PUBG general
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PUBG general
MAP for strats:
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PLANE flight rememberer:
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Discord for /pubg/
Last one died sadly. I just got the game, pretty fun once all the buildings fucking pop in after a good minute for you to be able to actually loot them after you drop.
Dead game
Discords fucking kill generals, especially when the general is already on life support.
Well you benefit greatly from voice chat with this game
Saving this from dying with 2 questions:
Have there been client/server performance updates withing the last 2 months?
Are there launch settings that actually improve performance, or in game tricks?
Good amount of client optimization so far. Very slight server performance changes, but the coming monthly update this last week of June is supposed to focus on server performance. A lot of the launch settings that were used before have been rendered ineffective. Not sure which (if any) work anymore.
Why is this general dead? You'd think with the amount of players it'd be active as fuck
There's not much to discuss. Patches are slow, meta is stale, nothing besides gameplay to talk about like lore and whatever.
whats the headshot damage multiplier? limb multiplier? i cant find it in the OP links
generals have virtually no point in the game unless its to discuss patches
not a lot of new stuff in this patch
this isnt your content feed if you want a collection of interesting stories contribute yourself, go find the,
Get an ssd.
Headshot = 2.5x damage. Limbs take 50% damage. Armor is 30%/40%/55% Damage Reduction.
He probably only has 8GB of RAM. Based off of the people i play with, only people with 8GB of ram don't load textures instantly. Could also be VRAM
Am I the only one who discards the P1911 when I can chose between it and another gun? I don`t like the APC ammo...especially when my primary weapon can use the same as my pistol
P92 is my favorite pistol.
I have 16gb ram and the game is installed on a 2nd ssd which is for game files only.
>in lobby ultra textures for the floor can take up to 5 seconds to load
>ditto door textures on parachute landing
>8x scope at 700m+ is still potato textures
I have 3770 and a 1070, since the new patch I have seen an improvement in fps but with my specs performance was already good on most of the map.
However certain areas are still bad.
>green building east of Yasnaya (possibly hotel?) drops me to 35fps when looting
I always pick up a revolver over the other pistols after i get a primary. I always carry a few 7.62 in case i find a sniper anyways and since 7.62 is the heavy ammo, a loaded revolver is 7 bullets i don't have to carry
I hadn't thought of that idea.
Best drop spots?
There's only so many times you can tell that story about the time your car flipped but you still killed the two guys chasing you
Mine: Villa, Zharki, Sunken, east edge of george, gatka, sev, lipovka. these are all pretty good mid map drops from east edge to west(except zharki). They all have downsides and not the best gear, but you generally only have to fight a few people (if at all), and you walk away in a good condition to fight. Not the best for ACTION but they can also be fun spots to fight in.
Gatka. For some reason barely anyone ever fucking drops there and you have free reign to just loot every small cluster of buildings. Even if there are a couple other people it's generally large enough that you can avoid them entirely or just drop somewhere else to begin with and then engage.
absolutely, that thing is a piece of boomer trash that cant hit a fucking cow
>killing the last 2 people alive and winning
best feeling
There is no good drop in my opinion. The RNG on loot is to big of a factor. And what is not wrong but it is a 50/50 chance no one drops there or 6 teams.
When you have enemies on your spot just search a weapon and rush them cause you either die instant and restart or you run off with nothing and die 5 minutes later.
Don't pull shit out of your ass. But I do have the meme gpu.
i always have some success with the weird military base kind of compound just west of lipovka
>queuing squads with friends
>your friends never comm location when they see someone
>never want to make plays that you call
>just stand aimlessly in the open and get sniped down by kars because of indecision
i'd rather play with scrubs that want to drop hotspots than loot up for 30 minutes and get gunned down late because noone wants to do anything aggresive when it counts
>choking in second place and dying when you should've won
Worst feeling
Is this game worth 30 dollars
I can definitely spend that much but I'm jewish
This is only partly true. Certain places have higher chances of dropping better loot, and certain buildings have more spawn points in them then others. Yes it's RNG what you get but it's also weighted so that you have a good chance of getting guns and gear.
Beyond loot being comfortable in your drop position is huge. Knowing the layout and the most likely position of other players can give you a huge advantage. I know sunken city like the back of my hand, i always try to drop on the big building right in the middle because it has great sight lines for the entire area, if i don't get a gun i have easy access to building to drop onto, and if a player beats me to a gun up top i can jump off and get out quick.
The game does have lots of "RNG" but by giving yourself the best chance to come out on top you can negate most of it.
If you think it looks fun, I'd say yes. I've put 250 hours into it with no doubt I'll get another couple hundred at least. I like the loot > kill > repeat sorta formula though.
idk why this comes up so much. just buy it play for 2 hours and decide yourself. That is more then enough time to play a few rounds and get a feeling if it's for you. If you don't like it return it.
That is an option, how long is the average match would you say? I know it depends on when you die, but give me a range
5-30 minutes I'd say.
insert random video game on screen/10
Try multiple things in that time. Do drops where you try to get away from everyone, do a action round, try to get close to the end. i realize that is easier said then done, but the best part of this game is getting to the end that is when you start getting the adrenaline and you start really chasing the win.
>loading island, being on the plane and diving out of the plane are still an assault on your ears
come on guys, should be an easy fix
Dead battlegrounds
If the game is so popular and selling so well on steam why is the general always dead?
what is there to talk about?
Everyone's playing
>tfw analyzed lirik gameplay videos and vods and i shit on everyone like he does
lol too easy
Fags moved to the discord
This. Discords kill generals, especially when the general is already dying.
Holy shit man FUCK sniper rifles.
4690k and 1070 owner here. I don't drop below about 75 fps anywhere. I play with everything on very low except for textures and draw distance which are ok ultra and I also use 110% resolution scale to get rid of the pixel shimmer because the default anti aliasing even on low makes everything over 500m a blurry mess.
expired again
>tfw i max out at 35 and hover around 25 most of the time
is this why i suck?
Having shitty fps in a shooter is like trying to win a foot race on crutches.
>always seem to get close to shorter side of blue so it's quite slow
>get caught on the larger side this game
>the speed that the blue comes in is like 10x faster
>ak is bad goyim, use the scar-L instead!
I always use the ak. Best gun the the game imo. It can double up as a sniper and does high damage with controllable recoil in general.
Factually, the ak requires one less bullet to down someone over ~200m compared to the 5.56 calibre rifles. It's the GOAT gun.
Are there any decent streamers who don't have stupid fucking sub sounds that play every 10 seconds
Anyone want to run some duos for fun?
first win in solo, pretty fun game but it's extremely infuriating when you die due to lag or cant get proper start because of lag
I hope they can optimize the game better, it's way too heavy on ram atm
what program you use to record?
Not him but OBS is probably the best free video recording software available, unless you have an Nvidia card and feel like using Shadowplay.
shadowplay i got that instant replay nigga
I hate normies
why do people say vecter is the best SMG when UMP has better stats
Because they don't know what they're talking about. Vector shreds at close range, as does the Uzi. The Ump is more versatile than either but isn't as effective point blank.
vector is shit because it has no ammo, but uzi is pretty comfy weapon to use with expanded magazine, very noob friendly
AK is too strong currently, it's better than sniper if you don't have silencer
How about instead of only clothes from crates they added special emotes too? Like your character doing a sick dab, bruh.
The vector isn't shit. 25 shots with an extended mag is plenty to delete some dude standing right in front of you as long as your aim isn't maximum potato tier. The issue is that the Vector and Uzi fill the same roll, but the Uzi performs basically much just as well while not virtually requiring the extended mag.
AK is fine. I'm assuming by sniper you mean the SKS. The SKS has its own advantages over the AK, mainly higher damage capable of one shotting a full hp opponent through a level one helmet as well as a higher bullet velocity. I'll agree though that it seems like it's almost not worth picking up an SKS if you already have an AK since the AK is much easier to build and is more versatile. You can just carry an 8x and slap it on an AK for an SKS-lite, which allows you to run a weapon that performs better up close alongside it, while you'll typically still want an AR to go with the SKS. That said, I wouldn't mind seeing a slight buff to the SKS rather than a nerf to the AK.
But we were talking about SMGs originally anyway.
yeah, vector isn't shit but it it's shit without expanded magazine and if you run to ak you might as well ditch the vector in favor of slots
Is this shit worth buying if I don't know anybody who plays and will be solo everytime I play?
It would depend on the emote and animation quality for me, but I'd rather not have them. In general, I think they go better with H1Z1 than this game, sorta like the unicorn helmet and stuff. Maybe more militaristic or non-comical emotes if the animation quality was good enough.
How does Rating work? I just got 7th place and went from 1304 to 1302?
Who /beaglerush/ here?
Yeah, but at least the extended mags are easy to find. I can't remember the last game I didn't find an extended mag for my ARs/SMG by the time I finished looting.
I would actually rather take a Vector with an AK. The AK is fantastic at medium to medium-long ranges, but seems to fall short of the potential damage output of an Uzi or Vector up close because of its rate of fire. If you hit every shot you'll still shred people, but missing a single bullet from the hipfire spread could easily prove fatal against someone with a faster ROF weapon/shotgun. If you grab a vector with an ak, you can just cycle a red dot and a 4x/8x on the AK, and you've got your bases covered. Of course I'd ditch the vector for a kar98 or something though.
Depends on who you ask. A lot of people strictly play solos. For me, solos are fun for a few games at a time while I could play duos or squads all day long.
Are scopes random or where is the best place to find them?
there's pretty healthy community over discord to ask people to play with, but yeah it's okay as solo too
Well that's true but vector is pretty rare too, you know
Yeah it doesn't really matter what you run with ak, I'd prefer something silenced tho
>Well that's true but vector is pretty rare too, you know
Yeah. Which is another small thing the Uzi has over the Vector. Honestly, I don't like the vector that much, but I'll run it over a shotgun any day. It's not the best weapon, but it's not garbage either.
>Yeah it doesn't really matter what you run with ak, I'd prefer something silenced tho
I love taking a suppressed UMP with an AK. It makes me all warm inside.
worth every penny pissed i didnt buy it sooner
you should check the requirements and if you only have 8gb memory i recommend buying 16gb kit or even 32gb
i have 12gb with a gtx1070 is that why im getting such shit frames
yeah, you can monitor this stuff with window task manager too if you're unsure, I always used to lag when my physical memory closed in to 99% and buying 32gb kit solved it
how to parachute long distances?
Look to the horizon and press W. Good distance and speed. About 1.5 km tops
To go the farthest, you need to open the parachute as soon as you can and tap W while trying to stay between 40-50 speed but takes longer. About 2km
Just take car from the flight path, much easier
Obs is worse and factually uses more resources than the native recording applications like shadowplay or relive which are super optimized for the hardware even though it also uses the same hardware encoder. There's video evidence proving that.
Also it lacks the most important feature which is instant replay. I get set shadowplay to record up to the last 10 mins of gameplay and at the hit of a button I can save that last 10 mins. It saves having to record 3 hours worth of gameplay to get some funny clips when you can manually record that specific scene with shadowplay instant replay. It saves a ton of memory.
I can set *
>land north
>playable area is literally right at the bottom, covering most of the bottom island
i hate this shit. even better when you can't find a single vehicle and you are completely screwed
I can give forgiveness for guns firing next to my ears when the lobby is loading in. The plane raping my ears every time I'm on it is something I do not give forgiveness for.
I would only pick up a vector after finding an extended mag or a decent primary
Sometimes you're in a spot with low car spawns
Sniper rifles are absolutely fucking ridiculous.
Gee user, greentext us why they are so some of us can call you stupid whilst other numb brains agree with you and complain
>fucking willy wonka meme
Don't you have some cock to be sucking on funnyjunk or something?
>the projection is real
Just had a perfect example of why third person is cancer in my last game. Heard someone but had no clue where he was, but doesn't matter cause my magical 360 camera was able to spot him.
Died right after this to someone crouched behind a window. Third person sure is awesome.
I'm sorry was I the one that posted a meme from 2009? You fags need to learn what projection means.
>Starting at 30 second and in 10 second intervals, I call out the circle is closing in x seconds
>Say "20 seconds left, we should move soon"
>I move out at 10 seconds, squad moves out at 0 seconds
>I'm the only survivor that makes it
>Get killed by a squad of 2 or more who were also running to the safe zone
We looted two whole cities by ourselves only to die to the circle. What more could I do?