So I own a 2005 Porsche 911 Carrera and a 2006 Chevrolet Corvette...

So I own a 2005 Porsche 911 Carrera and a 2006 Chevrolet Corvette. The Corvette is an ostentatious bright yellow colour while the Porsche is a muted grey.

Almost 1 out of every 3 times when I am driving the Porsche, I get called a douchebag by someone in traffic or someone yells "nice car asshole!" or something similar.

I have never once heard anyone yell anything mean to me while driving the Corvette.

Wonder why this is.

Class clash, faggots get mad at seeing someone pushing somin nicer nah mean

Awesome story faggot

Itçs all about image. Porsche is a high-end, prestigious, expensive brand commonly associated with the rich elite.
Corvettes have built a reputation of being the working man's sports car that can hang with much more expensive vehicles in terms of performance, but is attainable for anyone as long as they work hard enough.

Now these aren't necessarily true, but that's how most people see these cars.

Who gives a fuck what anyone drives if they can just finance everything. Have fun being nigger rich while the rest of us drive shitboxes and purchase our 3rd investment property. This thread is just you trying to get validation, no one cares about your stupid ass vehicles.

because your 911 says carrera on the back instead of turbo.

anyone who drives something nice but isn't American is douche


because you drive a porsche. They hate you for that cuz they can;t afford it. You know they didn't know there are many ways to obtain Porsche at the affordable level. Aka American Education meme is real.

Porsche's make anybody look really douchey. Bonus points if it's a used older model or a new Boxster or Cayman.

Things that didn't happen

Because you are doing better in life than they are.

>Owns the cheapest 911 you can buy

He's really headed for the top!

>Bonus points if it's a used older model or a new Boxster or Cayman.
kek, this
it just screams "i wanted an expensive euro sports car but couldn't afford a new 911"

2005 is a 997

t. bus rider

Why are people crying over a 12 year old 911 here? You faggots are the same people who circle jerking over shitbox Civics


Lol not that I own one... but literally a dime a dozen down here in South Florida. Never understood why people look at shitty base model maserati rolls royce bently bmw Audi and mercedes the same way. No one owns any diff down here.

I own a busted up old dodge dakota with no power steering btw... still like it more than those cars and I drive (*park*) them every day

We're talking about a brand whose cheapest car starts at what, 50k? Normies associate that red-and-gold shield with richfags for sure.


Keep in mind that the $50k Cayman is usually a third car for most people for weekends, next to their daily driver luxo sedan and their wife's luxo SUV

And they tend to have at least a few grand in options on them.

Yeah good luck finding the base model of any car, usually only a handful of them exist so they can put up a sign saying "STARTING AT..."

Nice picture I guess?... mind if I save it?

Idk how to reply to this.

True. This is very true. As well as the other replies to this post.

You can start by reading Aesop's fables


The "cheapest" 911 is still miles better than all the cuckriders here who can't get one.

I daily my 911, I only get negative comments from people who don't own a high-tier brand vehicle.


But user, I listen to Aesop rock all the time... I've never heard anything about fox by a tree with grapes on it even though grapes grow on a vine and not on a vine around a tree

ITT: busriders

I could post this in every thread and not be wrong

Just rice out your Porsche and that will stop happening

Weird, I drive a newer, really yellow 911 and no one says anything but variations of nice car, how much, or how fast...where the fuck do you live?

He lives in a fantasy land where he thinks he owns not 1, but 2 cars

>tfw getting thumbs up from boomers when driving classic car around

>worked with a former Porsche tech
>he said at Porsche he got pulled over on road tests at least every few months, while driving normally
>at Ferrari for three years
>never pulled over
911s especially just have that reputation for dickhead drivers. People/cops look at them and just imaging a smug finance guy/lawyer. Most exotics/other sports cars I think it's a toss up of being a geriatric on the verge of a heart attack or a possibly cool guy (just basing on random perception in traffic without seeing the driver, not reality).

Nigger you didn't work anywhere


Probably a jealous liberal

I'll take
>Things that never happened
for $500 thanks jim.

But seriously, Americans are just shitheads who think that A) they're the only people who deserve to be at the top and B) they'll be at the top soon enough.

Apparently being content with your lot in life is not an american virtue.

>So I own a 2005 Porsche 911 Carrera
The liberals hate you automatically because they lump you into the rich elite. Right now, the USA is a hotbed of liberals using hate tactics. Just be glad they can't key your Porsche when in traffic.

> posts on a car board
> thinks that owning a nice car is "nigger rich"
kys yourself

>not being smug in your top notch shitbox
be a fucking chad