Uhhh user

Uhhh user

Why the fuck is there a third pedal in your car?

it makes me a man..

Its to make me feel superior to other drivers despite being a single 20something man driving a honda civic with the only mod being a cold air intake that I bought at Advance Auto Parts

It makes my gear shifting more quiet for urban environments so I use it in the city

Because I wanted to add $3,000 to my msrp and get half the mpg

Manuals are almost always less, tf you talking about?

I wonder whether the cars with both manual gearbox and footbrake pedal exist. Wouldn't it be nice with 4 pedals?

There isn't cause I'm not a poor Eurofag

JDMfag here, RHD and two pedals.

I've seen photos of them before.

same but SRI from amazon and it's an Si

not anymore. even when they were it was highly dependent on the driver. modern automatics are far more efficient and perform better then manuals

Sorry, I normally deal with higher end performance vehicles which a manual transmission is a few thousands more.

manual transmissions are almost always cheaper to buy/fix, and they almost always get better fuel economy. obviously there are outliers, but for the most part you are completely wrong.

You can make it five if it has floor-mounted headlights.

On new and shit tier vehicles, yes. But at that point, it doesn't even matter.

But they are a premium that most will pay more for when trying to buy a new high end, or classic/more unique vehicle.

Manual trucks have this usually. As for cars I doubt it exists.

Any examples of these?

>Uhm it's for left and right side brakes

Some Mercedes have them.

nigga I've got four pedals in mine. It's actually annoying because the parking break release is right next to the hood latch so I have to lean way down to pull it, rather than just letting an ebrake down

Corvette is one of the most know for making people pay more for a manual version.

a majority of manual pickup trucks have this

I drove a first gen C200 d that had both.

>Because i'm not a faggot
>Because i'm not a retard/american
>Because i play on expert

Lmao its bait

mfw i've told girls its for my back brakes and they actually believed me

In most cars, it for the turbo. Use it to open up the turbo.

>he only has 3 pedals

Everyone look at him and laugh!

>I'm t-t-totally not insecure about my inability to drive stick

2 rudder pedals plus a pedal for yaw control.

>eww, user, that thing is a monstrosity that shouldn't even be on our street

>Veeky Forumstists think people actually care one way or the other if someone's car is stick or not