Does giving family free shit ruint heir lives ?

does giving family free shit ruint heir lives ?


being rich doesn't suck

well if you are rich it's great but if your brother is rich and just gives you shit without earning it wouldn't that fuck you up

You mean it doesn't build character, discipline, and responsibility? Yeah, it doesn't.

why would it?

Nearly always

They don't learn how to work for things they want and develop a sense of entitlement because resources are always available. So if those resources are taken away they feel like that's an injustice and they deserve to be given resources.

>They don't learn how to work for things they want
rich people in general don't work for the things they have, so that goes with the territory.

Depends on the person but generally yes.

They recive things that doesn't match up to their spending possibilities and grow more dependant.

E.g: father buys a new car and gives his son his old car worth 40 k.
Son is a neet psychology student who nevertheless doesn't know that he is fucking up and grows more dependant and closed staying in safe loop of being constantly supported.
Guy is fucking riped apart by this inside but doesn't know the cause.

I myself would wish that parents were a little more wise as to what they buy me when i was unaware of the effects or just explain them to me with a choice.
Sadly few are aware enough.

>rich people in general don't work for the things they have
t. poorfag.

>Yfw you realize most millionaires are self made
Try r9k

>Yfw you realize most millionaires are self made
as am I.

think of it this way:
there are only 24 hours in a day and you can only work so many of those hours so many days. Even if you work every possible hour every possible day you'll never get rich.

people don't get rich by hard work.

people get rich by taking a percentage of other people's hard work. All those self made millionaires you mention? Yep, they employ people. That's how they got rich. Not by the sweat of their own brow.

how many hours do you work? How many people do you employ? How rich are you?

I can guess the answers to all of those questions just off your outrage over a simple fact every rich person knows.

>No concept of the value of money because you didn't earn it
>Sense of entitlement that makes everyone think you're a cunt
>Blow all of your money because of the first point

>It doesn't require any work to run a successful business


again, how much work can one person do in a single day? When you count it by the hour a business owner can only work as many hours as a farmer can, no more or less. The work isn't 'harder,' it's just different.

rich people don't usually run their own businesses though. We hire suckers... I mean managers... to do that for us.


you don't think I'm rich, that's fine.

do you think I'm wrong about rich people?

because I'd love to hear how rich people work 85 hours a day or do herculean tasks that dwarf the labors of Vietnamese ditch diggers or whatever.

or maybe you can tell me about how you've always dreamed of getting rich so you can work HARDER than anyone on your payroll? Maybe do your maid and your poolboy's jobs for them because rich people love dat hard work?

you're an useful idiot. We convinced you we work super duper hard so you'd defend our right to our wealth and protect us from a democracy that would rape us if you actually knew your own odds for ever getting rich. Yep, son, work hard and you'll totally get rich, every ditch digger knows it.

Yes. There's a chapter on this in the Millionaire Next Door.


rich people only get 24 hours in a day, just like poor people.

I'm rich and I work hard. I'm a multimillionaire. Im working from the second I wake up to the moment I fall asleep. My mind is always on my businesses. You must be exceptionally savvy to not do anything from day 1 and collect free money. You just decided one day to hire people to do stuff and now youre one of us. Good "work"!

>You must be exceptionally savvy to not do anything from day 1 and collect free money.
I spent a lifetime running businesses for rich people before I tried it myself.

funny thing, none of the owners I managed for worked. Almost like people won't work if they don't have to.

>Im working from the second I wake up to the moment I fall asleep.
the same can be said for 99% of employed poor people.

what makes you think you work harder than anyone else?

I was a resource economics major that became a forced neet after my stepmother found out I considered the entire economic boom-bust cycle to be caused by cycles of poor child education at the family level (human capital theory and policy was what I wanted to work with).

She's a 6th grade math teacher like from a Pink Floyd song, right down to the English country lady manipulation behind closed doors.

I need the free shit, man, she cut my father's balls off because he's a special education type that's hot for teacher, and does anything she asks.

Nope. Probably depends on how much of your genes they share that led to your success though.