good ms boost.

Bro, Fiora can only splitpush just send 3 people to stop her bro. She might kill 2 of them before u get her and their time might get dragon and tower but u stopped her splitpush bro

lowkey busted

highkey busted desu

Post shit that triggers you

>Ezreal's that E into the enemy team

I haven't played League since that skin came out.

Is Kassadin still good?

Wait, silence only stops flash and tp from being used? Not the other summoners? wtf?

Extremely powerful even if against AD mid laners

>besides, you're not challenger so it doesn't matter.
i want this to show up on the league of legends main screen

Yeah, just go the Apdo build to survive early and you're golden.

>our riven opens a red cross for cho

>malz can't simply stay away from yasou to farm

holy christ why is bronze so fucking bad

I have to stay up all night climbing to silver because riot can't fucking handle a bronze player moving into silver and has to match me with ethopian aid workers

What's the Apdo build? I always figured ROA-Zhonya's-Lichbane were core on him.

>holy christ why is bronze so fucking bad
yeah i dunno man

buffed and now he is fotm and perma banned