Riven is Best Girl Edition
Old Thread: eyosongive.us
Riven is Best Girl Edition
Old Thread: eyosongive.us
why does she look 12
Because Riot want lolicons.
xth for objectively best ship
I'm pretty sure riot didn't draw that picture
fluffy tails
Those runes look like they're from Frostmourne
No one wants Janna in their team.
riven is a slut
She used to be a top tier support. What changed?
and what a slut!
Yo wtf galio mid is legit
I can keep up with most early waveclear, respond to roams, do serious damage to towers
Its a lot easier to escape a gank vs a mage too because they usually aren't close enough to bodyblock your e.
Im gonna start playing this more
Ahri/Fiora/Orianna/Camille/Zed/Talon/Fizz/Akali/Katarina/LeBlanc/Thresh/Tahm Kench is broken
One tricking Nunu and Taric, what else should I learn? If it's in those positions and simple, better.
Probably their old art when they're creating Riven.
xth for Syndra
Which Ahri is cutest?
Who knew the king of midlane was so cute
Seriously midlane meta rn is a bunch of sluts and him
He's avin a good time
Kill yourself.
Veigar one shots everyone thanks to his infinite scaling.
Neither. They're all rapists.
Quick! give me your best Tryndamere build!
foxfire's tits are straight up bigger than the others', it's not just cleavage, right? Am I seeing things?
This is true though.
you asked yesterday. midnight right after classoc
should I take cinderhulk warrior or bloodrazor on trundle jungle
It's just because she's leaning forward. They look bigger on popstar too
>ywn have a sixsome with all of them
I find him super boring
q, q, Q
But he can do work, I'll admit that much,
Or a ninesome.
A young Riven skin would be neat, someday. No rush.
It's quite the phenomenon. A Redeemed Riven has never let me down, but sometimes I don't notice while the game is going on.
I second this as the skin has quite a bit of missed potential. I think Talon lives up to its potential a little bit more just because of its design.
Check my new Tattoo lolgee
I fucking hate Blitzcrank.
I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!
if that's real, and really you, 9/10 looks great. to bad vidya tatoos are like rolling the dice
Looks cool, nice tat my dude
Riot killed the furry. She's dead.
Riots artists were much worse than that back when they first started
called my jungler a cancerous leprahead and told him to neck himself yesterday and didn't get banned
feels good man
I love to play support characters, but it can also be done from midlane! Really all support mains should at least be able to do 1 or 2 people mid. Fiddle, Nami, Karma, etc.
Having more damage is just nice and item changes have enabled that to be more viable on more supports, without them having to KS or steal minions.
there's only one furry around these parts fuccboi
dont forget it
Is Kayle worth maining?
I like her kit and since I got the free skin too...I havent really played her that much outside of aram though. My usual go to is Panth so nothing else really gets picked...
Why do people call Kayle cancer by the way? I usually play ranged tops so I cant really relate to that and Kayle should be easily dived thanks to lack of dash or CC
I wasn't here during MF support, like how did that work, what items did they get?
For_ you.
>That pose
Holy shit! Almost cringe-worthy.
No one wants to fuck a fox.
She's alright. Strong lategame if you can position yourself properly. People say she's cancer because it's hard to lane against her as melee, she'll harass then if you try to gap close she'll W herself and fly away or slow you with Q and fly away.
>do my best to win my lane
>everyone else is shit and we lose
>lagging, feeding and playing a champ I'm not entirely used to
>everyone else is a monster and we win
i'm fine btw, it's not like anyone plays akali anymore
It's almost like solo queue is a complete crapshoot and 90% of climbing is pure luck.
inb4 plat shitters come in to insist they're plat because they're skilled and not purely because they got lucky
>posts xayah as a retort
h o l y
lmao. birbfags truly are the absolute worst
>be mid laner
>ask for jungler to protect my tower
>*your turret has been destroyed*
>meanwhile jungler is fighting scuttle crab
Claiming Riven
please stop me from becoming a yasuo main
nothing else gives me a thrill like yasuo does
>not knowing how the system works
the reports pile up my friend, if u keep up that shit, ull get banned for sure
She's one of the most satisfying late game champs to play
Professor Akali? Not sure they're about that waifu business though.
That's a reaction to the Riven pose. For you, this is pic related.
>Q q q q
Lol noob
Its e q, e q w for harass
Or protobelt q e
Ofc e flash r q w belt ignite full combo
Plebs out
Ahri is not a furry.
Jinx is cute and cuddly and shaped like a friend
So what's the current situation with Rammus? Is he good? What do you max now?
>People on this site always act like they are above it all and better than everyone
>Whenever I play with people from /lolg/ or /d2g/ they are absolutely fucking terrible and act like children
Why though? I would expect this from some 9gag kids
She's a fox, right? The slut is raping men into furries.
claiming kalista
Veeky Forums is full of kids who like acting like they're 21 and talk shit all the damn time, ignore everything anyone says here that isn't grounded in fact.
that's not what a furry is user
Rengar is a furry. Ahri is not.
He's bad zac
Has a decent clear now, just focus taunt and go for the mid laner.
Oh,that sounds nice
From scale of Pantheon-Gangplank, how would you rate Kayles early and late game?
If only Riot did an event like that to see who has the best tits, more people will be playing the game.
back off
>been watching various challenger euw streams lately
>yasuo is in literally every game
So I guess finally the 'yasuo is only good in low elo' meme can die out..
There can only be one winner
It takes time getting used to her, because you need to be good at CSing with her and the AoE can make it tricky. Her main problem is that she can't make much of an impact early outside of her lane and that can lead to very frustrating games.
daily reminder that league of legends was a mistake
>didnt specify whetever the games were normals or ranked
what did he mean by this?
fake news
You consider her as some monster girl?
call me a retard but I think this is an effect from everyone banning Yasuo in lower elos.
I mean, lets assume you're a challanger player who also really likes to play Yasuo (not necessarily an autist main), and you often play in smurfs in plat~diamond elo, you can't pick Yasuo anymore because it's banned all the time so what do you do?
you go on your main account and play the shit out of him until you get bored
I'm honestly surprised Yasuofags outnumber Rivenfags
How is this fair? Bot and top got shit on and i'm pretty sure I had to play against a smurf in a counter match up.
she's a kitsune/kumiho, so yeah pretty much
Ahri is effectively a girl wearing fox ears. A furry would be something like the Thundercats or Star Fox.