Fighting Games General /fgg/
Friendly reminder that if the your game doesn't have keepaway, it's not a game worth playing.
any FG streams... im bored
More sniff
I want to f*ck April!
Painwheel is best girl
am I a waifufag yet
anyone very early morning t7 pc eu?
Is this game as fun as it looks?
which fighting game between blazblue, nitroplus, and chaos code has the sexiest girls and is the most fun to training boar
put sakura in sfv or else
and make her exactly the same as usf4
Nov. 2018
where does using the word boar in this context come from? It's not hard to understand but it sounds really retarded and I'd be curious to know why it's a thing
is dong dong never die a cool game or is it just a meme
BB has the best boaring, dunno about best girls
>post a character you want in SF4 for no other reason but to hear a new version of their theme
pic related.
outside of maybe one or two characters, I think every bodies themes in sfv is good af
Street Fighter 5 sucks.
>smash has no dept-
haha got me :-)))
You're trying a little bit to hard with this OP. Try to go for something a bit more tasteful next time.
You get a C.
*breathes in*
Capcom needs to fire everyone from their PR, its not funny anymore, it's just sad. They keep digging this grave
She fucking sucks dude
Who is the best character to use online in SFV if you are a sliver shitter that just wants to win
sniffpill me on dead or alive
is blazblue fun or is guilty gear better in every objective way
Balrog. This applies to all ranks, not just silver.
Play beesav
whoa d000000d. where'd you get this fresh news from like 18 hours late???
He has a fucking point though. X-Men are literal whos.
blazblue is a different type of fun
I should know
>go up from 1700 points to 3300 in one day
>today fall down to 2500 and am currently at 2700
What happened? Why am I becoming dumb all of a sudden again? Why am I doing unsafe shit and falling for dumb button mashing?
Somebody help this child out.
Is she considered worst in the game ez?
watch your replays niqqa, maybe you're doing a lot of unsafe shit and button mashing because you're unfocused or some shit
Blazblue is fun because you can play as Azrael. Guilty Gear does not have Azrael. That means Guilty Gear is not as fun.
In what universe? You act like the new X-Men/Wolverine movies aren't insanely popular.
>Like Guardians and Black Panther
>Black Panther is DLC
>Gamora instead of fucking Starlord
sure buddy. Nvm X-men have a movie every year. OH! you don't have the rights to the X-men in movie form right? well you can't be out there shilling FOX movies for free. I got you. wink wink but wait don't you have a Spiderman movie coming out? where is he?
shut the fuck up, Derek.
I understand these are FG characters but are sniffs even on topic, really? Do we ever get any meaningful discussion about the games out of these lewd images being posted? I shouldn't have to beat my dick every time I open the fighting game general.
There are some literally who X-Men, but there also iconic ones like Wolverine and Storm. By the way, Wolverine and Storm have been in ALL of the previous Marvel games. So even if you only know Marvel characters from the games, you should still know who those two are at least.
>want to pick up a new character in tekken 7
>have to memorize like 6 different juggles based on which move counterhits
ughhh why does learning this game suck so fucking bad
when's virtua fighter
>watch your replays
Good idea, probably will also help me calm down and recover from tilt. Probably might also be a bit unfocused as well. Thanks senpai.
watch replays. eventually you're hitting people that know how to deal with you. time of day can be a big factor in whether you're playing people who are good or not. i had a friend that made it to green ranks in tekken before being stomped back to 1st dan because he was playing in the middle of the day against normal people who just got the game. not saying your case is exactly the same but you got moved up far quicker than you're capable of learning or adapting. your points are only representative of where you are at that time. you're trending upwards so now it's time to look inside yourself and steel up your game.
>i can't post about fighting games if there's a lewd picture 50 posts up
i don't think this is a problem anyone else has.
Adorable. More
>I know whats better for MvC than Peter "Combofiend" Rosas
I guess that's why you guys are in charge of the game huh?
GG has Leo and Sol
>He thinks Combo is in charge
I consistently play against golds and above irl, just never had the mental patience to play online until recently. I picked up Ed as well so it was like a refreshing start online. But yeah, you're still right about that. Probably should lab a bit more as well.
Is just taking an entire day off from ranked and labbing a decent idea in SF or nah? (only played anime fighters and KOF before SFV so forgive me if that's a retarded question).
Not gorilla enough.
Everyone knows who Wolverine, Storm, Magneto, Xavier, Beast, Cyclops, and even Ice Man and Jean Grey/Phoenix are.
That's not April
the other thing is recognizing online warrior tactics. there's shit you can't do offline but you'll learn to deal with. it's a different gameonline and you need to play stupid, not smart.
that's fine. training and mentql state is similr across all games like that and fightan.
Shut up homo
Way i see it, labbing isn't really necessary in jive, just watching replays or testing stuff in lobbies is ok. The game doesn't have bazillions of situations
Guilty Gear.
who has better girls? blazblue or nitroplus???
love playing rashid, hate playing sfv
Can we petition trick Arcsys to include the SSJ5 Goku?
Stop saying sniffs.
And people who play fighting games are thirsty virgins, that's the only reason every OP image is porn. It's not hard to understand.
> it's a different gameonline and you need to play stupid, not smart.
Since I never played anyone decent offline, i don't understand this statement. Why should you play smarter with the guy sitting next to you?
>online warrior tactics
Yeah this shit is fucking with me. I think I'm also respecting people too much. However I'm still losing so in the end I can't really bitch about them and instead focus on myself. Any advice or Ed related shit that you might have that I should do online to deal with/play the dumb game? Thanks regardless, this is good info.
I feel like I should at least lab more than 3 combos, no? I have like maybe 3 variants of a hitconfirm off of V-Skill, a stun/jump in combo and a V-trigger combo.
>First Monhun and now these MvC blunders
Capcom truly is destroying their final ounces of credibility aren't they?
Blazblue: all of the girls look like they were designed for hentai
Nitroplus: all of the characters were literally designed for hentai
Toss up really
Blazblue and nitroplus.
I can't tell if you're being serious or not because fighting game nerds are usually autists that don't know anything about DB but LMAO.
No one even wants to put GT shit in the games anymore, let alone fan memes.
Ken or Necalli
>I feel like I should at least lab more than 3 combos, no?
Oh yeah, I thought that by labbing you meant learning properties of the opponent's moves and how to react to them by setting up a dummy. Yeah, know your combos, your jump-ins and an optimal CC combo
I just played third strike online on my pc
what a time to be alive. god damn
Put Q-Bee in MvCI
(also Jedah sucks)
MonHun World doesnt look like it will be that much of a blunder desu.
what am I (sin kiske) supposed to do when the bad guy knocks me down and keeps hitting me over and over???
they are so dead
you can tell this is their final breath
dont be surprised if you dont see a super version of sfv
pick a better hero
>game that only japan really goes crazy about
>dump a ton of resources into westernizing it
>no portable/switch version
not looking good desu
Block and not get hit. You also have a safe on block dp
Is there actual japanese backlash or are you just assuming?
Shout "I'm shagging your daughter!"
Put Fujioka in MVCI
reminds me of a small game from japan, it's called dark souls not sure if you heard of it
Dark Souls doesn't have such a strong emphasis on co-operative play and customization.
> implying that nip also doesn't like shiny graphic
> implying that MH is super japanese in the first place
Many mainstream AAA sell just fine in japan. Beside, nothing shows that the gameplay is "westernized" so far. The biggest westernization is the fact that it isn't on a handheld. Do you really want MH to be limited by handheld forever though
It does, by proxy. Dark souls is a mediocre game with no internet.
Comics are a shit medium these days and their practices of prioritizing their merch/toy sales (surprisingly the main source of income from comic/tv/film entertainment) are bleeding into other genres like fighting games, esp if they feature their comic characters of course.
This time it's not so much capcom's fault but marvel and the current state of the comic book industry as a whole. They will literally end interesting plots/stories/runs if a different series is writing a large "event" that the company feels should change every comic to fit in their shit universe
Everyone with half a brain is assuming. If the next Dragon Quest played like Witcher 3 Japan would shit all over that too.
Typical FGC shitter showing how little he knows of other games. Dark Souls was always western-pandering. It's decidedly dark western fantasy that consistently sells better in North America than Japan. Japanese people are too busy waiting for a new Armored Core to play Dark Souls.
MH on the other hand has always been a Japan-heavy IP with only a niche following in the west. Capcom is dumbing it down and trying to pander to America with the new one, and even if it proves financially successful, the gameplay is still shit. Just like SFV.
is there any fightcade courtesies i should know
>Dark souls is a mediocre game with no internet.
Shitter spotted.
>Honurablu samurai who fight suit big monsters and win despite their strength because of their banzai spirit and collectivism
except the jap videos for mhworld all have extremely positive upboats
back to kappa with you
MH sells in japan because of handhelds. I mean the game looks good, but is it really gonna be profitable for them when their main audience doesn't play it on consoles as much?
>thinking MH isn't super japanese
>thinking "AAA" games will ever sell better than handheld mainstays in Japan
>thinks World isn't super westernized
>generic "limited by handheld" response
So this.... Is the power.......... Of /fgg/....
umm? compare demon's souls and dark souls and you'll see that dark souls tries way harder to get the western audience
based capcom telling it like it is
they shilled xmen in the 90s because that's what was popular
guess what's popular now??? MCU