HEAVY and METAL edition
OT: eyosongive
HEAVY and METAL edition
OT: eyosongive
I want to impregnate this Lunari.
>DJ Sona plays music for her team
>Pentakill Sona doesn't play the Pentakill songs
Fuckin bullshit
xth for breast metal waifu
secondary xth for most based op yet
ekko is fun, safe, and has a lot of cool skins!
nice op image bud
guess the champ
>Trying the Apdo Kassadin build (DFT instead of TLD)
>Lategame jump onto a Soraka, blow my whole combo on her
>95% of her HP
>She ults before DFT can kill her
>Painfully aware that TLD would've oneshot her before she could react
I don't want to sound like I'm doubting Apdo here, but Christ I'm just not feeling DFT Kassadin.
Lol Ekko is a bitch nigga who want to be white so bad he paint his face white. Play a real nigga like Lucian
GP is a little too obvious so Pantheon...?
>come back from 2 week ban
>plat 3
>First game I have a kalista on my team who goes 2/6 and spams chat with chinese while trying to steal jungle camps
don't even know why I bother queueing up
I'm really hoping they give her an audio update to make her sounds more metal to coincide with the new album
They probably won't though
Gangplank seems a bit obvious.
Can anyone remember what Fiora's kit was like when she was first reworked? Cause I remember she was pick/ban for a while then fell off the map, but she's still broken right now. What was she like before?
If there is a drawanon here.
Requesting Kalista spamming Asian text over her head while killing krugs as Pantheon watches confused as fuck
do people give you honour?
will post the result at 1:35
hint: the champion has an auto attack reset
>Pick GP, lose lane as expected
>Enemy takes tower and leaves the lane
>I'm now have free farm
>Win the game because I explode a barrel on their asses
Not nearly as much as he used to be during his tank meta days. His early game is especially rough.
>cool skins
IMO it's a mixed bag. Sandstorm is still his best skin by a wide margin.
idk compared to a lot of melee mid laners he feels a lot safer
and yeah def, i got his chroma skin (the red and white one)
Remider that comfy gfs are canon gfs~
mundo didn't trick anybody
mundo sad
>play GP
>lose lane
>land a barrel chain
>does nothing because barrels got gutted against anyone with the slightest amount of armor
>lose because you're made of paper
You'd have to be autistic to still be playing GP
what's the best Draven skin?
ignore filename, first result on google
>then you realize Tuxedo Mask Ezreal is going to cuck her
comfy bfs~
Draven Draven
sivir doesnt have an aa reset u fag
>he doesn't know what sivir's w does
I love Riven!!!!!!!!!!!!
>mfw I realize Riot is full of weebs and we're going to get many more anime inspired skins
It doesn't AA reset
Heavy Metal!!
Me too!
>Literally never played sivir
It does you retard
Are you gonna say TROLLED XDDD now
Is that Riggnarok?
To be fair to OP no one has played sivir in a long ass time because of how weak she is right now compared to other ADCs.
Hey, that's cool and all, but she's MY wife. So don't try anything funny.
At this point it's INEVITABLE that we get a JoJo champion, right??
It seems even a Pantheon player can learn a thing or two from a Soraka player.
Thank you for your guide, Soraka user.
What do you think Jhin was?
no, she's MY wife
she's married to ME
>veigar running it down mid
bets? 99lp
Reminder Kayle x Karthus is the purest LoL ship!
Kinda wish we had more Soul Reaver skins.
Karthus as Mortanius might be too obvious and too "skully" for the chinese,
But it'd be neat to see if they make Warwick into Raziel.
And of course, the Kain skin would definitely go to Camille with two Soul Reavers for her blade-legs
You got beaten to the punch, sorry
has anyone else found that playing league has destroyed your ability to play any other game? League has been the only video game I've played in the last year pretty much, tried to play some Oblivion today for old times sake, I used to be able to play it for hours on end but now I get bored after 10 minutes
no other replies, guess ill buy him
thanks user
Which champion is a boy(female)?
spoiler on the lulu thing: THE VICTOR WAS ME
also diamond trash now
I just thinks its really funny; if you're actually really good with Draven, get Soul Reaver, so people will know to fear you
I don't usually do this, but just this once would it be fair to say I got buttfucked by the matchmaker in these two games?
>Lee Sins in both games that get kills early and then keep diving to their deaths like retards later on with no durability items and have zero macro decision making skills
>Lucians on the enemy team in both games that get fed out of their minds by our bot lane even
I wish someone else would ban Zac for once so I could ban Lucian for my idiot bot lanes. I don't care if I get counterpicked because I know how to not set up a fucking buffet line when I get counterpicked (which also happened to me both games)
no, you did
we were in love at first sight and eloped straight away
go away you imposter
round 3 of 3
guess the champ
im shit with him but i wanna learn, and getting a skin would force me to play him
yeah it's an awesome skin, but itd be cool on a lot of champs
Welcome to hell.
>silver iv
duh akali too ez next one pls
forgot my pic
Even purer than Zed and Syndra?
>mfw I'm still slumming it in Bronze while shitters like this make Diamond
Real fucking fair.
ap Corki?
I'd beat Riven's face with my punches if you know what I mean :3
He'd definitely fit the post-Part-4 style in the manga, and he definitely has the gory crime-drama aspect down,
but we need something more batfuck insane like the early to mid JoJo.
Big muscles booties if the char is female, craziers animations and poses, vibrant colours/effects, and lines/scenarios that make ya go "what the fuck"
get good
also why are images claiming to be corrupt I thought it was just gifs at first but this is a png
I'm afraid I don't know what you mean
Is there any reason for this ship to exist, aside from them both being Ionian "bad guys"? I don't think either of them ever met in their respective lore
yeah she goes through mana super fast wait am i being counter baited
On a side note, the new draw-user is based
I suck at last hitting minions
ZedxSyndra is bland as hell.
ShenxZed or ZedxJhin is where it's at.
Sona is definitely heavy but she doesn't seem particularly metallic
also PentaSona needs longer hair
Xth for dominating Lulu because she misbehaved
>big booties
Foo makes my fiddle diddle
we know, meriipu
why does this autistic captcha keep freezing?
>enemy team doesn't close out the game when they are at our inhibs while we've only taken down like 2-3 turrets total
>they let me get closer to my final build
>end up with more kills then the enemy team combined
>He edited boobs into the pic
This is close to the most autistic things I've seen anyone do
>close to
what is the most autistic thing youve seen anyone do?
>size of ants
why you do this
but looloo has a bit of bob, user
this champion is fucking shit. backstab doesn't even proc ludens anymore and fervor has been bugged on him for months
>captcha of a handicap sign
the only one thats new here is you
There's that dude on /b/ who collects his cum in coke bottles and dates them by year
Not even close to the most autistic thing someone can do
oh yeah Ive seen that, doesnt he do an update nearly every year
yes but they havent been witnesssed by his holy eyes
Is Sona the Hitomi Tanaka of the lol universe?
>people who are aware of what goes on in /b/ in the current year
I hope for your sake you're twelve
thats kinda sad though
how would you be able to live like that it must be a pain
Mah nicca
Didn't kindredesu come AFTER sej-fag?
At the very least the one we have now used to be MIA for months.
No, Sona also has a gigantic ass and is pure
Just reached level 13 on my new account.
Leveling is a bitch.