ITT: autos that would have voted for Trump

Starting with an easy one

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Yasss slayyyy

lol hi op.

nigga, a lot of repubs didn't even support trump tho

no one with a brain would

The right wing numale audience that swears they're not numales because they're "redpilled", but they are because they just jerk off to anime and play video games all day between bouts of pretending to be masculine on the internet

>not wanting to watch the world burn

hillary would have been four more years of sanctions and bitching
at least trump is going to cause the apocalypse

It was either him or Hillary. I'm just glad Hillary didn't win

nope. he won't.

if the world ends the rich won't be rich anymore. they don't want that happening.

Not an argument xd

>if the world ends the rich won't be rich anymore

From what I've gathered, every time we get closer to humanity's demise, someone gets richer off it. How far will they push? How often will their egos get in the way? I want to see.

didn't not voting trump mean voting for hillary if you did vote?

No, it meant not voting for trump. Amerifats fall for that old propaganda line? Your country is a joke.

>no meaningful caps on campaign spending, only the rich can campaign competitively
>unofficial two party systems, parties are private organizations, in bed with the mass media
>the big "debates" are privately ran by parties in bed with the mass media and the republidems
>whoever wins will be a subject of the same lobbyists and moguls so nothing changes except how mad you are at the TV

all this talk and no one voted for kasich. easily the best nominee out of all of them

His father may have worked at the post office, but he sure didn't teach his son any table manners.

I mean seriously, imagine he's at a big fancy international dinner full of dignitaries and there he is stuffing the food in his mouth instead of talking. What would the world think of the US?

>wow that US
>they really know how to eat

>german deligate:
>Vat? Eetz gud fud.

>being this mad
enjoy your shit county bro

>conservative styling
>alpha male

>his symmetrical awd grabs corners as tight as he grabs puss
>his frat stands against the colleges marxist agenda
>brobaru will vote for trump in hopes of getting a position at his dads company after he graduates

>middle management mobile
>alpha male

This I mainly did it for how smug trump is and for the left to eat shit and I somewhat support him it feels good.

>trump supporters are illiterate morons
sounds about right

any white car

Elitist asshole who cries and spergs over every little fucking thing kek

this car voted for trump

>that sure showed them

Go back paco


Haha! Do you mind if I save this image?

Reminder libcucks want to unironically vote for this brain damaged woman

crank it on this one

Knocked my damn voice coils on that thing. No damage, thankfully.

>caring what shit countries a few years away from becoming third world think

why are you avatarfagging with john carmack now? please leave my vidya out of your p/o/l.


Weak bait not giving you a (you)

Ford hated Trump at first because Ford CEO didn't support his ideas then the CEO and Trump got into a debacle over some stupid shit of some sort before becoming friends.
GM would never voted for Trump because they're afraid he wouldn't bail them out if they go bankrupt again

fuck brumpfht and fuck y pipo

This user is correct. The big three like their bailouts and cheap foreign labor. I was expecting to see a challenger posted. It would be very fitting seeing as it jerks off american values in its commercials yet chrysler/dodge needed to be bailed out twice. People still lap up and buy the image regardless.