Suicidal thoughts are getting worse

>suicidal thoughts are getting worse
>don't want anything to happen to my cars
help me Veeky Forums. i want to die but don't want some beaner getting ahold of my shitboxes

I hope it gets better user. Sell a car and take a road trip or something in the other. If you're at rock bottom in terms of happiness with your life, the only way you can go is up.

There's no such thing as rock bottom. Life can always get worse, and chances are if your life is shitty it'll get shittier

Give them to Jay Leno

Drive off a cliff then my boy



this man understands it. Determinism is what rules life. Everthing is action and reaction. There is no point worrying over the future. Everthing that will happen is already set in motion. The best thing you can do is to become stoic and accept whatever comes your way. And when you die, you don't care if some shithead gets your cars. You didnt care about the holocaust when it happened, nor the spanish inqusition, because you were dead at the time. The time after life will be no different. Live life as fully as you can, and die happy if possible.

I will personally make donks out of all your vehicles.

So why don't you just cut the shit and stick around.

Buy an assault rifle and shoot as many people as possible. that should make you feel a lot better.

Kys then pussy

Those poor caprices...

Not sure if you're serious or not, but take it from someone who was actually suicidal before:

You haven't found out what you're good at or what makes you truly happy. Just think about what makes you happy. And don't say "nothing", because that's bullshit and you know it. Just focus on what makes you happy and take life one day at a time. You'll make it. We all will.

And when everyone says "kys, faggot" just remember that this user here says "Everything is fine" You'll be alright, man.


Post the magazine i wanna see it

Behold the quints of quints.

Damn i hope drift stage is coming nicely

Just burn them for a proper ending

cut your own brake lines and then do a drag race

or alternatively, give up on what's making you miserable and do something that makes you happy instead: what have you got to lose if you're gonna kys anyway?

cute af bro

I want that prototype Mock 5. And I'm not even black or brown.

Become a stuntman.

My old mans a millionaire.. self made..

Unfortunately its my turn and if he sent me a twenty..

He'd want 17fiddy change.

...also on the might hurt me'self trip.

I dont know what to do, he put me here but it's obvious its killing me.

Made me pay for all my sht also lol..

Which we "share"

You're being kind of vague. Are you upset you're living in your father's shadow and resent the unwanted expectation of success? Or are you angsty that daddy's not paying for your things.

Be your own man, find a skill you can develop and make money with, and pursue it. Then, in your free time, find ways to better yourself and things you enjoy and do them.

Steal his money and chill in vietnam with me and smoke cheap cigs while drawing porn, not viet btw

I know how you feel user

I gotta couple of people my car will be going to

shirley you have some friends too

Im upset more than anything.. it just feels like a fixed game.

And i dont want to take a dive.

I dont know if you will understand that..

I really dont mind paying for my own things.. its just that i have a family of my own lol..that iv not been able to do anything for.

I bet it sounds so contrived..

I guess i know what the masses feel like now..

But the difference is that most people can just change jobs.

I hate to say that i love him but sometimes i admit to myself that its not a game and..

That's when it hurts.

So THIS is reddit spacing....

..i aint ever takin a dive again.

Iv never seen a worse place than reddit to be fair.

No I don't have friends you fucking queer. Why do you think I want to die

>Why do you think I want to die

youre a closeted homo going by your projection

go to the gay bar and make friends :D get one of them to kill your dad and run off in your car ala Thelma And Louise

problems are solved

damn I hate people who wallow in their sadness when it can be easily solved

>projection the post
maybe you're the one who needs to commit suicide

plan on it

difference is I didnt make a shitty thread on the internet about it like anyone would actually care lmao

even if it was a real post I gave a solution so fuck off ya ungrateful bastard

hurry up pls

naw Im thinking next year

maybe summer or fall


figure out what to do with them made up cars bro

Not op but thanks