Starboy Edition
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Starboy Edition
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What the fuck
Hate his pocket pick.
play galio
>Lore wise strongest champ
>Game wise shittest champ
Explain this?
He's got to drink water to stay H Y D R A T E D.
He might be choking from that lost.
>game wise shittiest champ
What did he mean by this?
Afreeca was able to get into LCK playoffs last year because Mickey had his TF permabanned (anf also because LirA is sick), CLG reminds me of them (and also that team and current Afreeca's tendency to look clean coming out and then fucking throw)
why do a bunch of "pro players" have to get the faggiest haircuts
To look good for the fan girls.
Why is this thread so dead?
The waifus kidnap them.
Love you anons
>When everyone on your team just fucking SUCKS
everyone's watching lolg vs sog
More like the waifufags aren't posting to keep it alive
If Huhi can continue not throwing he might earn his credit as a top 3 midlaner NA, his champ pool is so diverse. A Sol, Ekko, Vlad, Taliyah, LeBlanc he all looks good on, although he does struggle on Cass and Syndra (and apparently Galio since he won't play it)
Why do you want him be at the top?
Because CLG are /ourguys/
>tfw no slutty fox bf
>Furry fox a trap
im flattered~
I like traps but this is fucking disgusting
Even on an NA team LirA is so fucking good
thats because he has a male bodytype and youre not at that point yet
>lose 1 game because top lane disconnected
>lose the next one because I quit the game before leaving the fountain because my ping was high as shit and my teammates didn't remake
>almost lost my third game because I was disconnected from minute 14 to 27
And that's why I'm stuck in bronze. Why do I keep playing this shitty game?
We might get Game 3.
>tfw they won't rework her into a more interesting champion.
like was saying, CLG is like Afreeca Freecs- dominate game one, especially blue side, then they get loose and just dick around game two, going into a game three full of throws from both sides. Every time, man.
Who won ROX vs. MVP this morning? Hate to see them both doing poorly
More like flattened.
>Quit this game for a week because it's frustrating, boring and a massive waste of time.
>Start playing again.
>It's frustrating, boring and a massive waste of time.
All that assist on that Zilean. Congratz to TSM.
>Maokai 1v1ing a jax with just a RoA
who the fuck said he was weak?
Jax is trash, wow what a surprise.
> Jax with less than 2 items
Wow it's nothing
>jax completes 2 items
>you have no 0 hope to ever fight him for the rest of the game
gee what are powerspikes?
>about to finish off a sick 1v4 quad
>lee kicks and ward hops away
God damnit fuck this god damn piece of shit champion.
>ever dieing to shit champions
if your champ actually loses 1v1s to jax your champ is shit
Those are twinks aren't they? I don't think I can ever bring myself to like them.
yeah, so like a fully feminine face and bodytype would be a trap but a more realistic bodytype with broad shoulders and a chest are twinks
traps are basic faggotry and thats usually as far as it goes if youre straight, if you end up bi then it can go much farther
just gotta be open with yourself and not be afraid of what gets you off even if someone on Veeky Forums calls you a fag
>having to even die to jax to lose
If you don't deal with him he will singlehandedly take your base
just fucking kill him, everything he has is predictable and if you build a QSS he literally cant do anything
If you are buying qss solely because of jax, you've already lost
post em
late xth for breast metal waifu
>build core items
>build a single item to invalidate an enemy teams champion
>turns the game into a 5v4 because the enemy team picked like shit
QSS is literally a free win condition if the enemy team picks dogshit
Oh look, Dardoch is actually doing something this game. It's gonna take a long time to fully integrate him into comms, listen to how off sync he is in sound bytes- he often feels the need to compliment his teammates and is reminded to STFU when they let over a kill
>he still doesn't own STAND BEHIND BRAUM
For shame
>5 keys no chest for 2 weeks
I don't like this meme
Why is sona so big?
Wait, Jarvan is meta? What happened?
W buffs, stoneplate locket combo
>Bought Riven, Vayne, Lee Sin, Fizz, Xayah and Rakan, Ekko, Zed, Lulu and Yasuo before BROM, Ivern and Kled.
You have a fucking mental deficiency. Jesus christ I wouldn't dirty a fucking sewage container with taste that shit.
>that's why you're stuck in bronze
here's a tip on how to get out of bronze- turn on your monitor
More boob to love
twitch (dat) teevee/lahart99
come watch your favorite lolg poster play some nunu on this fags stream~
>implying I play riven, vayne, lee sin, fizz, xayah, rakan, ekko, zed, lulu, or yasuo
>implying I would even play braum, ivern, or kled
I only play cool champions not gay characters with boring personalities
No CLG throws yet?
>Braum and Kled
>Blitz is a legitimate pick/ban in pro play now
What happened to the "Blitz is trash outside of bronze" meme?
He hates our kind, strong man and Confederate Yordle.
>Rework Rek'Sai
>Pros still build her full tank
sasuga riot
Shieldmeta so pros use him and Thresh for the hooks to counter it.
Which skin theme is better?
Championship. Pink don't match Conquest skins.
are the challenger skin lines the most played champs in challenger?
How do I play Nunu?
Just run around like an idiot farming jungle camps and slowing the enemies.
>Hakuho never even finished FotM
Holy shit. Genuinely kill yourself, no one would miss you.
Damn. As a Threshfag, got to respect Aphro to be able to stay alive to the end on that nexus.
Those fans in the audience cracked me up
I wish Pink Lady Mage took commissions
Oh fuck I posted the wrong image. Mods pls be gentle.
like this
also to whoever ThatSquirrelLooksFamiliar is, that MF did suck
shit build, blew her heal trying to dance, and gave up first blood within 1 min of getting to lane, I didnt even get to finish gromp before she died
You got enough Sona porns.
What keystone do you take?
I assumed that because it had the Veeky Forums filename it was the SFW version saved from a /lolg/ thread but it actually wasn't.
I can never have enough Pentakill Sona porns
stoneborn, I dont really play nunu but recently Ive just been playing him since junglers have been pissing me off
stoneborn with cinderhulk and your Q passive give you massive amounts of % health and with the cinderhulk buffs hes just going to get even better, especially with the locket stoneplate thing
Wait it's not just Gameover
They also benched GoldenLUL and Fatt
Holy shit
>Normal games have unplayable because I've accumulated that much normal MMR I'm getting placed against Plat 1/Diamond 5 players
>I can't even climb out of silver solo ranked
This is the image I actually meant to post.
This is what happens when you get too excited of posting your waifu.
>tfw you haven't played LoL in fucking ages
>tfw you want to get back into it but lack the motivation/spare time to do so
Do it for shards and skins.
why are there two active threads?
where did the other (lulu) one even come from?
I don't know. Feels good not being in the pedo thread though.
I just don't understand how they could make such poor decisions as an org
>tfw lulufag ruins yet another fairly created thread
that thread is over 8 hours old. SO it was created and completely forgotten about when the last thread was needed, but lost out. But it wasnt deleted for some reason by the faggot mods