OT: eyosongive.us
Official Foot Fetish Art Aknowledged By Riot Edition
OT: eyosongive.us
Official Foot Fetish Art Aknowledged By Riot Edition
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I love my wife, Riven!!!!!!!
best feet coming through
Akali a cute! CUTE!
so the guy i've been duoing has been playing like fucking trash for the past week or two straight
he is pitching a fit a hell of a lot earlier and is leaving the game after feeding the enemy laner kills because he DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO NOT BE AGGRESSIVE
i'm probably about to stop queuing with his ass for ranked. is he beyond saving or should i give him one more chance? last game was him having a tantrum because he got stomped by a wukong as jayce
>Official Foot Fetish Art Aknowledged By Riot Edition
Foot fetishists can go die
I think you meant to post this user.
they posted fucking foot fetish art in aurelion sol's community creation spotlight
>lane against cancer brain dead Wukong
I'd be mad too.
I saw my first Camille ban in a couple months today.
It was terrible. Maybe she didn't need those buffs.
Fuck ESPORTS. Fuck RIOT. FUCK you fucking degenerates who started playing after season 2
>play him
>land full combo on enemy top
>doesn't kill him and he either just walks away or turns on me
>ult into a fight and get knockups./combo
>no one follows me and I die despite being a tank
I guarantee every vocal complaint about this game is from Silvers
Annie has cute feet
>release 2 champions at once
>both are pick or ban tier cancer
>they're ever better when played together
Really makes me think
yet he is pick or ban in all regions in challenger/masters
I can be your graves bf user, you just have to use a lot of fantasy and it would help if you are legally blind
xth for umm lolbobs?
>you being shit playing in shit ranks makes a champ bad
i'm somewhat blind without my contact lenses that might help..
nice red, kiddo
what the shit is going with this website
>tanky engage champion is bad when his team is bad
Yes. He's "cancer" in mid lane because he shits on every AP mid in the game and is close to bot lane for ults.
Galio top is a meme
comfy bfs~
also sneaky is a cutie, I hope he finds himself a bf to help him live out his sissy dreams
Who here /never letting Yasuo get past bans/?
>Nunu is good again
We literally have 2 Nunus in the game now with Ivern.
Just make it stop
more like he's a cancerous mid laner even in solo queue because no one want to play tanks or ap champs
wtf i thought it was just me and now mods delete my shit :(
I want yasuo because then I can make webms
t. Silver IV player
>banning Yasuo
How do I carry hard in diamond 3? I thought people at this level would know how to play.
jannies once again being true nazis
>be a manly jungler
>junglers always say "ty" after getting help with their first buff
>say "fuck you toplane go kys" after getting help
>top apologizes for not pulling long enough at the sacrefice of lane exp
asserting dominance is important if you want to lead your team to victory, take notes plebs
I would but Fiora exists
Hi! I love Kled! He's my boyfriend and also my daddy!
good, go delete yourself as well.
>banning Yasuo
>not letting other faggots ban Yasuo so you can actually ban real cancer
Its the best of both worlds. We don't have to deal with Yasuo players because shitters ban him and I can freely ban Fizz every game
Hey guys, it's been a while! How has everyone been? Have you made sure that the Lulufags don't bite?
Sorry anons, you can't dethrone the queen, that being pic related. And her boots.
t. silver V
>FUCK you fucking degenerates who started playing after season 2
Are these the people that want to rework E V E R Y T H I N G?
I'd tell him something, if you're just planning on dropping him if it doesn't work out.
Not barefoot. Opinion discarded. not bad though desu. Still prefer syndra though.
t. silver V (in NA)
we were talking about sneaky watching sissy porn on his stream.
Please post more lux, shes a godess.
God bless.
>say "kys"
Definitely not the sharpest thing to do these days.
wew whats going on right now?
comfy bfs~ once more
>accept I'm not good
>just want to play normals casually
>every single game is me against a 3 to 4 man premade while grouped with all randoms
>get shit on because of the coordination alone
>keep getting placed against people in D5 to Plat
>play on my unranked 30
>haven't seen a large visible premade in weeks
>games feel fair
What did I do wrong?
I mean, that blows both of your summoner spells, but that's still a funny/usefull thing to do.
hey i recognize that picture!
it's cropped porn
are they ever uncomfy?
like its a hotday and they are sitting on a leather couch, type of uncomfy? surely you can't be comfy ALL the time.
>Please post more lux, shes a godess.
Absolutely, I think you'll like this reward for that statement.
Don't start.
How do other regions compare, anyways? I've always been curious.
Stop posting my gf please.
t. Jinx
theyre uncomfy when theyre apart otherwise its gud
God bless.
What mastery for WW? I'm thinking Furor, but my friend says it's Thunderlords.
generically speaking, EU is a toxic shithole and it seems people will run it down mid at the drop of a hat compared to NA. Watching CN when chaox was streaming it I can't tell if its toxic or not, and in korea people are tryhard af but also will just open at like 8 minutes and it won't be like NA where 2 or 3 people are still trying, they'll all 5 just afk
s-sorry!! have another rumble
your friend is an idiot
ahhhh shes so cute.
best girl by far desu, best ultimate skin too.
I guess you have a point, balance must be found, I wouldn't like to find myself in this situation.
what gender is lolg
Your friend is quite possibly brain damaged. Fervor
I'd recommend you take Fervor.
And everything your friend says with a large grain of salt.
Mate, go play with Vi.
I voted girl because im a boy but I really like cute skirts and being fucked!
>tfw no ww doggo bf to lick you
>not including girl(male)
youve made a graves mistake, now all the fags are gonna say theyre "female" for your memepoll
No, she does need them.
Some people just because they lost to a character, or because they heard echoes of how she's a broken pick.
I mean, she still is, but you gotta work for these days.
>I had this saved for some reason
It's your fault fucking faggot.
but i'm a fag and i still voted male
i'm not a bottom
>Play Kassadin
>Team keeps taking turns running into my lane and clearing all the farm they can
>By 20 minutes I have less than half the CS of my ADC
>Team is confused why I'm weak as shit
all this shipping stuff in lolg has me thinking we have a few girls here
I never see guys ship anyway, unless of course theyre just gaydudes doing the shipping which is okay I guess
>Some people just *[ban her] because...
Alright, thanks.
and yea, she's a Bronze scrub who watches League streams
No, lmao. Im learning toplane for fun and picked cammy legs today. I was 2-8 but beat a fed jax 1v1 lategame because with full items, I was able to dodge his stun, stun him, ult him and deal 600 true damage with my q. That is not balanced. at all.
Dude now I feel like banning her because of how autistic you ____mains are
>started maining yas recently because I like having fun
>banned in nearly every ranked game
i understand but I also wanna throw tornadoes at people :(
What music should I listen to while playing bard?
not if it means she becomes more popular and back into peoples consciousness to ban
the weaker the better, because she has an inherently strong as fuck kit.
Next thing you're going to tell me is you now main Zac jungle.
that one isnt really comfy bfs since ez is genderbent, but still pretty comfy
I wonder what compelled you to save it though~
Blitzcrank nerfs when
>get mid
>allied adc is cait
>into vayne
>who starts cull
I'm sure you can imagine how busy mid lane got just a few minutes in.
>This is the kind of shit that turns on sneaky
Holy shit he's a full blown faggot isn't he?
d-does camille like to punish degenerates?
I feel a bit bad for those that played Zac before he became the monster he's now.
>not getting turned on
Yeah, fair points. It might just be a matter of team until those buffs get reverted.
Hey man, that's fine. I accepted her getting ban-hammered since her release.
no sneaky, she doesn't, fuck off
thanks for waiting lads
thank you good anons!
i'd rather not namefag but they used to call me drawfriend when i used to post last year. if anyone wants anything league related drawn i'll probably do it because i'm always lurking the threads lmao
He's the coolest!
Goodnight lolg....yawn..
Camille gets to live with you but everytime her legs cut ANY surface or material, you legally adopt a Lulu.
If cutting for extended periods of time you adopt a new Lulu every 3.14 seconds.
You have to feed the Lulus or you will be arrested for Luluabuse, a very serious crime in many countries around the world which will allow you to face 5 days in prison per abused Lulu.
The Lulus are very loving and cuddly, but bcome exponentially more annoying in large numbers.
do you take this deal?
>very serious crime
>5 days