>drive down local downhill
>this motherfucker overtakes you
What would you do?
Drive down local downhill
Fuck off autist retard
Run him over for being a penny pinching jew
>implying you can catch up
snap oversteer
I'd just turn off my flip up headlights to reduce drag.
The bike probably cost more than your shitbox.
Laugh as he flies off the road on the next corner because his road race tires have no lateral grip
This happened to me already.
I overtook the guy just after the crest and moments later he rocketed by.
Loooong 15° hill so the man was moving with real speed I was both impressed and felt scared for him
Realize that its Marco Pantani and that he was roided up harder than lance was
Doing 100 km/h on a descent isn´t unheared of and a narrow bike can take much faster lines than a car as well.
So I guess he made up for the lack of power with ridiculously high mid corner speed.
For some reason speed limits also do not apply for cyclists at all in some countrys, meaning that this is perfectly legal.
World record on flat road is over 133 km/h or almost 85 mph.
>/n/ever ridden a road bike
There are huge difference between tires in road bikes and additionaly you have different pressures and variable tire load distribution.
Usually the riders choose some more gripy tires for technical descents to gain cornering speed and some more efficient ones on flat, straight time trials.
That beeing said, he has about the same grip as a car with decent tires.
But because he is significantly more narrow than a car, he can take a faster line in the corner, meaning he does not loose as much speed as the car and clears the corner faster and can even brake later.
That is due to the fact that he can start further on the outer side of the road, get closer to the apex or even lean over it and leave the corner on the outer edge of the road.
You know that his last words were. "Fucking cagers." Even though he had no chance of stopping before hitting a tree.
>But because he is significantly more narrow than a car, he can take a faster line in the corner,
Ow! My sides! You don't really have any idea how bikes (bicycles and motorcycles) corner compared to cars, do you?
Review this and note how the cars have to slow down for the bikes in the corner (the ones that don't wipe out).
That is due to the fact that the cyclists ride on the inner side of the corner, while the cars drive on the outer side.
The guy that crashes goes in way too fast for the corner in his line.
Pic related are the possible lines of a cyclist and a car, note that the cyclist has about double the radius and therefore half the latheral force at the same speed.
Also a cyclist doesn´t need road to be under his center of gravity when apexing corners since his tires are directed outside from his ceter of gravitiy.
Therefore his line can be actualy beyond the apex.
Hi, fellow cyclist here. While this is true it would also be very stupid to do in a rea lworld situation, There is probably little bits of gravel, sand, broken glass ect there that could cause you to slide out... btw my fastest speed so far is only about 50mph on a 7% grade. I have also passed a few cars, the most notable was some dude in a camero who looked pissed as hell when I did it lol.
>bits of gravel, sand, broken glass ect there that could cause you to slide out
That depends on the road you are cycling on, on my local mountain for example that is not a issue.
On the Teide downhills graves is a real issue.
Wait for the next corner, because those shitbikes can't corner worth a shit
I´ve outcornered cars on worse bikes than a 90s Tour de France roadbike...
You absolutely will not out corner any halfway decent car on 200 treadwear tires on your roadbike. Any insistence to the contrary is typical spandexfag delusion.
T. competitive autocrosser with a bike that costs more than your shitbox car.
they can corner just fine.. its accelerating out of the turn, my legs arent going to produce 300 hp no matter what, but we can out brake you into the corner and we are capable of holding a higher speed through the turn. DESU bragging about a car or motorcycle out preforming someone using their legs for power is kind of retarded and pointing out the obvious isnt it?
Bullshit, deluded spandexfag
I can take a faster line than you and therefore keep more speed than any car could.
t. never got overtaken on local downhill
look at
No you can't.
T. has an autocross car that can pull more than one G of lateral grip and rides a Pinarello for fitness.
sounds like you are just a pussy when you ride your bike
Sounds like you're a deluded faggot who thinks he's superman because he passed some skill-free retarded middle aged faggots in their midlife crisis cars
>more than one g
While I need to pull about half a G for the same corner due to a faster line...
So you're going to be using both lanes of the downhill for your line? Enjoy being squashed by an oncoming bro truck
>World record on flat road is over 133 km/h or almost 85 mph.
That needs like a 1:0.1 overdrive holy shit
>using both lanes of the downhill
Not alway, but I can use a different line even on a single lane.
Normal road bikes have 53:11(normal) or 60:9(time trial) as a final gear, recumbents usually a lot more.
your anger amuses me, stay mad mr. autocross... your probably the middle age midlife crisis faggot that I passed
>while the cars drive on the outer side.
You don't think a car can cross both lanes and take pretty much the same lane as the bicycle?
>Also a cyclist doesn´t need road to be under his center of gravity
Neither does a car. Cars corner on their outside wheels. And when the do, the line through the CG to the tire contact point is 60 to 80 degrees from vertical. On a bike, that would be some serious knee dragging. And for a car to accomplish that, it takes about 5 to 10 degrees of body roll. On a bike, if you want a 60 degree line through the CG, you've got to roll 60 degrees. Think about it.
>over-take him gently
>Spandexfags wonder why we cagers hate them when they don't even follow the speed limits
>You don't think a car can cross both lanes and take pretty much the same lane as the bicycle?
A bike can enter with its center of gravity about 1 meter closer to outer edge of the road, heit the apex about 1 m closer and clear the corner about 1 meter closer to the edge of the road.
On narrow turns this makes a significant difference.
>cars can corner on outside wheels
Wich car can corner on 2 wheels only?
Not exactly rare, and indicating a turn with >9,81 m/s2
>cyclist not following speed limits
If there are none you wouldn´t exactly care either, would you?
*17 m/s2, wich is pretty damn hard
Can't answer for the US, but speed limits are not limited to automobiles here. And if they ride on the road, then they also expected to follow the minimum speed (50km/t in a 80km/t zone, i.e.).
Not that the cyclists or police care.
Wich road has a official minimum speed?
Roads in first world countries.
That is incorrect, not even the Autobahn-network has a minimum speed.
I was half right. The minimum speed limit for vehicles on the highway is 50km/h here.
There is technically none on other roads, but you MUST mark your car with a special sign if you drive slower than 50km/t.
In germany a vehicle only has to be able to exceed 60 km/h to legaly drive on the autobahn, so a good sprinter, like Robert Förstermann, technicly is allowed to use the Autobahn.
(they made it that way since we have 50ccs doing 60 km/h here)
Everybody ITT talking bout lines and stuff but aren't mass and friction more important factors? Bikes have less mass but also less friction due to smaller wheels.
Record him on my dashcam and report him to the police. If these faggots want to ride on the road they can obey the road rules just like everyone else.
>but aren't mass and friction more important factors?
cyclists are just too retarded to understand why bikes have lower maximum entry speed on corners and less grip
not realy a factor when you are not putting down power and not run into tire load sensitivity.
The coefficient of friction is the significant factor here, but there is not much difference between bicycle tires and car tires regarding this.
Since when is coasting at 78 km/h illegal?
>aren't mass and friction more important factors
Less friction -> lower available cornering force
Less mass -> less cornering force needed
In the first approximation, mass cancels out.
>Wich car can corner on 2 wheels only?
Lots of them with skilled drivers.
>only 78kph
>taking corners on those tyres
>you and what accelaration
lmao no
yeah good luck taking those lines because the road is not 100% smooth.
I can't even corner at max available grip since the road is shit and I have suspension
Oh and my engine is in the middle and car weighs as much as that bike and has an engine.
You need 4 wheels for some downhills.
>bikefags seriously thinking they can outcorner cars
Loving every laugh
how could they, they don't understand what a corner means
>deliberately running into tire load sensitivity and reducing grip
>muh small contact patch
The bike+rider allso wights significantly less than a car, reducing the tire load.
You obviously have no Idea about cycling, the rider uses his legs as suspension during rough descents, wich allows for what you would call a "active suspension".
We can take significantly faster lines and lean our center of gravity beyond the apex with about the same grip as a car, therefore we can take a corner significantly faster.
??? Car Vs motorcycle on corners is not some obscure unanswered question, it's car. Car Vs bicycle lol c'mon
but that's fucking wrong motherfucker
a car can choose any line it wants, because it actually has power and ability to accelerate fast, while bike can take one and only line, and that line is risky as hell, also compare a car cornering speeds and motorbike cornering speeds and you'll that you are actually retarded
>a car can choose any line it wants
If the car would take the line of the bike it would be off the road.
>>deliberately running into tire load sensitivity and reducing grip
watch initial d
>muh small contact patch
The bike+rider allso wights significantly less than a car, reducing the tire load.
you're correct. Some weight improves mechanical grip, aero improves it at speeds. Yeah sure you can perhaps corner tighter on a super tight roads, I used to do downhill and bmx, wide tyres grab qu>suspension
You obviously have no Idea about cycling, the rider uses his legs as suspension during rough descents, wich allows for what you would call a "active suspension"
Okay cool, have you ever been outside and seen a road?
Good luck getting any grip on a bumpy, cracked, rough surface pitted with holes, covered with leaves and sand on your tyres that are quarter of an inch wide.
We can take significantly faster lines and lean our center of gravity beyond the apex with about the same grip as a car, therefore we can take a corner significantly faster.
Cornering is
You can brake, you can take the line but you can not accelarate.
Neither can you have grip on shit surfaces or do that anywhere other than super steep hills.
You are at the end still on your victorian contraption.
Good fucking luck keeping up with me on your bike fag.
>car has to enter wide corner straight up
>stop to a halt, turn wheels full lock to right and slowly accelarate out
reminder this is what /n/ believes
a bike line is racing line you idiot, and bike can't do late apex, witch is a lot safer
your tricycle is only good for moral highground fag
why argue bike will lose first corner anyway.
For cars it's "slow in, fast out"
for bikes it's "slow in"
why are bike fags so retarded?
If you are talking about the gutter run, I could ride on the the crash barrier, giving my basicly unlimited latheral grip as well as you could use a gutter.
>weight improoves mechanical grip
Actualy it has the opposite effect due to tire load sensitivity aka tires loosing their coefficient of friction with higher load.
>Good luck getting any grip on a bumpy, cracked, rough surface pitted with holes, covered with leaves and sand on your tyres that are quarter of an inch wide.
Good riders can navigate around these, I do that on my commute.
We can controll rear/front brake ballance as well as weight distribution.
Since we are more narrow, our center of gravity is further on the outside
combined they make upt for the lack of
in a technical descent
The difference is that the bike can start the corner with its ceter of gravity further on the outside, get closer to the apex and leave further on the outside.
A car has about 1 m more from its center of gravity, wich prevents it from taking the same line.
>The difference is that the bike can start the corner with its ceter of gravity further on the outside, get closer to the apex and leave further on the outside.
A car has about 1 m more from its center of gravity, wich prevents it from taking the same line.
you are literally now describing late apex
anything else?
No, I don´t describe late apex, I describe the abillity of a more narrow vehicle to take a faster line than a whider one due to the fact that its center of gravity can get close to the edge of the course.
Basicly the bike can take a line you would take if the road was 2m whider due to the fact that it is aproximately 2 more narrow.
are you having an aneurysm?
>Good riders can navigate around these, I do that on my commute.
Oh so you can't go fast then, okay.
>We can controll rear/front brake ballance as well as weight distribution.
Yeah but you're too busy swerving bumps and leaves and pedalling.
>A car has about 1 m more from its center of gravity, wich prevents it from taking the same line.
I don't understand what kind of retarded world you live in.
Cars wheels will be running the same line as bikes if need be.
If you think you can beat or even keep up with a car on the touge you have no hope.
Even a motorbike can't outcorner cars, they have only accelaration.
Your tubing and a wagon wheel doesn't have accelaration, which is the thing that makes bikes fast.
Wait for a corner.
No, two wheeled vehicles that lack weight and downforce do not have as much grip as a car.
MotoGP sportbike has a top of the line suspension, a priceless set of race tires, a compliant frame that acts as a suspension in itself when leaned over, as little weight as possible, and monster brakes that can pull 200mph stoppies still posts worse laptimes than F1 cars (the next best thing on four wheels) unless given ample straights to accelerate on
Cars: Designed for cornering speed, requires driving talent
Bikes: Cornering is like cutting wood with a butterknife
I can ballance my braking while driving a course around these obstacles, I you would ride a lot you´d be able to do that as well.
>Cars wheels will be running the same line as bikes if need be.
They can´t because that would put the car off the road due to them requiring 1m more space to each side. (pic related)
I don´t have the acceleration, but due to the better line I can carry a lot more speed trough the corner.
you have made it more than clear you don't know anything about any of the things you talk of.
Bicycles will get completely BTFO on the touge even by an avarage driver in a 80s shitbox.
so will motorcycles given two equally ballsy pilots
I would like to see how your 80s shitbox somehow follows a line that crashes it into the barrier.
you are retarded, I have a feeling you are busrider
So, do you always start insulting people when you are prooven wrong?
not him
>proven wrong
entire thread says that you are retarded and talking out of your ass
wait, this better not be some layered bait thread+replies
Cars corner faster.
What you drew is a bike taking a racing line and a car trying to ride parallel to it and eventually crashing into the dumbfuck as he runs wide through the corner, must likely due to being afraid to lean his pedalcycle, as there is no way he's going that fast.
Assuming they are not parallel to eachother the car can take a proper line at a higher speed.
Also I see a lot of wasted space on the outside for the car and a lot of dumb assumptions about the turning radius of an MR shitbox (togue dominator)
what fucking car is 10+ meter wide to take the entire road?
look at the picture The red line is the line the bicycle tires take.
The green lines show where the car tires would go if it would take the same line as the cyclist. (it can´t since it would crash ito the barrier 3 times like that)
The blue lines are possible lines for a car.
you must be pretending
I refuse to believe people like you actually exist
Most mountain passes are either single lane or verry narrow 2 lane roads.
They take up about 50% of the road on the last type.
look son, I come here to discuss not educate retards.
And convincing yourself you are the smartest person on earth only means you're just another retard.
holy shit the green lines aren't even the same width as the blue ones
and the blue ones aren't even an apex
>hurr a car can't apex on a road that narrow
t. nocar
fucking cyclists
>convincing yourself you are the smartest person on earth only means you're just another retard.
Seems like you are getting self aware...
kek you're entertaining. You must be pretending to be /n/ boogeyman
But then again /n/ are just as retarded as you pretend
i wonder how would a bike do on this course
>green lines are not the same as the blue ones
Indeed, kind of the point of a comparison...
The green ones are the lines your tires can´t take due to the barrier.
>car can´t apex corner
Never claimed that, a car just can´t get its center of gravity as close to the apex as a bike due to beeing about 2 m more wide.
propably quite well.
Compared to a something like a skateboard
at least try to be convincing when you pretend to be a retard.
Maybe someone should post about this on /n/ get more fresh entertainment our way