Just finished the restoration on my classic MKI Audi TT

Just finished the restoration on my classic MKI Audi TT.

The most frustrating aspect of it all was getting talked down to by body shop brosephs because I was a woman. In the end I was able to do the entire repaint myself (my husband in the background mostly made star wars blaster noises with the HPLV gun I bought) for far less than they quoted for a 'professional' job.


lmao ok nice golf m8

>paintint outside in the close vicinity to trees in fucking autumn, on dusty ground and next to other cars

Why do you hate your paint so much?

First gen TTs look timeless and it's a very beautiful design but the car itself is very sub par.

Audi ruined it later by buying into the angry car face meme and here we are where the front end of 2018 Audis are nothing but grille.


> (my husband in the background mostly made star wars blaster noises with the HPLV gun I bought)

sounds like a good lad

Grats. I've always wondered what amount of quality a diy paintjob can realistically achieve, but I wouldn't expect a professional result from painting outside. If you did it right, it's probably going to look more than decent though. Any more pics?

Cheaper than buying a shed

Was it really necessary to say that you are a woman followed by that blog post talking about the patriarchy oppressing you? God, this is why I hate women. You always want attention.

Tits on hood

every fucking time dude. its like they think they deserve more empathy for being a woman, and it pisses me the fuck off when women want to be equal and every fucking time they post they have to add in that they are a girl

Thanks for the blog post, what was the point of this?

>Husband made star wars blaster noises

This is a Wu post isn't it

This is perfectly crafted bait
>complain about men
>one of the worst audis ever made
>painting outdoors with no protection

This is an easy 8/10 minimum
Well done

what an absolute shit show

you didn't even bother getting that fuckin dent out of the door

Kidnapping a girl at the bus station before having my way with her and dumping her in the river is cheaper than buying a prostitute - the after results will probably still be a shit time in jail with my ass being penetrated on an hourly basis

Painting outside is "fine", but don't pretend like its anything one could ever justifiably call "professional"

When was I? I think the fact that you're doing it yourself while not being a professional painter prevents it from being professional. The fact is that if you paint it yourself outside, it costs fuck all and can be redone when it bubbles in a few years.

I should've specified that it was more angled towards the original statement from OP; >I was able to do the entire repaint myself for far less than they quoted for a 'professional' job.

Putting quotation marks on "professional" makes OP sound like she is absolute sure that a professional paint shop could not have done a better job

this, or gtfo

You have autism, senpai

Ahahahah if only you knew

Sure do - anything wrong with that?




>because i was a woman
uh huh

Of course OP needs to post on multiple media outlets to get maximum feedback and recognition.

Because she was a woman

But isn't that a male and not a female? How does it have a husband?

>Female (Male)

>reddit filename
no one cares

Why hasn't this thing killed itself yet

>anons falling for this b8
Is school on break right now or some shit?