Stop it. Who is this?
Stop it. Who is this?
If thats the one from the michigan ohio area im thinking of ive seen him at drift events
Hes prolly more active in motorsports than you
If motorsports means blowing huge cocks, sure
There are drift events in the Michigan Ohio area? I'm in northern Indiana and haven't heard of jack shit in the way of drift events around here
Google midwest drift union
Also some import alliance stuff is close
And gridlife
Indiana is all drgastrip/nascar/stock car stuff but some stuff in ohio michigan kentucky areas
>200horsepower meme revving intensifies
Wow who cares atleast my shitbox is not covered in stickers while I pretend I'm dagumi on the touge in a sonic with a few simple mawds
It definitely looks like a Michigan plate.
Looks pretty gud.
The only acceptable kind of stickers are logos of the brands you buy your parts from
>no つりわ
Gridlife is actually better for the Indiana dude since its basically on Lake Mich.
Thanks. It sucks that I'd probably have to set a whole weekend aside for one, but at least I have some options.
>he doesn't have anime sluts all over his car
lmaoing @ ur lyfe
That's the average GT86 owner. If you had such a slow car you would probably do the same.
>he doesn't have assorted Initial D stickers on his rear end
what are you, straight?
The main reason I avoided getting an 86
Out of fear that you would become a stickerfaggot?
this x100
aaaand there's the fullcap
Drifting every corner on that street
Don't need silly stickers.
I rather drive a boring normie car then being “active in motorsports” while looking like a huge faggot