"and then he said his vehicle doesn't have turbochargers"

>"and then he said his vehicle doesn't have turbochargers"
>"wow sarah! what a loser!" "let's just stick with chad's mercedes!"

>implying the average whore knows anything about cars
>implying this isn't what the average woman looks like when she drives

t. Paid thousands to slap a tarbo on his dieing shitbox

Was this really worth a thread?

If it was at the bottom it was already dead.

>my choice of vehicle is based on gaining the approval of women

Literally beta.

The ironic thing about this post is the lack of OPs understanding of Chad. Chad, by virtue of his genetics is immune to criticism.

If he drives a mercedes than wow he's so sophisticated and dangerous. If he drives a $3k civic he's just practical and smart.

On the contrary the virgin can drive a mercedes and he will only hurt the Brand he loves and women won't associate it with sexiness. If he drives a $3k civic he's a poor and ugly loser.

But even golf 1.4 diesels have turbos nowadays.

Funny i actually rode in a roasties volvo one time in high school and she bragged to me that it had a turbo. I mean she probably didn't even know what that means but at least she was aware that it had a turbo. She wanted thw d but i was even more of an autist then than i am now.

These are facts.

Unironically true
t. a beta

>implying women know what a turbocharger is

Unironically wrong.

As a non chad I have a top tier shitbox peugeot 106. You are the laughing stock and no girl wants to look at you

I borrowed a 2015 mustang gt for 1 week here in yurop (rather unique in my country). It also had some body kit with hood scoop and side fenders. Dunno what theyre called.
I will never forget this blonde succubus with those skinny white jeans with her ass spassing out.that passed the streets infront of me in a hot summer day.
She watched me, smiled and give me a wink. As a turbo autist and virgin pope, I literally never was this close to a female species. All thanks to the car

Sadly its my uncles car and hes pretty much a chad.

>getting cars to impress whores
Maybe outthere there is a girl that will appreciate me and my Brobant.


Had to go urban dictionary that shit.


this happens in america if you're young with an expensive car. my last car got me laid (f-type). current car continues to get me laid (Range Rover). Virgins ITT will claim it isn't the case but it is if you're not autistic



It wasn't one last ultimate story, just a collection of good stories I didn't want to tell while I was still employed in car sales, plus a few I just never got to tell at the time they happened

Every time I get in the mood to start the thread, I never have the time. Some day I break down and do it.

>"and then I found out that his engine doesnt have perfect primary and secondary balances, which meant that his engine had a small range of operating RPMs!"
Things that people with a vagina have never said: Volume I

its ok dude. I didn't want to pressure you. Its just that you said it would be on christmas and i always fear that you will die.

ily lpg. I miss you

Lpg pls before you die thank you bby ilu

>he cares about chad
>he wastes his money and time wanting cars to attract chicks
>he doesn't embrace the Ronery Drivah status
Pathetic, bakadesusenpai.