League of Legends General - /lolg/

What champion pisses you off the most?


old thread:

>darius buys a DMP
how do i counter this

just kite him bro xD



Have magic damage
Be Fiora and do true meme damage

Look at master yi's scalings and then look at rek'sai's scalings and tell me that rek'sai's scalings are good
>all bonus ad
>all mediocre scalings

>people defending Yi

Literally not a single part of his kit can be dodged.

name ONE other champion the game like that

I'll wait

Tryndamere is so difficult to deal with. Its pure luck whether you have a champion who wont die 1v1 to him past 20 minutes and even if they can, they cant stop him from just bopping buildings to death.

Sorry I meant lee sin

You do realize Kiting removes DMP's MS right

Xth for shitters being mad about Master Yi.

xth for Syndra

I have the feeling that fiora should counter the shit out of darius but all the fioras I've faced are complete garbage and dont know how to use their w at all.
little hint:
it's when the point and click 2k true damage nuke comes in

Fizz e and vlad pool can dodge alpha strike :^)

The autistic splitpush champions trigger me the most. "Oh I'm just gonna pve for the whole game in one lane. And you can't kill me either haha xD."

why did that kassadin just win 1v2 without taking any damage?

How much is 1820 rp in us dollars or euros ?

to win against Tryndamere you need a collective effort by your team, good luck finding that in soloQ.

I agree

Only thing that annoys me about Yi isn't even about Yi it's about exhaust and Riots choice of removing attack speed slow on it.

Yorick is the worst

"I'm gonna split with Herald and my ult and you cant do nothing to stop me :')"

It depends on how much RP you purchase. $100 for 15,000 is a better deal than $5 for 650.

Somewhere between 14 and 12 dollars for 1820 RP.

The attack speed low was ridiculous and cucked certain ad's way too hard

Because Perkz and Trick are boosted shitters.

Kassadin is a late game god vs AP. Nidalee is a shitpick and Taliyah can't even hope to duel him at all

>removing this effect that Yi was immune to was a major buff to Yi

You do realize his ulti makes him immune to that anyway?


>people think Yi isnt bullshit just because hes beatable

news alert technically every champion in the game is """"beatable"""" the problem is rather or not its fair which master Yi clearly isnt in 90% of cases.

In a game balanced and focused around "counterplay" you cant just allow a single champion to completely lack it.

I think people associate Yi with a noob stomper and have this idea that only complete scrubs ever lose to him or something when the fact of the matter is that Yi is completely not fair period sheerly due to the way his kit operates

name a single counterplay to Yi thats not "DONT LET HIM REACH LATEGAME" or " JUST CC HIM!"

Master Yi hasn't been picked in a pro match in like forever, not even once. He is one of the few and is that bad.

Invade and kill him early game. Now it's 4v5 so you can win at 20.

Have you tried crowd controlling him?

Wait, is tomorrow the last day to use the chaos/order tokens?

What is the least amount i need to spend to get 1820?

fluffy tails


Goddam kys Twitch you snakey rat.

24/07/2017 is the final date.
What month is it, user?

Does anyone have that image of smochi chat?

I wrote something in the last thread

$20, looks like.

Ahhhh, he's so fun.

>master yi cuck
Opinion discarded

I fucking love this rat man.

>24th month

i dealt it! it was ME!

remember that Riot balances from Bronze to Bengi.

a champion not being present in pro play means nothing about their state of health.

We never saw Old Yorick but would you say he was balanced and healthy?

We never see Yasuo in Pro play anymore but would you say hes not worthy of the update he will be recieving?

Riot has a duty to keep the game fun for as many people as possible and that includes reining in the power of the "pub stompers" or champions who might not see play in one environment but completely dominate another (this is also why Ryze,Shen and Azir are balanced in a specific manner)

>americuck is retarded
It's day/month/year.

Remember folks!

gfs > bfs

post reasons to live

Why is camille's skin on sale now, and only that one aside from the usual 8?

I dont mind, Im just curious.

So is Maokai a support now or what?

Who thought giving a stealth adc aoe alongside a team fight adult was a good idea? This fucker is ten time more annoying than Cait and Draven.


Camille has a skin?

finding a boy to love so you can be comfy bfs~

>not doing it the trully logical way of general to specific year-month-day

Check out this fucking faggot heheh

what about gf(male)?

Good point!
You forgot to mention - straight ships > homo ships!

Just because she's a cyborg, doesn't mean she doesn't have skin.

>its okay for a champion to be unfair if they take """"skill""""

this is how we ended up with the atrocity that is Riven. yes I am FULLY AWARE that Yi has a very high hidden skillcap (understanding when to go in, dodging abilities with alpha and meditate resets) but none of that matters.

what MATTERS is that this archaice piece of shit champion design from 2003 is just a walking right click stick with very little interaction on his opponents end.

I understand Master yi in and Out and he is cancer in the worse ways possible

Why Ezreal Talon and not Ezreal Ekko because of piltover vs zany rivalry?

t. ahmed mohammed abdul

>tfw the order is given

Unironically a support

t. support main

If Master Yi is working in master/challenger consistently, then the state of the game is probably 100% pick/ban in Bronze/Silver/Gold.
Certain champions have kits that are too broken to try and balance them. And fuck Master Yi.

Nah, where I live, we don't let any muslims in.

because black skins gross

>fed yi
>targon the adc
>he gets stunned and dies

Is the graph on lolking.net a good indicator?As i compare myself to other tiers i notice that on champions i have high winrate i have way better stats than avarage however on lissandra i don't have 49% winrate despite better than avarage stats which means i am doing something wrong with her.
Any idea how to figure this out?

>they can't beat the most easily cucked jungler

What fucked up bizarro universe did I stumble into?

Just cc him bro

notice how he cant actually defend Yi without resorting to arguments involving the application crowd controls?

its pathetic really.

>press W
>Yi dies

Probably the one where Veigar is broken because infinite scaling.

I mean, when I don't really want to try at all, i just go yi and go in all the time. Start the game 0/10, doesn't matter, I get 2 items and get pentas every fight.

Bro everything I can't beat is OP
adc main btw

>Riot offered two options for the miniwork

Option 2 made him a back line mage but removed his mobility and turned his ult into a defensive tool thereby making him heavily great for seiging and DPS but still giving him a few flaws for disengaging like most if not all mages.

Literal children went for option 1 which just nerfs his range slightly but keeps his current kit intact mostly while amping up his numbers

I fucking hate the big LCS plays fanbase.

Master Yi only works because there is no voice comms or good communication in solo que. he is also not played much in master:challenger outside of a few autistic Yi mains. He needs a rework because if you you need his damage he is completely useless and offers nothing else.

Yi is one of the FEW champions with that haven't been picked by ANY team in forever. This means he is very very very counter able.

>Probably the one where Veigar is broken because infinite scaling.
Is Veigar good?

This is what happens when you give a carry invisible in a game where invisible skills are broken strong

>first pick as adc 4/5 times
Can this fucking stop

Quality bait


>Fiora has 2% pickrate
>50% winrate
>For some reason banned in 34% of games
reminds me of s2 when everyone banned malphite and amumu for pretty much no reason

No idea. Probably not particularly.

Just recall some fellow bitching about him a few weeks ago.

Is Kog'maw sleeper op?

Top lane with TP only. A TP flank is the only possible way his ult might be useful. They kinda dumpstered him though

I don't play him at all, I like a streamer that's an OTP, but I seriously never play him. Also, a Korean made it to masters recently playing almost exclusively lane Yi of all things.

> its okay for a champion to be unfair if they take """"skill""""
These are not my words, I don't think he's as unfair as you seem to think he is, but I don't consider him weak, at least as far as soloqueue is concerned. I think there's counterplay and it's mostly based around playing with your team, him feeling unfair in some duels is mostly okay with me.

>is this hyper carry sleeper OP


Just take caitlyn and collect your free win.

>legit hate this game
>only thing that keeps me playing it is yasuo
>have fun bullying nerds playing mages mid
>windwall their skills like i'm a chad protecting stacy from nerd-virgins
>walk into lane and kill them whenever they dare show their face in my domain
>scale well into late game so i can pound them into the ground and they have no hopes of outscaling me
>laugh as i read online about how broken he is

Is yasuo the ultimate bully champion?

what do you mean his q can't be dodged and its just like anyone elses "click on champion" ability you can't dodge ryzes w, you can't dodge vlads q, he's got a melee character kit you can't really dodge trynds crazy lategame damage either

it seriously comes down to

"just cc him bro :^)"

He's good only if you build the whole team around him. And he gets good lane match up.

paying respects to best girl

jungle is solid.


King faggot self inserts as edgy assassin

I love watching your kind bounce off azir walls under turret and feeding him

I love it when you think your little windwall stops Velkoz

I love it when Syndra just deletes you anyway

>best girl
I've never seen that poppy skin before

How much influences kills and taxing lane the xp of a jungler? I just got shit on by a lee that had 300cs at 30 and even before that he was most of the time 3 levels ahead of me, later he was 18 when I was 14 on kench jungle. My early clears on buffs just take ages because I can't eat them

option 1 is better
azir is ok now and shouldnt be touched
range for damage will only make him stronger because not everyone abuses its full range

That doesn't look anything like Riven...