/kfg/ - Killing Floor General

Holy Christian values edition

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M32 + more 40mm rounds that only load into a slower gun is redundant and unsatisfying. Better for M32 to just have a bounty of ammo for itself, while being too heavy to go with the other 40mms onperk.

Oh come on. Let's be fair user. Survivalist has at least one thing going for it.

They can actually do the current weekly challenge.

Even fucking Demo can do it because of the M16

Yeah, but not firebug. For once firebug is actually getting shat on.

And direct RPG hits to the face is actually one of the quickest ways to kill Scrakes in the game.

M16 gets only reload benefits from demo. If that's your focus more than the M203 as demo, you might as well use an offperk weapon, and you might as well say everyone can do the weekly by just grabbing offperks.

what's your favorite zed? mine is the clot, he's pale, bald and angry just like me

I think the design of the gorefiend is actually really cool

user, be honest. Do you own a fidget spinner?

Multiple user

Siren, I love it when she sings.

Is it just me or is monkey scrake a pain in the dick to headshot

>other Zerk steals my Bone Crusher after I die
>won't give it back even after I harass him to the whole next wave
>throws me all his money after, but still won't give it back
>give all his money to everyone else, then leave
Yeah asshole, your 1100 dosh'll totally re-buy my tier 4 weapon. Why do people do this shit.


>go for muh headshot challenge
>team is 2 level 4s who can't aim for shit, a demo, and a firebug

Why you idiots don't do this shit solo?

Need more ammo reserve. Need more nades. Currently suck for both Demo and Commando. And no giving more nades would not make it OP since Commando still cannot do shit against FP and Demo is better off with M79 which is cheaper and does the job better with larger damage and explosion radius
>M4 Shotgun
Reduce weight to 6 so we can carry M4 with AA12/DBS as level 25 Support. Do it you mongoloid nigger at TWI
lower weight to 4. fix the stun you fucking nigger. I don't care if it is "an intended feature"
>Microwave Gun
nigger why my tier 4 gun is absolutely shit against trash zed. The gun is not even that good against big zeds and garbage against trash
still some moar damage
bigger mag you fucking nigger

But considered this is fucking Tripwire, nothing gonna change

Sounds like I got something to try when I get home from work. Always did like the trench gun and flares.

Calm down there Happy Gilmore.

Huh, apparently the crossfire does more damage than literally any other gunslinger weapon, while also having 5 weight, getting good mileage out of fast reloads and actually having a sight.
What are the odds of this getting removed as a cross perk weapon in under a week?

Just do it solo, grind to last wave on whatever perk, switch to sharpshooter, 2 crossfire headshots + 1 railgun headshot, well done you won the challenge.

What M203 needs is grenades with a decent radius. So it can actually feel like an explosive weapon, instead of an explosive themed weapon that you mostly need to get direct hits with.

that could be cool

Crossfire? Tripwire adding more Nerf guns to the game again?

I really wanted Martial Artist so I could get a bow + arrow set.

If horzine modded the rifle part to not be just a pump .223.

kyle, I know you're in here. Go fuck yourself.

My thoughts exactly.

Why'd you post a picture of the crossbow user?

M16-M203 grenade should have the same explosion radius as M79. Right now it is just fucking shitty

>husk about to shoot you
>shoot him first
>he's stunned, with the arrow sticking out of his eye
>one second later, his head blows up, because without martial artist, the bow was instead made a demo/sharp crossperk with explosive tips that actually do head damage since they go off inside the head

>explosive tips that actually do head damage since they go off inside the head

suck my dick ryan

I kinda want the regular zeds back on any maps that aren't Tragic Kingdom. This mystery gorefiend/gorefast meme is getting old.

ohai this thread is back alive

what's new?

I know what you're thinking. Does he have six swords, or only five?

>Kunai as knife
>Smoke bomb that confuses enemies and makes them walk around in circles, smoke is see through for allies OR caltrops that he throws in large area in front of him that forces zeds to walk slowly ala KF, no wiggle waggling here
>Little ninja claws as starting weapon, they do extra damage if you hit enemies from behind
>A blowgun that has poison darts or explosive darts depending on perk for range support
>A kodachi that lets you move faster when using it, trading off damage for speed
>The classic Katana
>Fuck if I know how it'd work, but some pic related would be a dream weapon for the class

>they do extra damage if you hit enemies from behind

>on a horde shooter, a genre about shooting things running straight at you

>a kunai and chain to reel zeds in, and stun them in the process
>or you can zip around the map with it for quick escapes

why is it (and by extension the lever rifle) cross perk anyhow, marksman is precision and was sorely lacking in sidearms, so the single .500 fits, but gunslinger is dual pistols so why give it a rifle?

Presumably so you could actually use the lever actions since you get both skull cracker and elite reload.
Nah it's actually because gunslinger is the only other "sharpshooter" class, in that he really needs to aim for heads to make it worth it, well thats the logic anyway

well that ugly ass skin wasn't worth the trouble but at least I have it
anyone got a shot of the first one, I missed it

>anyone got a shot of the first one
If you play online you'll see people with it all the time. It's the "explosions out the ears" cosmetic.

It's to fit the cowboy theme. Revolvers, lever-actions and a Bowie knife.

What did I do user?

oh you mean that glowing headphone thing? alright I guess I'll live

Is this game dead?

If you guys don't mind I would greatly appreciate any responses to this survey I created


The guys at /kfg/ would like to bring you a brand new map with a significant amount of effort put into this one to make it really stand out. But first we need to narrow down things like the theme and setting of the map to make sure the direction is more focused.

I've left some options open for your own suggestions for map settings. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

If you want to get in on the process of contributing to our map project feel free to join the /kfg/ discord featuring losers who have been here since 2015.

/kfg/ has a critically acclaimed map making history and is responsible for bringing hit maps such as Matt Zaneski's: Nuked, KF-Garage, the map nobody plays any more and KF-Antarctic, the map that actually did generator mechanics properly.

So you give it a skill or passive ability similar to a commandos stalker vision, only the MA skill makes it less likely to be targeted by zeds. Give it a perk that makes it all but invisible to zeds, save for one zed that can make you visible to the rest, the husk and bloat for instance. It might help if I mention that when I think of the MA perk, I think of a true support perk. A perk that debuffs enemies via speed, or applies poisons that slow and damage over time, its main focus isn't to tank zeds like the zerk, but to help the team by controlling the crowds. It's nice to imagine and anyways, it helps dull the pain of disappointment from survivashitter.
I though about that, but couldn't think of whether it be a weapon or a tool. I like your idea if only because it'd be a great way to stop those fidget spinner looking motherfuckers from killing a teammate.


Has anyone asked TWI when we're getting full modding back? They originally said after release.

Shut the fuck up kid

You don't have any proof we said that

>not one but three max level supports in my game
Is there a better feeling?

I don't think it'll come back user, might cut into crate profits.

Well, yoshiro did in a thread about it.

Why am I reminded of Droopy?

>Play one wave of a game and die
>No drop
>Play a full game
>No drop
>Play a second full game
>Emote Crate

Explosive Harpoon Launcher for Demo and Zerk when?

I fucking hate fighting Gorefiends as a Zerk so much.
>catches me in a corner
>blocks all my attacks
>spin ignores my parry
Every encounter with them is just watching as they -80% all my attacks and never lower they're fucking guard unless it's to do their fucking insta-kill 14 minute long spin while I'm trapped in a corner completely unable to do anything because they're blocking everything, as if their 400/150 health wasn't enough already.

Anyone else been having your guy randomly look in a different different direction after swapping weapons? I've had this happen repeatedly now, and the last time ended up up killing me in a clutch moment.

>HoE Crawlers rush me while playing demo
>Too close for a direct hit
>Fire a nade off to the side of them to kill them
>Bounces off a Stalkers skull
>Crawlers are now halfway through my armor

>it's a cheeky demo puts all his C4 on the patriarch episode
patty never even got to heal

Stalker, she makes my dick bigger when I pull it.

It's definitely a thrill to get them planted before he kills someone, that's for sure.

definitely husk even though they are trash


Probably going to end up sperging out, but I wanted to sell my idea.

My map idea is a Gloomy/Forlorn War Torn City, ideally designed as a shoutout to the C&C Tiberian Sun Universe. However, I want the selling point to be Randomly Generated and Evolving Environmental Hazards.

The official map setting/explanation can be a city where Horzine had a lab experimenting with alternative energy using crystals, and things went wrong.The area is now a living minefield with volatile crystals growing in every nook and cranny of the city.

Gameplay wise, the crystals would randomly spawn at choke/holdout points around the map, like ammo crates. It rewards careful kiting and moving around the map, but doesn't punish for camping. The purpose of the crystals would be to give players in a pinch an extra edge/fighting chance. About as helpful as that extra nade or magazine you didn't have, but more reliable than that ammo crate you couldn't find but needed.

In regards to the crystals changing over time. Imagine that the crystals are initially green, shooting or hitting them at that stage would cause them to shatter and emit radiation. The effect would be similar to crawler gas, slightly damaging player and zed alike, obscuring vision, BUT also instantly panic all zeds, even raging ones (like nuke).

Leave them alone for awhile, they grow into blue crystals. Shattering these has a 50/50 chance of either EMPing (derage big zeds temporarily or panic) or freezing zeds. Lower chance for self inflicted harm and generally more helpful crowd control wise.

Leave the blue crystals alone long enough, they grow into their final stage, red crystals with the damage of 1 or 2 TNTs plus knockdown or stun. Higher risk of killing yourself, higher reward of quickly dealing with a group of big zeds that are causing a wipe.

The basic idea is to create environmental hazards that act as a mix and match of different perk grenades. Helpful but not too OP.

>crystals growing
eghh not feeling it
some good ol' red gasoline barrels and liquid nitrogen tanks for me, please

So is the m4 useless? the decreased weight in the last update doesn't really fix its problem of being power creeped by the dp12 and the cheap and powerful DBS

reloads quick as shit, has extremely high damage per shot, and a spread tighter than ur mums cunt

I like using it but ymmv

have another shitty webm

It's good, but AA12+Boomstick is irresistible.
Only way for M4 to stop getting overlooked is for it to become outright overpowered, or weigh 6, allowing AA12+M4+Boomstick. If it gets lightened to 6, it may be a bit too strong, and need some of the buffs over the years revoked.
>spread tighter than ur mums cunt
same as sg500/aa12

I still haven't played 2 since it came out. Has it gotten better? suffered from lag from a shit laptop.

If not I'll got back to playing in the igc server on kf1.

i'd say the game is 80% complete right now

if they add the matriarch and either add self detonating c4 or the 6 shell grenade launcher, then i think the game will finally be better than kf1

I like the M4 because it's pretty.

>6 shell nade launcher
honestly I think they need more than a few demo tweaks to beat kf1 but yeah, at least it's better than "early access" release

Hello I'm here to be curious about things

three max level supports using mic

check mate

I want to be separated from my team, ambushed by a group of stalkers, and forcefully group hugged until all my problems go away

It was prettier when the sight's clear space didn't glow white when in the dark.

Why is zerk so god damn fun? Just grab the kitanana, fund the medic's rifle if there is one, then grab the evis for easy big boy buster, or grab the shield and mace and slap shit around before smashing it into millions of tiny fucking pieces!

I want to see of line of stalkers with callout and execute them with a burst from my ak!

>weld integrity 5%
>[taunt zeds]

I wish pulverizer still hogged the glory.

Back when te pulverizer zerker gods could clutch to save the game by beating a 6man wave by himself after his team wiped.

>nam skins
>wooden stock on the m16
for what purpose

Mexicans are crazy fuckers, but I never did care for the pulverizer desu, it just knocked zeds around and you had to hit them several times to kill it seemed, then again being lower level maybe made it seem that way too. Ironically enough the shield/mace knocks zeds around too, but that fucking bash that turns zeds into a red mist is the tits.

The pulverizer kills trash about as well as the zwei, but unless you crush their heads you don't get any sort of gore as an indication that they've been killed. Would be cool if models could show bludgeoning wounds like compound fractures and deformed body parts.

Who's the dude who's 31+

Why are you here? Tell me about yourself.

That's practically redoing half as much work as the current gore system for a single weapon, it's never going to be a thing.

I mean depends on how in depth they do it
could retool the microwave gun puffing to look like a bloody bruise and parent some jutting bone models to the zed's models, or a simple "injured" movement animation
it's a pipe dream for sure but not that much a pipe dream

I appreciate the idea, and locational damage should ultimately be more focused on in games.

But this is fucking Tripwire! The holiday Siren has a fucking metal torso still. They would see this as "having to redo work they already did" and they won't fucking do that to save their lives. Look at how many weapons still don't have centered sights.

>but this is tripwire
that it is

I... kinda wonder if I'm being stubborn by trying to play a game that I increasingly feel is supported by developers I disagree with. There are other games out there. Fuck, not even games. There are other things I could be doing.

user, I played fucking Warframe for over 1,000 hours. You know what I learned from that? If the developer isn't in tune with your personal frequency of fun autism then you leave them and go be free. Find a new game, a new hobby. It hurts for like, a few days, max. You get the occasional urge to play again, but that's it. Hey, maybe after 6 months the "new" content won't seem so shitty.

Go sailing Anons.

>LMG can only get 113 rounds tops
Why even bother?

75 * 2.5 = 187.5

How is 2 now?

Is tactician better than machine gunner for commando? They both feel so useless as a level 25 skill desu.

Tactician>Machine Gunner unless you need to solo carry.