What if you drove a British Leyland car?

What if you drove a British Leyland car?

>implying you would be able to drive it

I had one as my first car, same as pic related but mine was white and sat higher in the back.

yes this

I'd rather superglue my asshole shut while having diarrhea than driving a Leyland piece of shite.

I wouldent mind a Dolly Sprint, honestly.

What the fuck is a leyland? And why are these cars so depressing? They look like something from soviet Russia.

70s-80s british shitboxes


Which one? There were a lot.
I know I wouldn't mind a Metro 6R4.

I'd spend months re-wiring the car and replacing the shit electrics with reliable parts.

Morris Marina, Austin Allegro, Morris 1100, any of the bad ones

I'd hope I got the groceries back home this time because I don't want to have to throw the frozen chicken and the milk out again.

fucking yes

Dolly a cute


british communist shitboxes.

I'd sure have a Mini Cooper S or a Dolomite sprint

Actually name any production car manufacturer and I'd find models I'd have and models I wouldn't

What if.

Wasn't this company just GM with all the negatives cranked to the extreme?

Since I like malaise era American shitboxes, I would probably derive sick pleasure from driving one of those heaps

it would prolly break down

It was Ford without the govbmint bailouts.

I daily drive a 76 into London. Memes are memes as with every car. Works fine

I own two

Fun fact: There are more Shelby Cobras known to still exist than Austin Allegros