*hits your windshield*
*hits your windshield*
Other urls found in this thread:
>lands on your hood
>crawls inside venting
>never crawls out
*goes extinct*
Honestly I get super depressed anytime I see one.
Just more proof that our children will grow up in hard times.
Over population and mexicanization will lead to big trouble in 50 years.
You do realize that was all liberal and reddit tier fake science right? There is no beepocalypse. There never was. Just google it you dumb nigger. Even the head of bee research said it was all garbage.
back to r the donald faggot
What I would give to have that on my name plaque at my desk.
Head of Bee Research
Sauce please?
I'd like to believe you, but I constantly hear to the contrary. But that doesn't mean shit.
t. my dad keeps bees
*also hits your windshield*
I once hit literally an entire swarm of bees going 80 down the interstate. I shit you not when I say it covered the whole entire windshield and it took a good 45 seconds of wiping and washer fluid to clear it off. shit was hilarious.
You fucking monster.
>6 mainstream sources saying bees are dying followed by 1 no name organization saying its a hoax
Kys faggit
Literally google (well a non cucked search engine) it dude. There's hundreds of articles, pick the website that doesn't rustle your political jimmies and read.
work for the gubbment as head of bee research. His name is Jeff Pettis I believe.
>the head of bee research
And you expected anyone to believe you?
>how to search for things to get the answer that fits my narrative and I totally don't understand how search results work
LOL okay kid.
>huuurrr I literally want to put 0 effort into educating myself.
All i typed was "bee shortage." That's pretty innocuous. Should i have typed "bee hoax site:infowars.com"?
You could always post a believable source for your claim rather than telling people to google it and then criticizing how they googled it.
nigger tell them not to fly across the interstate at ground level. not my fault they didn't go literally 2 feet higher to completely avoid me
kek'd heartily
You fucking retard that's what you did.
You did the same thing every conspiracy retard does with the whole "just google it, I'm not gonna tell you, I'm right" instead of backing up your claim.
Kill yourself
>Crawls out from under your sun visor
duh heil hitler fugin fake jew science not gonna SPOONFEED YOU bixnood 14/88
fuckin JIDF fake bee news
>Pull over and do my best to recover his squashed body
>Bury him with full honors because bees are fucking bro's
>hits your windshield
>1000 times
Same but on a fucking motorcycle
To say that I regret buying a matte helmet would be an understatement
>bees have existed since the paleogene era at most 60 million years ago
>modern trees have basically existed in some form since the devonian era 400 million years ago
For some stupid reason I feel like we'll be fine.
this is a blue board
awww that's the worst...I had cockroaches, bees inside my car, but the spider startled me most.
I hate bugs...I have a long trail of ants from my backyard to sideyard to front lawn to the driveway...gotta find a ant expert and extermination the queens.
here are just a few things making bees rarer
the almond harvest
hive starvation/death (people take too much honey and substitute it with sugar)
nicotine insecticide
air pollution
fewer green corridors as public parks and land becomes privatised and developed .eg urban sprawl
eradication of wild grasses from the commons - reduces verity of food sources - leads to unhealthy diet
Varroa destructor - beecare.bayer.com
being unaware of things will not help the situation
that said human extinction is the only way the biosphere can survive
wearing fluorescent clothing
bee lands on shoulder
fly away in a circle
lands on shoulder again three times
cold day
find sleeping bumble bee on car
put it on dash board and put the heater on
mofugger wakes up
looks drowsy asf
drop by dairy to get honey
go to park and get some flowers
some time later
he WOKE like a champ
flys away
normal day just zoned out
sense something not right
a blurred shape moves slowly down from above and into my line of sight
it starts swinging in ovals like a pendulum
see and feel it land on the tip of my nose
>tiny jumping spider.exe
use off hand to lift it away by its own silk
place on dash
drive hope though super wind storm
car rocking about violently trees falling over
branches moving all over the road
counter steer gusts and dodge all tree parts
get home and bout to leave car
ahhhhh wtf so loud
look down
covered with cicadas
other time. heading along just fine
overcast day no need for sunglasses
almost crash
calm down and turn head to the side
wind pulls them off and out the window
.tldr keep windows closed
I'm not disagreeing with you about the bee research, but I do disagree with you saying "just Google it." Google gives very biased results.
Try using Google to figure out the name of the ambassador Hillary Clinton killed. Then try finding his name with Yahoo or DuckDuckGo. It's really difficult to find with one search engine.
>Over population and mexicanization will lead to big trouble
As a Commiefornian I can agree. Did some touristy shit in LA with a friend from Norway, and was wearing a shirt with the American flag on it. Some mexicans drove by and yelled "Fuck Trump" as they passed. Honestly, if you can't wear a shirt with the American flag on it in LA without getting shit on we're definitely in trouble.
Google gives you results based on what you search for.
try logging out of your google account and google something next time.
I don't have a Google account. I even quit using my YouTube account once it merged with Google a long time ago.
*hits your windshield*