Shiny & Kemono Edition
Previous jej:
The thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems out of blocks, in space or otherwise. Also, all these games are ded. Only ded games may join, otherwise they must have their own thread.
Whether or not a game belongs in /egg/ is a case by case matter, however games that would belong in /svgg/, space voxel games general, are automatically considered /egg/
WebM for physicians:
List of currently known and vaguely not dead /egg/ games (this list is not fully inclusive and if you think a game might belong here, feel free to ask):
>Chode - Children of a Dead Earth
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Garry's mod
>Homebrew - Vehicle Sandbox
>Intersteller Rift
>KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People
>Robot Arena
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers
>StarMaden b
Games that are definitely not /egg/:
>The general that quite literally cannot be named. The Mexican scam artist one. With the shitposters. Fuck off.
>Hearthstone, found in the hearthstone general, /hsg/, not in this general
>Shadowverse, found in the shadowverse general, /svg/, not in this general
Information about these games, such as where to get them if they're not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:
OP pad for future /ded/s
Warbros Serb is back online, open to pubbies
/egg/ - Engineering Games General - Formerly /svgg/
first for eurobeat
second for matchmaker times.
3rd for thicc
>100 fuel selling for 13.27
>1000 fuel selling for 150.55
>people are still buying the 1000 packs of fuel
/egg/ how the FUCK do i do anything in the market in cuckout
everything you can craft in blues is selling for like 50 and you'd never make any profit crafting them or doing missions
>all those avia booster monies
I pity the fool that did not sell their white drops for 0.85 ganjin bucks
it's just a sign of good luck and victory
/wide/ cars are shit btw
it's a truck of peace, what's your problem?
>We were so hopeful then, waiting for SE to get planets to drive around on
I still don't understand why anyone believed planets would bring anything good.
It was so blatantly obvious that Keen hadn't figured out a way for planets to actually add any gameplay value.
With the things being so stupid huge (which is exactly what the retard community wanted), it shouldn't come as a surprise that they're just performance sinks.
nothing wrong with being wide
I need better wheels, or aircraft engine/blue boosters
Growl with light engine and white boosters ain't enough to reliably win
is that the newest bradley?
nah, bradley was supposed to be troop transport and this has too many people on board
and not enough guns
did somebody say not enough guns?
>mfw I oneshot some scrub faglord who tries to out-snipe my canons with MGs
>mfw he ragequits and posts about crossout being P2W
>mfw he will never get gud
If you were that faggot with purple cannon in under 2500 match then I would shit on you too
how the fuck do i git good at sperg engineers, i barely understand survival and i'm bad at building ships in creative
i just want to be /comfy/ with my cool ship in spess
>ragequits and posts about crossout being P2W
>will never get gud
how is that shitting on ME?
Are subs worth it in FTD? As in can they serve as a flagship?
Only if you've unified them.
Why wouldn't they be?
I've always thought of them as meme niche vessels
I'd suggest multiplayer, but that would be like suggesting getting hit with a hammer as a head ache remedy.
1. wait for keo to update serb
2. play with autists
alternatively: survival is pretty simple, just find a way to keep your o2 and energy topped, can be with frequent visits to medbay / cryochamber or via bottles. keep in mind that if you are in oxygenated environment open visor and that the more you use your tools the more energy from suit it will eat up
as for building in survival: have 50-100 of steel plate, construction component and interior plates each in inventory, nothing else, your job is to place the blocks and finishing them off should be with a welding ship, not by hand (except the welding ship itself, this one you gotta weld yourself)
both creative and survival ships are imo best made from inside - out, first you lay in the guts that are needed for a ship (if it's a welder then you start with welder, cargo, then you add the power, gyros and cockpit, then you might add o2, then thrusters and at the very end armor blocks)
other than that: just git gud
>messing around with all sorts of shotgun, autocannon, howitzer and hmg loadouts
>cant seem to get consistently good damage
>say fuck it and boat 5 basic mgs
>immediately score 1500
Great, now what am i supposed to work towards, ezmode missiles?
Niche how? Is there something a sub can't do? Though I haven't tried a dedicated sub yet I've only added submerging ability to battlebotes and spesshaps. Immunity to most weapons has appeal.
How2win at survival in spengies:
>spawn a lemon (aka respawn ship, the one with the medical bay)
>merge block it to an asteroid, you have a permanent spawn point
>fly yourself at SPRT NPC ships until you succeed in boarding it
>disabe the ship and hack all the components aboard
>use it to caputre more NPC ships
>tow them all to your asteroid
>build a hulking monstrosity and post sceenshots
The unified thing is a meme from when I stopped browsing /egg/ about a year-ish ago, dunno if it's still in game.
I dont see any Crossout generals in /r9k/
>your job is to place the blocks and finishing them off should be with a welding ship, not by hand
Not entirely correct. If you intend to build a large ship from scratch, then a welding ship will come in very handy. see: mandatory
That being said, if you're just upgrading your lemon (or another civilian ship), then thoughtful design will allow you to easily weld by hand.
Firstly, make sure that the entire ship's inventory is linked up by conveyors.
Secondly, avoid welding or grinding blocks far away from an accessible conveyor port.
By (ab)using the instant item transfer in conveyors, you can effectively multiply your work speed several times over.
>Is there something a sub can't do?
No. The same can be said about any other vessel capable of movement.
Reminder that FtD is a glorified sandbox disguised as a game.
KYS frogposter
this has to be bait
I am that autist that regularily plays x1 invenory. I make big welding ship with smaller welding ship which is made with mini welding drone
>I am that autist that regularily plays x1 invenory
The man, the fag, the legend
What are we speaking in code now?
No, you're just cancer and seem oblivious to the fact.
>not just building a welder and build mobility module for new shap in front of welder and then just moving the ship around as you place blocks
Fellow 1x inv size. Plebs can't understand this patrician setting
>x1 inventory
you disgust me
X1 inventory is best inventory. Especially for server admins it reduces the amount of poorly thought out crap people build and makes them more utilitarian.
nice overreacting autist, what else triggers you on malaysian toolmaking boards?
Mostly dumb redditors like yourself
>hating on x1 master race
I see you're still new on Veeky Forums and can't follow a chain of replies
It's a huge pain while salvaging, for construction it's largely inconsequential since any large build will be done using welder arrays/meme magic
I once made a little cargo bot that followed me around (using modified hostile drone script) shit was cash. On x10 inventory.
the only thing I dislike about 10x inventory is it makes cargo 10x as lighter and means I can boost things to orbit fucking easy
I absolutely do not care for only being able to carry around at only 10 or so large tube. Welding ships are nice but sometimes you have to do some work on the inside of a ship, and thus need a mix of components on you to build shit or grind it down
Sure got me with that reddit comment.
Must've had a real bad day in the office getting upset over frog pictures.
>but sometimes you have to do some work on the inside of a ship
You could, you know, engineer a solution.
>not making ships that are traversable by weldrones
but small comfy interiors!!!
then you can incorporate welders into the design so the ship will repair itself (or even build, but I have not yet reached that state of autism)
>wanting to be fried and having your interior covered in gross looking welders
please user I want to get cozy I don't want my ship to be a huge cube of welders
you put those in between outer and inner hull
>then you can incorporate welders into the design so the ship will build itself
I've tried that a few times, each time culminating in me discarding the concept due to KEEEEN.
For any number of reasons, welders will randomly choose not to work on grids they're attached or belong to.
While it's definitely possible to get working, it's nowhere close to reliable.
engi cruiser, type A!
problem is, that if you overdo conveyor network it can break, there should be 1 or 2 paths to a given welder and spamming conv. junctions can make tons
>engine requires 1 electrocution point to work instead of giving you more points
>you have to duct tape a generator to the car if you want more energy
I don't even.
Gonna sound like a whiny little bitch here, but...
>proceeds to be a whiny little bitch
>user has no remorse
I'd really like if that game that's currently spamming /egg/ moved into its own general. Or some other general. Like, /ggg/, grinding games general? Runecraft general? Or if they could tone it the fuck down a little? You're not engineering your fucking market prices, neither are you structurally able to contend with the (((jews))) in charge -- and it's the bit where you spend hours on it like it's fucking work, yet whine, yet don't fucking quit... is this what /egg/ summer is like?
Moreover, the large number of only vaguely on-topic posts is making the thread less fun to browse.
A cube of welders wouldn't work, for reasons that should be painfully obvious to you.
If you want a design that can weld itself completely from any arbitrary welder (like ), things get pretty tricky.
However, if you can settle for a design that only welds from one end to another, then the design challenges are rather inconsequential.
As for aesthetics haha, what a faggot, you can still solve this.
By sandwiching the welders between layers of "less ugly" blocks, you can keep them out of sight and reduce the risk accidental welding of crew lmao just turn off the welders.
If you can accept some degree of manual welding (by hand tool or drone), you could just settle for self-constructing bulkheads and manually constructed "furniture".
The game looked like promising engineering at first but to reach it there's the grind and forced transactions.
In any case, be the change you want to see, post more on-topic, generate game discussion, post anthing. We can't have a general if half the posts only say "bump".
it'll pass. I'm enjoying the memes about kikes and mad max.
>Or if they could tone it the fuck down a little?
just close your eyes nigga turn off the monitor
>Moreover, the large number of posts not about my favorite game is making the thread less fun to browse.
just, like, make more oc
Your entire logical basis sounds as if you'd start complaining about spengies posting if it suddenly got huge and most of the posts were about driving tanks against a bunch of pubbies focusing on the combat instead of building things. These games cannot be solely about building, which is why nobody fucking talks about simpleplanes or machinecraft anymore.
Feel free to post whatever you're building in 100% /egg/ verified games instead of bitching, and maybe the thread will be funnier to browse
>Growl with light engine and white boosters ain't enough to reliably win
trick is to do alright and hope everyone else does worse than you
>Growl with light engine and white boosters ain't enough to reliably win
Growl with light engine, light generator and 10 boosters is enough to let me win almost every time against any car.
I recently put on 2 blue boosters to use on straight aways, because they are uncontrollably fast in most other situtations. So now I have 8 white and 2 blues.
no thrusters allowed races when?
No thruster races would kind of suck because you would never be able to ctach the guy in the lead ever. With boosters you can use your boost at the right time and place to over take somebody ahead of you.
Without boost whoever get in the lead stays in the lead.
>Without boost whoever get in the lead stays in the lead.
Can we agree that real-world racing does not have boost? If no, what constitutes as "boost"?
Further, can you also agree that real-world racing does not fall in line with your claim?
If yes to both, then we the conclusion is that your initial claim is false.
i'd rather have more technical courses with more hairpins or even a pve mode where you chase some vip down a mountain road
Real-world racing is standarized and regulated.
Dedicated virtual racing is also standarized, or categorized.
Even then, the races are much longer and progress is very slow. And whenever there is a significant jump in performance that car or bike or truck or quad or person will win most of the time.
If you limit free building this much then why bother?
These are fair points. I'll take screenshots of my shenzen io shit later tonight to show the difference between first and final designs. tl;dr -- conditional execution is a slut
If it takes longer than 8 seconds to find a match the game is probably trying to connect you to a Croatian toaster, just restart the search.
How does any of that invalidate the reasoning you're replying to?
I'm not seeing any argument strengthening the claim that no boosters will result in guaranteed win for whoever gets the first lead.
>And whenever there is a significant jump in performance that car or bike or truck or quad or person will win most of the time.
This is the very basis of any competitive spirit; that the better participant wins.
Do you think it is wrong in any way that someone is consistently winning?
I was wondering why there was no crossout general with all the hype there is. Should have guessed /egg/ took care of it.
Let's get back to basics - do you bus your engine units or not and why?
>Can we agree that real-world racing does not have boost?
>I'll take screenshots of my shenzen io shit later tonight to show the difference between first and final designs.
>Now Zachtronics fags will finally have something to talk about
see how that works?
I would say make 3 race modes:
current one, pick your poison (pick one of the tracks that is hell if you don't specialize for it) and hurr durr (previous option, but you don't get to choose)
problem of dividing the playerbase between modes can be solved by making all of them in different hours and it would make the racing window 3 times longer
don't discourage him, I wanna see
this has been the autism general for past few deds. come, sit, get brain aneurysm over physicians that do not understand that
you buy low, sell high
Because you can't gain on him. Simple as.
what wheels
so if you both have boosters you cant gain on them either right?
>everyone always is perfect
nice implications user
>do you bus your engine units or not and why?
Why would you?
The advantage of a bus is flexibility, that you can easily get one type of item to a multitude of different consumers.
Engine units are consumed primarily by science 3 and electric engines, the latter in turn being consumed by production science.
The other uses for engines are basically buildings (consider shopping mall instead of bus) and flying bots.
Given that you're dealing with two or three significant consumers (your stance on bots being the difference), why would you bother bussing them, when the bus's primary advantage is moot?
>this is my point
>it is fact
Great argumentation, friendo.
I'll try to write out what I assume is your line of reasoning:
>without boosters, the cars are equally fast
>therefore, it is impossible to change the distance between the two cars
>then, the outcome of the race is basically down to chance, as any minuscule difference will be decisive
Which basically assumes that the players are perfect, which is laughable to say the least.
Even then, I'm left wondering how boosters affect any of the above.
Introducing boosters, the cars are faster - but still equally fast.
It then follows that you can't gain a lead and can't secure a win.
>The other uses for engines are basically buildings (consider shopping mall instead of bus) and flying bots.
what is shopping mall
here comes the airplane little user, open up!
Good boy!
Not him but
>Good boy!
Almost like the sweetie posters. Sexually charged.
>Engine units are consumed primarily by science 3 and electric engines, the latter in turn being consumed by production science.
Thanks. It's my first game since 0.12, and I haven't found a full recipe list for 0.15 yet.
>I haven't found a full recipe list for 0.15 yet.
Have you tried doing that google thing?
Just about every game has its own wiki these days, but the one for Factorio is actually comprehensive.
Admittedly there were some problems during the 0.15 transition, but the spergs have finally accepted experimental as their lord and savior
I did check out the wiki, and I thought it was still out of date. Some entities still have 0.12 information as the most recent.
There used to be a nifty repository on github but it hasn't been updated.
Boosters can fuck you up just as much as get you ahead and if you don't hit them right you're fucked.